“You prick, you lied to us , you dick”

| June 14, 2010

From the P/Oed Patriot, by way of Gateway Pundit, a video from Lafayette Park yesterday of ANSWER wankers and some Code Pinkers (doing their best to ignore the REALLY UGLY dorks from ANSWER). Apparently, they thought that Obama was serious about getting out of the wars…and now he’s not.

Maybe Obama is just ignoring the ugly people. I searched the crowd three times and didn’t see any IVAW people that I recognized.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink

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Why would a fat chick dress like that?


Answer: Distorted body image…

Casey J Porter

Finally! The create a new chant! I kind of dig it. Plus, he is liar. But he’s a politician, they are all liars.


Thanks Jonn… I needed that. There’s a whole lotta NOT-funny crap going on.


Kinda ghey…


Wow. What’s that crowd, about 20 deep? Oh, but you’re totally making a difference.

I know it’s boring being white and middle class, but wrapping a keffiyeh around your head and spending Sunday lollygagging around DC pretending you’re relevant to the political process doesn’t make you more edgy or interesting, just more retarded.

The guy in the white t-shirt and the scarf he probably bought at A&F kind of looks like Matthis, but then again the slovenly gangly hipster look isn’t hard to come by in this crew.


And the Black Bloc folks with their faces covered (Cue the ominous sound track).

dutch508: It ain’t ghey… er, uh, wait one. I’ll have to think about that, silly yeah.


I agree…totally not ghey. Ghey’s wouldn’t have dressed that poorly and their signs would have been fabulous.