Religion of Peace

| June 16, 2010

I just came across this little gem in the Daily Mail via Drudge. Seems that the 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment came home from a tour in Afghanistan and the home town had a welcome home parade for them…pretty standard stuff until protestors from MAC (Muslims Against the Crusaders) showed up.

Around 40 members of a group called Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) arrived with inflammatory banners featuring slogans such as ‘Butchers return’ and ‘What are you dying for? £18k’.

As you can imagine, this went over like a fart in church.

They were soon confronted by 100 people, some wearing English Defence League T-shirts, who shouted ‘scum’ and ‘Muslim bombers off our streets’.

…like a REALLY rancid, foul, lingering fart in church…

But violence flared after 200 soldiers from 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment – who lost five men in a recent tour of Afghanistan and had been granted freedom of the borough – marched past thousands of well-wishers.
MAC supporters shouted slogans such as ‘murderers, murderers’ and ‘British troops go to hell’, while the mainly white crowd opposite, some of whom are believed to have been BNP supporters, threw frozen pork sausages and chanted ‘scum’ and ‘Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah?’

Maybe if we just tried to understand….

Category: General Whackos, Protests/Rallies, Terror War

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Robert Chiroux

I grew up in Saudi Arabia and experienced Islam first hand. Islam is a faith who adherents will coexist peacefully until they reach a critical mass at which time the more radical will violently demand the immediate institution of Sharia Law while the moderate remain quiet and await the outcome.

AW1 Tim

I guess it’s fortunate for the islamists that the regiment wasn’t armed. I’m surprised that those assmaggot muslims got away without any injuries.

Certainly wouldn’t be like that if it happened over here.


I love the irony here.

Islamists accusing British soldiers of being Nazis????

Given the history of Islamist/Nazi collaboration, I find that one utterly ridiculous.

Amin al Husseini anyone?

B Woodman

“Religion of Peace” my left testicle. . . .

AW1 Tim

Islam/Nazi connections?

Just to to your favorite search engine of choice and type in two words. “nazi” & “Banna”. Amazing what you’ll find.

here’s one article:

Lance Coolie

I read that article yesterday, I guess some counter portestors actually waited til the formation marched by, then crossed the street and started fighting the MAC insurgents.

Why do I get the feeling that all them little bearded fellers just took their beating like a bitch or ran away to hide behind some poor cop?

Virtual Insanity

“… threw frozen pork sausages ….”

I am wrong, and a racist, because I laughed out loud.

AW1 Tim

Some guy up here in Maine got charged with a hate crime last year, because he opened the door to the local mosque and rolled a pig’s head into it.

ROPMA. These guys need a serious ass-whoopin’ and a note to assimilate or leave.


I wonder how all the liberals in the UK are gonna deal with the Sharia Law coming?

LoneStar Infantry

I cross-trained with the 3rd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment…good soldiers all. Sucks to see these jackholes try to ruin an otherwise happy celebration.

SSG David Medzyk

The Royals Angies should have done a right face, fixed bayonets, and marched toward the sound of the scum.


I think the guys in the picture may be Scientologists, the banner ad directly underneath is for…


They are all just peace loving individuals who are using their right to be utter morons.

Did they think that some of the soldiers, or people who came out to cheer the soldiers would suddenly agree with them? They wanted a fight and sadly didn’t seem to get one.

Maybe next time…