Ringo meets the protesters

| March 22, 2010

There’s a special brand of crazy in LA and it takes a special guy to record the images. That’s why we welcome Ringo the Gringo into the TAH fold. He took some pictures of the protest last Saturday and these provide a nice a contrast to the supposed racial slurs in DC that were a topic of conversation this weekend. When he finishes his post, I’ll add his link.






Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Protests/Rallies

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AW1 Tim

California=Granola: Nothing but fruits, flakes and nuts.


is that Jimbo with the upside down flag?


TSO said: is that Jimbo with the upside down flag?

Dang dude; I think I hurt myself.

Casey J Porter

Geez, all kinds of love and tolerance in those pictures. Got any more?


Aha, there’s a thing I missed that UJ caught.

It does look more like CV. It figures too.

Old Trooper

I have nothing to say about a gaggle of pond scum associating together.


And people wonder why I left.


Now what that first sign should have said was

Warning, Communism=Mandatory Military Service+Militarization of the entire nation+International Interventionism.

Granted, I don’t think Nazis and Communists have been this buddy buddy since the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement.


Personally, had I been anywhere near Hollywierd Blvd., there would have been one poof who would have gotten a first-hand demonstration of just how much “domestic violence” one can inflict upon a sign-waving douchenozzle.


I agree with the free abortion on demand sign. I say we offer these harpies mothers a free abortion in the 200th trimester.


Damn! and me without my suicide vest. Just walk up, smile, and pull the little string right in the middle of them. Hypothetically speaking of course. Not looking to hurt myself or anything.


Reporters will troll through tea parties looking for the slightest hint of racist intent. They yearn for the gotcha moment, and when they find it–which they eventually will–they put it on the 24 hour news cycle.

I crashed the NYC protests at the 2004 RNC convention with a organization called Protest Warrior. There were a hundred of us conservative counterdemonstators and (I think) 200,000 moonbats. It was INTENSE!

Radical leftists and general lunatics (like those pictured in this post) abounded. It wasn’t hard to find them. In fact, it was hard to avoid them. These psychos were doing all sorts of things that would have repulsed middle America and lost them popular support, if middle-of-the-road suburban housewives had seen them on TV. Their message was lewd, profane, conspiritorial, threatening, hateful, anti-semetic, and anti-American.

Middle-of-the-road suburabn housewives never saw them on TV, of course. Funny, only the more respectable, well-dressed, non-communist liberal Democrats made it on the evening news. Not the psyhco “Fags against Bush” guy in hot-pink heels, dragging the American flag on the ground behind him. Not the guy waving the hammer and sickle and babbling about America invading Afghanistan to build a gas pipeline.

Repeat after me: “There is no liberal media bias, there is no liberal media bias”.


I wonder if there were any Paul-bots at this demonstration in LA? They’re usually the most psychotic.


Ben–ten’ll get you twenty that the guy in the bottom pic is a Paulbot.

AW1 Tim

Ben… we used your tactics up here in Maine against the moonbats and ANSWER pukes. I signed up with Protest Warrior when I first saw the website. GREAT posters to download.

Those guys gave me many a lesson, and some great counter-insurgency ideas which have paid off over the years.



These are the folk (beside assorted elected Democrats) who actually wanted healthcare reform, probabaly all of ’em.


Protest Warriors Rock. I was in DC for the first Moonbat crap with GOE and The Warriors gave more than they got.

Cedo Alteram

Protest warrior is awesome. I remember for a few years they seemed to be all over the place. Though it may be that I haven’t been paying attention or been to their site in awhile.


I see the LaRouchePAC Obama is a Nazi sign, proving that some crazy is neither left nor right.

Old Tanker

Surgeon Generals Asshat’s Warning:

Enlisting in the military Watching barking moonbats carry silly protest signs increases the risk of stress, alchoholism, domestic violence, (against said barking moonbats)and the rape (of hairy hippie chics? not likely) and killing of civilians (if they’re barking moonbats……that’s tempting….)


Here are some of my favorite Paulbots:


And this guy, well…at least you know where he stands:


B Woodman

(Ref top pic)
Just shows that these Libtards have no education or intelligance. He’s dissing the very otganization that’s out front protecting his sorry scrawny ass & allowing him to say such things without being arrested, jailed & shot.

Idiots all.

Ringo the Gringo

I finally did get the rest of my pictures posted. You see them here:


There a lot of ’em.


Old Tanker

Ringo, great pictures……even the chemtrail nutters were there!

Ringo the Gringo

The chemtrail nutters even had a booth, and the two people sitting at it were wearing particle masks.

Most notable was the number of “truthers”, I’ve never seen so many. The place was lousy with them. I’m afraid the “truther movement” is actually growing.