A well-deserved salute to Mr. Doug Sterner

| May 10, 2010


Just A Grunt sent us a link to a Washington Post story about Mr. Doug Sterner. Some of you who hung around here this weekend might recognize his name as one of our commenters.

At times, the database has been his only job, and an unpaid one at that. He’s fallen behind on rent and bills. Friends have urged him to slow down. But he continues, driven by a desire to prevent “the real heroes” from “being lost to history.”

In 2008, the Military Times bought Sterner’s database for $250,000, allowing him to devote himself mainly to the project. His list is so comprehensive that FBI agents routinely rely on him. “He would be my first source to go to,” Cottone said. “He’s invaluable.”

While we’ve never met, Mr. Sterner and I have shared some email communications. Like the good folks at POW Net, Mr. Sterner has been in the shadows of some of our phony soldiers stories. I’m sure he’s a bit embarrassed by the Washington Post article, humble guy that he is, but he’s probably one of the most important people in the battle against fakes and phonies. Mr. Sterner practically wrote the Stolen Valor Act and created the Home of Heroes database.

Every time his name pops up in my inbox, I’m humbled by the thought that such a fine veteran and American bothers to read our humble blog. Last week I almost went weak in my knees when a reporter told me that Mr. Sterner had recommended This Ain’t Hell and our research to him.

Thanks to Just A Grunt for providing us at TAH with this opportunity to thank Mr. Sterner for his difficult and selfless labors.

Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers

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I, too, would like to thank J-A-G for bringing this to our attention. I would like to put out a big thank you to Mr. Sterner for his efforts on behalf of all Veterans. Well done, Sir!

AW1 Tim

BZ, Mr. Sterner, and thanks for what you’ve accomplished!


Not sure if you are aware of this or not, but after reading your blog perhaps you should be:

Tales of fame.. A local poser.


Sorry the link is wrong:
Tales of fame… A local poser. Is the correct link to the story.


Man it’s really Monday aint it…Gat do sh** right!

I think you have to have an account to view the story so I’ll post a small blurb:

It was Memorial Day 2008 when Carmine “Bud” Cannarella’s résumé of military heroism and distinguished degrees began to unravel.

That night, the self-professed doctor, Army general and son of a New York mob boss found his girlfriend dead in the hot tub at his Big Bear Lake cabin. The coroner ruled Colleen Larsen accidentally overdosed on prescription drugs.

Although authorities never implicated Cannarella, something about him didn’t sit well with Larsen’s sister.

Basically it’s coming out that he posed as a very successful military man and it turns out he never did sh**….Sad really sad.

Doug Sterner

Thanks for kind words all, but I can honestly say I don’t deserve all the attention. Chuck and Mary have been doing this important work far longer than I, and I am always amazed at their dedication and perseverance. As for my own work on a database, it would never be possible were it not for great and dedicated men like the late Colonel Albert Gleim who spent his life hand-writing lists of award recipients for years, or Marine Corps Historian Jane Blakeney, and the many friends out there like Erich Anderson, Mike Fishbaugh, and hundreds of others. I’ve always said getting anything done requires TEAMWORK, and anything I’ve been able to achieve is possible only because of the great efforts of those who preceeded me and the many today who continue to help. This important Blog is a part of that team and I salute you. Keep up the good work.


I’m familiar with Home of Heroes. It’s a great site. Our hats are off to you, Doug!


Thanks Doug for all you have done and continue to do. From a 1stCav RVN vet who may have crossed paths with you.

B 2/5th & D 1/12th


Doug Sterner is doing a much much needed service for all of our troopers who serve in the military and who care about honor and integrity as well . I’m glad that there is more than one person other than Burkett who is uncovering phonies here .I’ve met up with my share of bigmouths who made more than a few claims as to what they did in the service . Only one fooled me for any length of time , the others failed outright . I’d like to get in contact with him so I can find one specific individual .