Mojave Veterans’ Cross stolen

| May 11, 2010

Apparently, sometime Sunday, thieves made their way into the Mojave Desert and stole the 7-foot cross that was at the center of a partially-settled SUpreme Court case, according to CBS2;

The National Park Service says someone cut the metal bolts holding the metal-pipe cross to the top of Sunrise Rock and made off with it Sunday night or before dawn on Monday.

Veterans groups say they’re outraged at what they consider the desecration of a symbol that was erected in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor World War I dead.

So, I guess that’s how the Left will act every time they don’t get their way in the Age of Obama.

Category: Liberals suck

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So what you are saying is not that there isn’t any evidence for a higher power, but that you choose to do no research and disregard what evidence exists (since I’ve provided you with source information,) correct?

Do you know who Philosopher Antony Flew is?


Joey just likes to imagine himself in the crowd of “very smart people standing on each other’s shoulders, testing and agreeing with each other’s findings, and creating empirical models”. See, they have to agree with each other, the mutual hand-job of those great liberal minds. The research has already been done, no need for Joey to do any.


LOL, I figured that out, I was just kinda toying with him. One of the political debate groups I belonged to used to call it ‘twirling the loons’. 🙂


I really wasn’t going to jump in here at all but just can’t resist getting my 2 cents worth in.

Isn’t it amazing that all the years we’ve been a nation, prayers were said in schools, and crosses and other symbols were erected on government property and sure enough, no national religion came of it. Not until the late 70’s and early 80’s did people come from under their rocks to challenge this kind of stuff. Yep, my generation becoming of age and still rebelling against mommy and daddy by taking anything considered “sacred” and pissing all over it. Tee, Hee, this will make them mad! Watch me burn a flag, watch me bitch about a nativity scene at Christmas, watch me bitch about Christmas. The new battle cry of the hopelessly childish, “I’m offended!” I want everyone to stop saying Merry Christmas, IT OFFENDS ME!!! Talk about the hoplessly anal also. I would really like to know how OFFENDED these people really are? Can you not sleep at night thinking about an inocuious cross in a desert somewhere? Can you not make it work? Are you contimplating suicide? Can you no longer make love to your girlfriend, or boyfriend? Ooooh, I’m so offended….offended….offended. What a bunch of friggin’ babies. Your a grain of sand in the Sahara, just like me. Nothing you do or say will remain after you. Nobody gives a shit if your offended or I’m offended. Since when did you begin to believe your special? Too much “self-esteem” from your parents.

“I believe I’ve past the age of consiousness and rightest rage, I found that just surviving is a noble fight. I once believed in causes too, had my pointless point of view, but life goes on no matter who, is wrong or right.” Thank you Billy Joel.


Honor and Courage

someone who cares about Joe

Joe, I believe you said… You wake up every morning waiting for new evidence of God to be present….


If you are 99 and 44% sure (You said)…..I KNOW you believe in him or you would have said 100%. Try tomorrow waking up with a prayer for him to SHOW you evidence…The first evidence you will find is a weight lifted off your chest. (Don’t tell me or anyone it’s not true..if it doesn’t happen to you…get back on your knees and repeat until it does.


Don’t confuse Joe anymore than he allready is. He spent most of the 70s wandering around in the woods. He loves to come here for the attention he gets. I guess it is better to have someone ridicule him than ignore him. For someone who claims to be in their 60s he is pretty naive.


I read a lot of articles on the latest science – I must have missed the one where they proved the discovery of god. Please, please clue me in on that one.

Again, I used to hae a live-and-let-live attitude toward religionists, until they started getting in my face, figuratively speaking. Now, like ants invading thru every crack, they have to be constantly pushed back in order to defend the constitution (I know a lot of you guys and girls are big on that). That’s why the seemingly trivial issue of a cross on gov’t lane in the middle of nowhere is improtant.


Someone who cares about Joe,
You may be well intentioned, I don’t know, but what you are experiencing, the weight being lifted off your chest, it is totally subjective and can just as well be explained in neurological and biochemical terms, and a lot more intelligibly. If you are sincere, you and I probably actually agree with each other on a lot of moral principles, we just get there from totally different directions. Unfortunately, along with some good rules to live by, your religion carries a lot of irrational baggage. I would suggest trying to recreate that same feeling, just without all the magic and mumbo-jumbo.


Well if you were as deep into the question of whether or not there is a ‘god’ as you try to portray, you would definitely know who Flew is. My work on this subject is done, lol.



Yeah, I looked up Flew. He is one more intelligent design supporter, and there is not enough time or space to refute their worthless ideology. They failed with creationism, so they changed the name to first, creation science (an oxymoron if ever there was one); when they got laughed out of the debate, they tried the moniker intelligent design. Whatever name it goes by, its’ nonsense. There is a reason legitimate scientists won’t even enter into a discussion with these wingnuts – it might give them credibility.

I will say, back a few years there were a few ID adherents that took a mathematical approach, trying to demonstrate that with the earth being 4.5 billion years old, and with supposed mutation rate of DNA being what it is, there was not enough time to generate the complexity seen in the modern world. It was a nice try. But now with what we are learning about “junk DNA”, microsatellites, epigenitics, etc., that argument has been put to rest – with empirical evidence.