This is getting really old.

| February 15, 2010

Seems that the people over at Rethink Afghanistan are upset that Brig. Gen. Nicholson said that civilian casualties are going to be unavoidable. Yet by their reaction you would think that the is a open statement that civilian casualties are being viewed as unimportant. Hardly the case that I have seen.

So of course these people jump over it when it does happen. Of course our sources our always wrong and children seem to be be involved. Does not do well since half of the footage used is from Al Jazeera does not make me want to watch anything they say. Also not to mention the fact this news group is the only news group that video taped a Insurgent group in Afghanistan pulling people over at a illegal checkpoint looking for people who voted in the election. Now they want to come off with any sense of concern for the people of Afghanistan.

But that seems not to bother some people.

U.S. forces just fired a “precision munition” that landed 300 yards away from its target, butchering 10 civilians, including 5 children. Stop this war.

DC I respect you but you and your group are dead wrong on this.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy

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Glad to see another post, Sporkmaster.

Re: al-Jazeera – I consume news from sources both inside and outside the U.S. with a healthy dose of skepticism. This is anecdotal, but it seems like when it comes to Afghanistan, AJ is about half a day quicker with their stories and, in the case of the Marjah operation, the U.S. outlest even manage to interview the same people later, and less in-depth. (In one video, U.S. sources even managed to interview the same random refugee at a IDP camp half a day later.) Could you explain a little more about what your concern is re: the checkpoint story?

Man, I gotta tell you…if I were left to deal with only news outlets that don’t occasionally talk out of their behind on Afghanistan stories, I’d be left with Hakim.

Bottom line: regardless of how you feel about whether al-Jazeera actually cares about civilians, I am absolutely concerned about them. If I botched any of the facts, please let me know and I’ll correct them.

Hope you and your fam are well.


I am doing ok. Writing from my phone so my grammer my be off.

The reason that I distrust them is because of that video. Considering what these groups do to those that disobey them, video tapeing them capture these people is revolting to watch. Becase there is a very good chance that these people will be killed in a horrable and painful way. So even if they did not intended it, they made a video that shows what happened to those that challange them and to silence those that would raise thier voice.

Now about the mult info sites, I use google new fuction to get a general view. Now about this case what I am suggesting is we wait untial we find out all the facts first. For example the missile strike that in Gaza that killed two Hamas members that turned out to be a bomb maker being killed by his own creation. Hamas did not publish it because the men were part of a splinter group.

Also I never doubt your honesty or motives. Just disagreed with your methods. My biggest concern is that once we leave that not only be worse for them, but people will not care about them. You think that the let down over President Obama? Just wait when people start asking questions when things in Afghastan really go south. It will take more then having people join a facebook to fix this.

It is just pure frustratiin.

On a ligher note,hope your doing ok. Oh if you wanted anything from alaska I can try to send it to you.