Hastings: There Are No Rules Here … We Make Them Up As We Go Along

| March 21, 2010

Ponsdorf sent me this link when I got home last night about the charge that some of the folks at the Code Red rally yesterday called disparaging names at some Black Congressmen and Barney Franks. Like I told ponsdorf, do I think some of the people on the right would call names at Congressmen? Absolutely. Do I think that Rangel and Lewis would make this up? Definitely. So everyone will take what they want from this story. I just think it’s damn funny that no media cameras caught it.

But if anyone is wondering why the hate was pouring out on the Hill yesterday, they only need to watch this video of Alcee Hastings telling us how him and the Democrats will just make up stuff to get healthcare through Congress.

Added: As far as John Lewis’ claims, here’s a video of him walking by the protesters who were supposed to be calling him names (found at Dana’s Show). Yeah, I don’t hear it;

And Think Progress is trying to scare the leftists because of a sign that threatens gun violence.
Code Red Gun Threat

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck

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Here’s another video for you:


Hmmmm…maybe if you play the video backwards you can hear the “bad words”…

Ya gotta love a political party that embraces an impeached federal judge.

Ringo the Gringo

At the anti-war demonstration I went to yesterday in LA I heard people on stage declare that Amerca’s real enemies are in the White House and in the corporate board rooms. I saw a man with a sign that said “Spay and neuter all filthy Jews” and another with a sign that accused Jews of ritual cannibalism. I saw hundreds of people with signs accusing our own government of responsibility for 9/11. And I saw countless people holding banners in support of Communist and Socialist revolution in the United States. I even saw a massive banner of Obama with a Hitler mustache – the same banner that they keep associating with tea parties. And I saw people dressed up as caricatures of President Obama, with exaggerated features….And I have pictures and video to prove what I saw…Yet the news media never seems to find any of these things offensive enough to report when it’s done by people on the Left.

I will try to have my pictures posted this evening if anyone is interested in seeing them.


Please do post them, Ringo. Maybe we can pass them on and get some of the truth about these people out there.


Jonn, I’m shocked! SHOCKED! I tell you. How could you even suggest that any of these fine upstanding saint like public servants would exagerate about something as inflamitory as rasist comments being yelled at them by people who disagree with them? Why… I’m sure they would rather bite out their own tongue before speaking an untruth and….

Wait… sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Oh, great, so ALL healthcare should be like the VA because of this? (Damn left/libtard Democrats… )


I like my VA. Audie Murphy in San Antonio.


You forgot to mention the Teabagger arrested by Capitol Police for spitting on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver. Whoops.


Really, and who might that be, Julia? Got anything on that?

Nah, didn’t think so.


Julia I gotta tell you that they couldn’t have picked a better douche to spit on.


Time to blow the fucking bridge and “Go Galt.”


Well… BOHICA now.


“Go Galt”…Isn’t that cute…he-he…


Alles klar, herr Komissar! Lenin said something about the ends justifying the means, too.


Carla, you have to be kidding right? While AuDie Murphy is better than most VA facilities, the hoops you have to jump through and the fact that you have to take your appointment at the times that best fits them make it a nightmare to deal with. I get my care there too, only because I am at UTSA and don’t have the time to drive to BAMC.


Suck it, Debra. I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight. We just lost a HUGE chunk of our freedom with this quantum leap towards socialism, and if you want to play cutesy games, go somewhere else. If you had the first fucking clue of how this will affect the average person, you wouldn’t be so snarky right now.

Frankly Opinionated

Define Teabagger as you know it. Been watching Kief Olbermann? A Teabagger, I am told, is a faggot who plays with his lovers nutsack as he fellates him. If one of these “Teabaggers” did spit on anyone, deserving or not, the victim ought to be tested for HIV/AIDS.
But, a patriot who is thoroughly pissed off with the drive toward socialism that the liberal left, (spell that Democrat), is insisting on bringing to America is a “TEA PARTIER”.
Again, a “Teabagger” is like, uh, you know, thst wierd little cousin of yours.

Nuf Sed


Hey, guess what?! The bill sticks it to military and VA healthcare in favor of spreading the wealth around… hope you like getting hit in Afghanistan and then rationing of care.


So, Julia, if the Capital Police indeed, arrested someone for assault on a Federal official, and that’s what spitting on a congressman is, how come no name has been released? No pictures? It wouldn’t be up to Rep. Cleaver to press charges, the Capital Police would. So, where’s the statement from our esteemed AG, where’s the presser announcing that this type of behavior can’t be tolerated? And, I’m sure you didn’t watch any of the video released, so where are the video, or pictures, or even audio of the alleged name-calling and spitting?
And, if you’re ok with using the “teabagger” term, does that mean you’d be equally ok with anyone using the “c” word to describe you? Or using the “n” word? After all, you seem to be all about derogatory terms, right?