Can someone help me with VoteVets logic?

| April 6, 2010

OK, let’s start with their new video, much like their video before that, and the video before that…

OK, IED’s are bad, Check.
Purple Hearts, bad, Check.
EFP’s, REAL BAD, Check.
Made in Iran, Check.
Oil goes up $1, Iran gets $1.5 Billion. I don’t know, but am willing to accept as fact, so Check.
Oil and Enemy, Check.
Break that connection by breaking addiction (to FOREIGN oil) Check.

Answer: Clean energy bill. (WHAT????) Will cut our dependence in half. (Where you getting that?)

You know what would cut our dependence all the way down? Using Chariots.

Here is Soltz on Ed Schultz:

JON SOLTZ, VOTEVETS.ORG: Absolutely, it‘s accurate, Ed. We wouldn‘t put anything out that isn‘t. The United States is the largest oil consumption country in the world. We buy oil through—basically what happens when we buy the oil is it‘s driving the price up. If we cut our production in oil, which the House legislation did, then we lower the price of oil across the board. And then that hurts countries like Iran.

Try to noodle that one through. If we drop supply, the cost will go down. Someone show me that on a supply and demand curve. Go ahead Macro-economists, show me the logic of that statement. If we dump our supply, how the F does the amount of gross funds spent on international oil go down? This can’t possibly be accurate. The only way to lower the cost (and gross proceeds) would be to either a) lower DEMAND, or b) use our own oil to offset the loss of oil imported.

If your family eats 15 bushels of apples every year, and you have 5 trees, how the Fug does chopping down your trees help lower the cost of apples?

Every day VoteVets puts up another poll about Gays in the Military. To them on this issue, the proof is in the polls. OK, fine, reconcile your position with this poll:

Voters support offshore oil drilling more than ever, and most don’t agree with President Obama’s decision to limit where that drilling can be done.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of U.S. voters believe offshore oil drilling should be allowed. Just 12% disagree and oppose such drilling, with another 16% who aren’t sure. This is the highest level of support for drilling found in nearly three years of surveying.

Wind power, solar power, electricity….all good ideas, but none of them is a panacea. And this bill you are pushing will only result in increased costs for oil, which will drive up the cost of every single commodity in the country. And the disparity between the wealthy and the poor will grow. But of course, that is what nanny state supporters VoteVets want, on behalf of their overlords. Mind you, none of this shit helps John Q. Public. Your Ikea furniture, your snuggies, your shake weights, they don’t magically appear on the shelves. And few people ride a big wheel to the store. All those costs go up Jon. And you know who takes it in the shorts for that? Everyone. From the part time employees who will no longer be needed, to the producers of those products on down.

The answer is simple, look at the supply and demand curves, and the sources of the supply. If you want to lower the amount of funds exported to foreign nations, you need to raise the supply produced domestically.

BTW- You guys keep pushing electric cars. Any idea over there how electricity is made?

Power plants make electricity out of other forms of energy. Most electricity in the U.S. today comes from converting the heat energy released from burning fossil fuels–coal, natural gas and oil.

So, let’s engage in some VoteVetsian Logic. VoteVets supports Electricity, Electricity is made from Coal, some veterans are miners, Miners die in Coal Mine cave-ins and explosions, VoteVets supports killing Veterans.

Classless and baseless allegation? Your damn right it is, just like every other posting of yours about how the right wants to kill people.

UPDATE: BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Right after I posted this, VoteVets dicksmith put up a poll that they did with lefty pollster Celinda Lake. I hurt my back pretty bad this weekend, so am going home to rest, but I will entirely fisk this piece of shit poll in the near future. If you get a chance, go read the sample and look at the poll questions. It is essentially a push poll, even leading the answers with statements in the question like: Now let me read you some things that some people believe will happen if comprehensive clean energy and climate reform is passed.

Absolutely ridiculous. And check this out:

Telephone numbers for the sample were generated randomly from a military sample and a radius sample drawn from military bases in the United States.

Pray tell how that “military sample” was generated….wasn’t from VoteVets members by any chance was it?

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Let’s not forget the fact that oil is now going up to $87/bbl today, partially on a weaker dollar, but also partially because the guys who deal with domestic oil production know that Obama’s “opening” of “new areas” last week was total and utter bullshit.


