From the “Can they have their good name back now” Department

| February 18, 2010

Not even a little surprising to me, especially since I have read everything printed on this issue:

Durham police arrested Duke lacrosse accuser Crystal Gale Mangum, 33, late Wednesday after she allegedly assaulted her boyfriend, set his clothes on fire in a bathtub and threatened to stab him.

Authorities charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer.

Love to know how the Lacrosse guys are doing now. I bet they are all doing fairly well, having lived through that nightmare can only toughen someone up.

Was mich nicht umbringt macht mir starker and all that.

Category: Politics

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Shocked, totally shocked. She seemed like such and upstanding young woman.


I’m waiting on an apology from the “Duke 88” any minute now…

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How soon will the DA come out and say she “is guilty” or the Durham police saying, “All we care about is a conviction”?

This is not her first brush as the accused.

“In June 2002, she was arrested on a multitude of charges while working at a topless dance club called Diamond Girls. According to police, she removed a customer’s keys to his taxicab while giving him a lap dance, then stole the taxi while he was in the bathroom. Police chased her at speeds up to 70 miles per hour — frequently in the wrong lane — and when an officer tried to approach her, she barely missed running him over, and struck his patrol car instead. She tried to escape again, but a flat tire ended the second leg of her getaway. Finally in custody, she was found to have a blood-alcohol content of 0.19 (the state limit is 0.08). While being questioned, Mangum passed out and was taken to a hospital.

In the end, Mangum had racked up 10 charges, including driving while impaired, driving with a revoked license (her license has been suspended three times), eluding police, reckless driving, failure to heed a siren and lights, assault on an officer and larceny of a motor vehicle. In 2003, she pleaded guilty to four misdemeanors: larceny, speeding to elude arrest, assault on a government official and DWI.”

H/T to the Ace of Spades Archives.