Vote for Barry or Enlist!
Little Green Footballs has this bit of lunacy from the Daily Kos.
If you’re going to help McCain get elected, you need to take responsibility for your actions. This election is bigger than you. It’s bigger than Barack Obama. It’s bigger than Hillary Clinton. Lives will be saved or lost depending on who is elected in November, and if you’re going to willfully help prolong the war, it’s time to do the honorable thing and enlist.
Click here to locate a U.S. Army recruiter in your area.
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to get election results from Baghdad, and you’ll still be able to “sit this one out” under the comfort of a mortar attack. And yes, I’m sure hearing about an Obama defeat will seem all the more sweet when you’re laying in the choking aftermath of an IED explosion with a piece of half-melted plastic burning a hole into your intestines. I’m sure you’ll be comforted by the knowledge that history had no place for President Obama when you’re staring at the empty space where your leg used to be. And certainly, I’m sure the crippling terror of post-traumatic stress disorder will be nowhere as severe as the disingenuous “concern” you’ll suffer over debunked Rezko conspiracy theories and the excited ramblings of a liberation theologian.
I won’t go into the FACT that Barry is tied very closely both personally and financially to Rezko who is in fact about to go to jail for being a crook and a conman who stole millions from Barry’s inner city constituents.
Nor will I start with Barry’s piss poor judgment for sitting on his pathetic ass for over 20 years listening to “excited ramblings” like GOD DAMN AMERICA!
But let’s look at the whole “Vote Barry or Enlist” alarm. I guess the idea is that if you vote for anyone other than the Messiah you should enlist or forever be a hypocrite.
Well dumb ass, if you love Barry so much, you might want to help him achieve one of his objectives.
From Barry’s website:
Expand the Military: We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces, adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines.
So, what’s it going to be numb-nuts? Planning to follow the Messiah’s stated goal? Of course you aren’t, you POS. You don’t have the courage to help Barry and his big “Change”.
That’s okay though; see the Democrats have thought of the lack of personal courage among their many followers. So, they are going to draft your sorry ass!
– Press Release from Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY)
FEB – 2006
The bill would mandate military service for men and women between the ages of 18 and 42. Deferments would be allowed only for completion of high school up to the age of 20, and for reasons of health, conscience or religious belief. Recruits not needed by the military in any given year would be required to perform some national civilian service.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
If I understand this correctly, the idea is that anyone who does not want to vote for Obama should immediately enlist in the Army? Would the marines be equally acceptable? Good.
Now it may not be a perfect-fit syllogism, but it stands to reason that such reasoning, anyone who has enlisted or ever served in the military ought to vote against Obama. I’m comfortable with that.
Rurik: It’s hard to get me excited about the lack of reasoning above from the Kos kids.
Jonn: What about us old farts that might support McCain? Hrmm… I’ll go visit my local recruiter, and when the laughter dies down I’ll take him to lunch and a beer. Reckon that would count?
Thanks, missed checking Charles today.
Cob I believe service in our military is good and noble and like Rangel would support a draft.Dems and Repubs can agree on this.
Richard: You are out of your frigging mind! How many anti-war wackos are Republicans? Hmmm, that would be ZERO! How many are Dems, let’s see, all of them! (This of course includes the Socialists, NAMBLA perverts, GLBT weirdos, and out right Communists).
If you ever supported a draft, you would drummed out of your moron party in a nanosecond!
What a tool.
A draft? Richie, what are you smoking? What in hell about a draft would make our military any better than it is today? And, before you just dream up some socialist answer, bear in mind that I am very aware of just what our military is, has been, and will be. You are a loony!
I doubt the recruiter would let my gray hair in but tomorrow I will take it up with the US Army Rangers that I will be socializing with here on the Redneck Riviera.
nuf sed
Not so A draft with no “status exemptions” i.e.everyone serves at least two years coupled with Webb’s G.I.Bill would get as much Dem. support(see Rangel)as Repub.Whats more its the right thing to do.If McCain and Webbs sons can serve as enlisted Marines so can everyone else.
And you seriously believe that any Dem in the country would support it? Hell, even Rangel voted against his own bill!
It was just a political stunt retard. Apparently you fell for it.
Want to start listing how many socialists, communists, perverts etc are Republicans? Didn’t think so.
If you’re so convinced that a draft will work, click on the link in the original story, find your local recruiter, and enlist! You’ll set a great example for the other moonbats on your block.
(Now, now, I’m not criticizing those that enlist…we wouldn’t have a professional military without them. I’m trying to make a point for Richie and his buds.)
COB, let me know when they start accepting 50-somethings…I’m in.
Snowman I did my 3 years in the Marines and proud of it.How bout you?
Repub perverts.Been to Utah lately?
Sorry Cobb meant Idaho though God knows what we’d find in Utah.
Easy enough to search with any engine for “Rangel Draft Intent” for takes on what a transparent ploy it was.
From Ziggy, in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, not Idaho. Proud home of those who voted MANY times for Gerry Studds (R, MA), noted perv who we re-elected mucho times after he took a male page ( a minor) out of the country on a “fact-finding mission” to one where such was legal. The “fact” that he found was that he LOVED that young male stuff.
Dems hailed his bravery when he turned his back on the house during the censure. This state will friggin’ vote for ANYBODY with a “D” after his name.
OOOOPS, Studds was a Dem, dyslexia of the fingers.
Just proves the libs have few or zero brain cells.. they are incapable of thinking for themselves.
COB6, did you bring this troll (R.W.) with you?
I don’t *blame* you if you did. I was merely wondering where all the Paulian/Obamamaniacs were coming from. Before these idiots showed up, this was a perfectly fine blog. Of course, now that they are HERE, I shall taunt them. I’ve used by best Monty-Pythonest taunts against some earlier trolls, and I will happily use such taunts against them later. I, however, continue to look for “new material.”
Keep posting, COB6. I now review “al-Reuters Odd” (check DrudgeReport) for nonsensical responses to toss in. If anyone has a great site for additional taunts, I’m ALL ears!
A draft is the worst thing that could happen to our highly motivated and professional all volunteer force. It is also NOT something Dems and Republicans can agree on as evidenced by the fate of Rangel’s bill.
Yes, afraid I brought this particular strain of idiocy with me. I think he has a man-crush on me.
509th Bob Don’t blame Cob. After 6 months of reasonably friendly debate he threw me off.I love Monty Python.Would predict Obama will receive approximately 62,000,000 more votes than Ron Paul in O8.McCain should finish quite a bit closer.
Yes well the liberals do love their chickenhawk argument. Sure beats having to debate on the facts.
COB Don’t flatter yourself.I’d never come between you and Hillary.
If Barack or Hillary wins, these Libtards better get there arses to the recruiter. Both have said they are bringing out the Combat Brigades, but leaving trainers and some troops to provide security in Iraq. Good old Barack also said he would attack Pakistan if Osama was located there. Most these Libtards also don’t realize many IRR and retirees like myself volunteered to be activated and have served a tour in Iraq or Afghanistan because we support the war and the administration. II MEF(FWD) OIF 2005-2006.