Theologian Keith Olbermann possibly a ri-tard

| June 9, 2010

Seriously guy?

Um, Really?

Love me some Olberman Watch.

Category: Politics

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Operator Dan

Its no secret Olbermann isn’t exactly a intellectual heavyweight. He doesn’t have guests or callers with opposing viewpoints on the show and he doesn’t articulate a lot of his viewpoints in depth. Olbermann’s whole show is based on him calling people whom he disagrees with “idiots”, “stupid”, “racist”, and lets not forgot the “Worst Person in the World” segment. If Rush Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Palin, and Beck called it quits tomorrow this retard would be out of a job.

Old Trooper

Who let him out without supervision, again?

B Woodman

Theologian? The only “spirits” that Olbermann is familiar with are at the Class 6 store.


Easily the second funniest thing I’ve read/seen today.

Larry Sheldon

Sorry? He is about the sorriest waste of perfectly good oxygen I know of.


Keith is the source of global warming with all the hot air he spews

Southern Class

But People, this was one of DouCHE Kieth’s finest performances. Sheesh, Y’all expect him to actually know stuff? His job is to call names, not name names, not anything but to call names of those who have demonstrated that they posess common sense.
Ark of the Covenant- I bet that he knows the difference now. His steam room buddies will snap him with a wet towel for that screw up.


Just goes to show that one can be educated and still as dumb as a bag of hammers.

USMC Steve

He is just garden variety stupid and criminally ignorant. His show will confirm that. The air he uses is wasted.

Balsamic Vinegar

Excellent article, from one Melissa to another! I have never run a marathon, but I have found that different distances (Im running my first 10K in a week!) challenge my training. I know and can appreciate that I will not be the fastest 5K runner anytime soon, but youre right all runners can truly appreciate someone running that distance is just as much a runner as a marathoner. Distance-wise, my IT Band just cant handle a marathon, and Im okay with that. Im just happy to be running again! Thanks for a great article and some much-needed perspective for both runners and non-runners alike.