It’s official: Think Progress has no sense of humor

| April 18, 2010

Last night, this bit of nimroddery appeared on the pages of Think Progress, announcing that Limbaugh said that God caused that volcano to erupt in reaction to the Health Care Reform bill;

Yesterday, hate radio host Rush Limbaugh talked about the volcanic eruption that’s affecting air travel over much of Europe, saying it was “God speaking” in response to the passage of health care:

You know, a couple of days after the health care bill had been signed into law Obama ran around all over the country saying, “Hey, you know, I’m looking around. The earth hadn’t opened up. There’s no Armageddon out there. The birds are still chirping.” I think the earth has opened up. God may have replied. This volcano in Iceland has grounded more airplanes — airspace has more affected — than even after 9/11 because of this plume, because of this ash cloud over Northern and Western Europe. At the Paris airport they’re telling people to head to the train station to catch trains out of France, and when people get to the train station they’re telling people, “There aren’t any seats until at least April 22nd,” basically a week from now. It’s got everybody in a shutdown. Earth has opened up. I don’t know whether it’s a rebirth or Armageddon. Hopefully it’s a rebirth, God speaking.

Clearly, Limbaugh was being facetious in regards to the Obama remark. But it went right over the head of the Think Progress crowd who is more than willing to accept that Limbaigh is a religious fruitcake.

I didn’t see Think Progress go after the yahoo who said that the earthquake in Haiti was the result of global warming – an equally fruity premise, blaming everything on the superstition known as climate change.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Or snow causing unemployment numbers to change!!! (WTF?)

You know whether one dislikes Rush, Beck or Hannity and aside from their opinions, I have yet to see these loser libs point out any factual misrepresentations from any of these men. The libs just continue to suffer LDS,GDS,and HDS because they must have *something* to bitch about even though they *won*…

To that I say…Please, just spare me because it would suck to be them.


The earth indeed “opened up”. It’s a prima facie slap in the face to anyone who would say otherwise.
It appears that God has a sense of humor, too!

richard mcenroe

Hell, the clouds open in every city Al Gore visits and HE still doesn’t get it…


Obama stuck his foot in his mouth, and Rush shoved it down his throat. I the folks at Think Progress had any brains, they’d have just let that one pass.


Actually, the headline ought to be “The Left Has No Sense of Humor”.
Valerie’s right, the Pres must be suffering a severe bout of Athlete’s Mouth, about now.


It never ceases to amaze me these basically weekly faux outrages by some leftist group like Think Progress or Media Matters over Rush Limbaugh—and the number of morons who never themselves actually listen to his show, yet are outrageously outraged by obvious sarcasm to those who aren’t brain dead.


Well, since the majority of Rushie’s dittoheads don’t believe in plate tectonics, since that would imply the earth is older than 6,000 years and did not start with the Garden of Eden, it’s hard to tell if he’s being serious or not. He’s just taking a page from Pat Robertson’s book – you know, Haiti’s earth quake due to a pact with satan, Orlando due for a hurricane ‘cuz of Disney’s “gay day”, god rejecting Dover, Penn. for not teaching creationism, Hurricane Katrina divine punishment for abortions, etc. A few of you TAH guys may be somewhat rational, but the folks you’re in bed with definitely aren’t…..


So, once again, Joe gets Internet therapy hour over at the Home for the Chronically Dumbass and Insane. How’s the new meds kicking in, son?


Joe is an indication of what happens when a loon is allowed to wander away from the asylum without a chaperone.