Protesters worry about “Brown Note”
Ray sends this article from Fox News. It seems the planned deployment of an infrasound weapon at the political conventions this year;
Political activists planning protest rallies at the upcoming Democratic Convention in Denver have their stomachs in knots over a rumor about a crowd control weapon – known as the “crap cannon” – that might be unleashed against them.
Also called “Brown Note,” it is believed to be an infrasound frequency that debilitates a person by making them defecate involuntarily.
Mark Cohen, co-founder of Re-create 68, an alliance of local activists working for the protection of first amendment rights, said he believes this could be deployed at the convention in August to subdue crowds.
Of course, the drama queens of the Left think a relatively passive weapon is unfair;
“I think these weapons were mostly intended for military use and so their use for dealing with innocent protesters seems highly inappropriate,” he said. “The idea that they might be field testing them on people who are doing nothing more than exercising their first amendment rights is disturbing.”
Yeah, I’m sure the police are going to just pick somebody minding their own business and make them crap their pants just for fun (I probably would, but I doubt the police would).
The article highlights the fact that a person can avoid the discomfort experienced from the weapon’s use by moving away from the source. But I guess that’s unfair, too.
This weapon seems especially dangerous to use around the Left since the only reason they’re Leftists is that they’re full of crap. The use of the weapon around the Left could result in serious injuries of “Family Guy” proportions.
And the event would forever be known as “Defecate 68”.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics
It will hard to meassure the effect of such a non-leathl weapon on those old hippies and the New Left. They smell that way to begin with.
Just think about it, there will be a tsunami of liberal ideas in the streets of Denver…..eewwwww.
Denver is in the wrong region for a tsunami. A pyroclastic flow, on the other hand, is much more believable.
Is this the same Brown Note that was debunked on Myth Busters? They did something on that order a while back, but typical of me and tv, I was doing a dozen things while it was on and missed half of the show.
I hate to be that guy, but Cartman proved it was a fact on Southpark.
I can just imagine the expressions on the faces of a wall of Black Bloc Howdy-Doodies being stopped dead in their tracks by a battery of crap cannons…
Considering the age of those elderly hippies, this could be better for them than brown fiber or the brown acid.
They’ll be demanding that universal health care pay for daily treatments of Brown Note therapy.
Lets see… gas mask, bullhorn, pointless signs, pampers… Yep I’m ready to go to Denver. LOL