Is this the worst faked video in the history of propaganda?
I’ve seen more realistic looking shit on Road Runner cartoons. Seriously, you guys need to ramp that shit up a bit, because this looks absurd. When a missile hits a flying object, there is generally some effect it has on the helicopter hovering there.
I half expect the rocket to say “ACME” on it.
UPDATE: I got a tip from my buddy A-Rome who is pretty sure that the same guys that made that video are the peeps in charge of special effects for this:
Category: Politics
That’s a neat trick how the rotating blades of that chopper don’t produce a single bit of downforce, dispersing the “smoke” from that “rocket”. And while we’re at it, that was some rockin’ music there…I’m guess it’s that Taliban pop supergroup the Bestiality Boys?
Wow! Forget AVATAR! This is the next level in Visual Effects!
Sounds like they were all in a big circle jerk around the computer when they made this…..doesn’t Allahua Akbar translate roughly to “I’M C%^MING!!!!!”
Well, they ARE trying to produce this stuff using Windows 3.1 on a 486 computer. Give them a break.
Not to disagree Paul, but a reliable source told me that this was actually made on a TRS-80.
I’ve seen better graphics in Choplifter
That’s nothing.
Remember when they kidnapped a GI Joe doll and tried to pass it off as an American soldier?
That was great.
I had forgotten about that Ben, that is hilarious.
Whadya expect from a bunch of folks who think wiping their asses with their hand is okay, but bacon is unclean?
Birdemic is a hell of a flick. But definitely not for kids – a lot of pixilated violence and “fowl language”.
And a lot of bra and panties shots. Those were hawt.
I’d sooner believe the OPSEC hamster was real than that chopper shot.
I can’t believe Birdemic wasn’t nominated for an Oscar….the acting is top notch…..they made the birds almost believable with their flailing around with coat hangers…. There’s 2:31 I will never get back…
I found out who did the video work for them. Ed Wood.
What is it with arabic jihadi music? Is it that only pre-pubescent boys can get record deals over there?
As an animator I am offended that they didn’t have enough self respect to even do a half ass job on the smoke effect.
Though I will say the voice acting was much more believable.
That’s hilarious… the tail gets hit by a rocket, but the helicopter remains perfectly level while smoke rises- but doesn’t rise any higher than the mountain in the background. CLASSIC.
Hmmm. Operational nav lights. Rear rotor hit to no effect (IRL, that opens the game “spin the chopper”). Damn, those dudes are sure to win the academy award for either best documentary or best special effects for sure.
WOW! do we make tough choppers or what? A direct rocket hit and the chopper dosnt keel over or sink or anything, it just rises a little and keeps on going. Go USA!.
Maybe it’s part of jihadi training to be in denial of the actual consequences of your actions.
This reminds me of one video I saw of an IED not being set off bacuase of civilians were in the way. Obviously a fake!