TSO, dude, don’t get your brainwaves all whipped up trying to figure out the type of logic that Soltz and Vote Vets use, because what they call logic, we call a very long stretch of imagination. There are several ways to lower the price of oil, the quickest way is to open up drilling. Yeah, the argument is “the benefit of opening drilling today won’t come for 5-10 years”, and to that I say; wanna bet? Just mentioning that offshore drilling was going to open, under Bush, saw oil drop like a fricken rock. Under Obama….not so much, because Obama made it very restrictive and more cost prohibitive than anything else, so no one is going to buy that line. As for oil getting cheaper if we drill our own……..oil is a commodity that is traded on a world market, which means our oil would be mixed in with everyone elses. The only thing it will do is add more to the market, which will drive down the price. Can we target who we get our oil from??? I think we can, but I don’t know for sure. What I do know for sure is that no one was bitching about oil company profits back when oil was at $20 a barrel, but once it started going up a couple years ago, there have been all these people blaming the oil companies for obscene profits, etc. Most of that whining came from Pelosi and Reid and their ilk. Funny how non-business types are the first to complain about something that involves commerce. It never occurred to them that the oil companies not only pump the oil out of the ground, but in many cases either own the oil well or have leased it, so when the price of oil goes up, so do their profits. What they make on a gallon of gas is less than what the government makes on a gallon of gas in the form of taxes. The average profit on a gallon of gas is 6 cents. The government gets 24 cents per gallon in taxes;… Read more »


I have a great idea to reduce the price of oil! Let’s find a country with massive oil deposits that are seriously underutilized. One that poses a serious regional threat, with a regime that has a past history of very nasty behavior. You know, invading neighbors, using chemical weapons, pursuing nukes, etc… Ideally this country would have several long standing, unenforced UN Resolutions against it that required US enforcement so we already have a support structure for our troops in place. Then we could help the people of that country form a solid, stable, democratic and more pro-American government. I mean it wouldn’t be easy, by any means. It might take seven or eight years to reduce internal violence, what with all the local anti-American powers working so hard to prevent it. But I’ll bet on our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen anytime. They never quit. I’ll bet that countries new government, once stable would begin to exploit those oil reserves to the fullest to make up for so much lost time. Why they might even increase production to almost the same level as Saudi Arabia! That would be an increase in world oil supplies of 10, maybe even 20 percent (just a guess). That would bring down the price of oil sister! That would be a real dagger to the heart of regimes in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. And what a boon to the US economy, we sure could use an increase in the world oil supplies about now, hell even if it took five years or so, it would be awesome. Why I bet that soon that country’s bonds would even be considered a better investment than California’s! Hell, it even has the benefit of being the right and moral thing to do. Now THAT would be real strategery! You would have to be a complete and total imbecile to not see the advantages of this idea. Either that or some kind of traitorous bastard that wanted his country to collapse and hated his fellow citizens. But we don’t have anyone like that around after… Read more »


Watching libs trying to reconcile the “Opening more drilling won’t help anything for a decade!!1!” and “Oil prices are controlled by the evil, ultra-rich speculators!!” claims can be quite amusing. Only “can be”, unfortunately, since many of them can’t even grasp the conflict there.


War sucks, but hairbrained liberal policies can help… call your legislator and demand they indulge whatever left/liberal agenda fantasies they have!


I’m even more confused. WTH is this clown doing shooting off his mouth about energy? What’s that got to do with Voting for Vets?

As he has shown, figures don’t lie, but liars figure. Mission creep can be a bitch, in either the military OR the political world.

Stick to what you know. Let the adults figure out the rest of it.

Frankly Opinionated

I quit reading when he said that less production would drop prices.
Rationalize a hippie. war coward, groups rhetoric? Now that is an exercise in futility.

Nuf Sed


This just in!!!Dicksmith fails Economics 101. By cutting the supply of a product, you drive down the price of said product? Thanks for beclowning yourself there, Dicksmith. What a maroon, what a doofus.
But, I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that Ed Sgt Schultz didn’t call him on that massive dose of ignorance. Well, no I’m not.

AW1 Tim

Of course, if we severely curtailed our imports of oil, our two neighbors, Canada and Mexico would have serious economic problems. After all, more than 60% of the oil we import comes from Canada and Mexico. In fact, our 5 top importers are Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela, in that order. We only import oil from 3 Middle eastern nations: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. Our total combined imports from those three countries, as of Dec 2009, were about 5/8 of what we import from Canada.
To put it more starkly, the 3 ME importers had 1371 (thousand) barrels/day, compared to Canada, Mexico, Nigeria and Venezuela who sent us 4906(thousand) barrel/day. The remaining 8 nations we import from account for 1456(thousand) barrels/day.
That gives us a total of 1371(thousand) barrels/day from the middle eat, out of 6961 total imports/day.
In other words, slightly more than 19% of our oil comes from the Middle East.
Kinda deflates that whole “blood for oil” meme these idots keep tossing around.
More here:

Junior AG

“You guys keep pushing electric cars.” And they never admit to the elephant in the room that comes with electric cars, how toxic it is to manufacture and dispose of the batteries required to run them… The lithium ones are the cleanest, but lithium is getting harder to obtain.

Ellie Light

What is disturbing is that our education system could produce so many who lack the basics of understanding and common sense.


This is your brain on far-left bullsh*t!


As a guy who works in the utility industry and has a ever-so-slightly-above-average knowledge of how the electrical grid system works, it never ceases to amaze me how much so-called “experts” talk out their asses.


[…] Can someone help me with VoteVets logic? […]