Spit it out, Barry (Updated)

| June 10, 2008

If George Bush did this, it’d be on every news channel running in a loop;

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But he didn’t. What’s missing from the video is what he said right after this sputtering “I’ve been up for 48 hours”, so the poor baby who wants to lead the entire free world needs a nap and he can’t stay on message.

 Update: Still tired, I suppose, Barack tries to explain his dilemma being a leader who doesn’t want to get his hands dirty (video from Liberty Pundit)

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Jammie Wearing Fool has the transcript;

 “Well, look,” Obama said, “the, the, I mean – first of all I am not vetting my VP search committee for their mortgages, so you’re gong to have to direct —

“But shouldn’t you?” asked Miller.

“Well, no,” Obama said. “It becomes sort of a, um, I mean, this is a game that can be played – everybody, you know, who is tangentially related to our campaign, I think, is going to have a whole host of relationships — I would have to hire the vetter to vet the vetters. I mean, at some point, you know, we just asked people to do their assignments.

Yeah, he’s a regular silver-tongued, smooth-talkin’ messiah. McCain will eat him alive.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Politics

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Don Carl

Bugs Bunny would say “What a maroon” and he’d be wrong. This guy is an intellectual flyweight. What a moron. THIS is our next President?
His administration will make Carter’s look like the age of reason.

Jonn wrote: Heh. Good analogy.

richard wheeler

Should the outcome of this race hinge on oratory skills McCain is doomed.

Mike Dennin

After watching that stellar performance, I don’t know how anyone could possibly reach that conclusion, richard.

This is why John McCain should insist on a freestyle, Town Meeting format in the upcoming presidential debates. As we see here in his Bristol speech, Obama is a stammering idiot without his teleprompter and a carefully prepared and managed script. McCain will absolutely eat Obama’s lunch if he is forced to think on his feet.

richard wheeler

Mike you’re a smart guy but that is the stupidest thing I’ve heard you say.McCain is only marginally better than Bush in his communicative skills and Obama,in large auditoriums or small gatherings is a master.But hey lets wait and see.It should be interesting and the more people engaged in the process the better it is for the young still relatively unknown challenger.He’s looking forword to going up against McCain.

Jonn wrote: I guess you didn’t watch the videos.

richard wheeler

Mike You’ve been in an alternative universe if you believe ol John can out debate Barack.You probably believe Nixon beat Kennedy.

richard wheeler

Jonn I guess you havn’t watched Barack the last 9 months(but as a Repub. why would you?)Enjoy the debates.

Mike Dennin

Good evening, richard –

Now that I have a beer in front of me, I’m going to have to ask you to stop trying to make me laugh – this kid can’t even finish a sentence on his own and you act like he’s the second coming of Edmund Burke! Barry’s not a great orator, he’s a second-rate demagogue, so John McCain doesn’t need to be the next Patrick Henry to out-debate his gaffe-prone opponent. I will grant you that your Kennedy-Nixon analogy is interesting, but you’re comparing apples to oranges. Barack Obama is no John Kennedy.

You’re right – we’ll see what happens, but I think Barack Obama may have already exceeded his shelf life – time and exposure have been justifiably cruel to the Pied Piper of Change, which is why he limped across the finish line in Montana with the political wind behind Hillary Clinton’s sails, not his own. Clearly, his act is wearing increasingly thin with the American people. In a year when the Democrats should maul the GOP, this Socialist neophyte may end up costing them the White House. That’s what you get when the party drifts to its Moonbat Left instead of its pragmatic center.

I hope you can refer your friend Barry to a good elocution coach, richard. As we can see from his speech in Bristol, a bullsh*t artist is nothing without one.


richard wheeler

Michael michael By calling Barack Barry and addressing me as richard I’ve lost any desire to debate your pompous B.S.Enjoy the real debates.

Frankly Opinionated

Just stopped by the comments section, and affirmed that the same small drivel is continuing
MIKE- You stopped Little Dick Wheeler cold talking about Barry not having a teleprompter. Barackah is just another “Talking Head”, just like on the local news channel at 6 and 11, not a bit more. Even my grandson can read a teleprompter, as he demonstrated on a school field trip to our local news station. Take away the script, and he is on his ass.
nuf sed

richard wheeler

F.O. What will McCain do without Lieberman whispering the answers in his ear?Maybe your grandson can help him.

Mike Dennin

This just in:
Obama rejects McCain’s offer of conducting 10 townhall debates during the presidential campaign. In response, Barry offered to engage in 1 townhall debate, during the July 4th weekend when no one will be watching.

McCain, Obama fail to agree on town halls
Nedra Pickler
June 13, 2008

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday rejected Republican rival John McCain’s proposal for 10 joint town-hall appearances, offering instead to have just one on the July 4 holiday.
Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said he offered to meet McCain in five joint appearances between now and the Nov. 4 election. But only one of those was a town-hall meeting, plus three traditional debates and an in-depth debate on foreign policy.
The McCain campaign said Obama’s offer was to hold the single town hall on Independence Day — which likely would have resulted in less attention while Americans are on holiday. McCain told reporters traveling with him in New Jersey that was “a very disappointing response.”


A very disappointing, yet entirely predictable response…