Late Sunday Night Funny

| April 19, 2010

At least it is Sunday here. I was not going to post this weekend but this is too good to pass up.

I have been following posts on the Rag Blog that led to John posting this one.

I got a chance to read what the author’s thought on both sites, some standard replies but nothing out of the norm. Then comes this guy, Brother Jonah

He does not waste a letter to start off the crazy.

Then there’s the Kurd Shepherd blown away along with his flock because a U.S. Air Force Pilot couldn’t tell the difference between sheep and people. Bush, a master Liar from the depths of Hell, claims that every such incident occurred only whenthe aircraft were targeted. This happened in the Northern No-Fly Zone (Kurdistan) before the Invasi… oops “Liberation”.

Ok, besides were is the proof, I have to ask where did this come from?

Lets not forget the sinister motives.

I suspect the reason you challenge her story is by your own admission you do a lot of challenging of anybody who speaks or writes against the war. The Anti-War movement are by necessity volunteers, no corporate or government sponsors.

Or this one.

We’re not the ones killing people based on lies. That leaves a much higher burden of proof on the Pentagon apologists. Prove you’re not an Agent Provocateur or that any of the “discredited” stories you claim to be debunked are both fake AND not from a Pentagon source.

This one I was not even sure how to reply to this one.

Then there’s the notion that the Pentagon plants fake veterans in organizations like VVAW and IVAW in order to “expose” them, and all the ChickenHawks crow really loudly that they’ve “disproved” the Anti-War Veterans.

So all of those people that have been outed in the IVAW as fakes are really just infiltrators.

It goes on and on like that for two post, but the thing that I got offended about was him trying to tell me how Texans act. I was born and raised in Texas, living there for over 25 years.

By the way, people in Texas DO talk to strangers. It’s something you’d have to experience.

Really? I mean seriously?

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Terror War

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