So? What’s your point?

| February 12, 2010

Headlines at the Washington Post this morning scream 75% back letting gays serve openly. The article goes on to describe the results of an ABC/Washington Post poll;

Three-quarters of Americans say that they support openly gay people serving in the U.S. military, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, a finding that could lend momentum to the Obama administration’s effort to dismantle the policy known as “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

The level of public support for allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly far outpaces that in the spring of 1993, when Congress and the Clinton administration established the policy.

Well, ya know what? I took a poll last night in which 95% of respondents agreed that Washington Post and ABC employees should all stand outside their respective offices naked in a snow bank through the upcoming weekend. All of the respondents were not employees of ABC or the Washington Post and admitted that their position on the issue wouldn’t affect them personally so why should they care? I’ll be anxiously awaiting ABC and Washington Post’s compliance with the results of my poll beginning tomorrow morning.

I fully expect dicksmith to have an anuerism from glee as he posts this story on VoteVets this morning while disregarding any mention that 75% of Americans also approve of keeping Guantanamo open.

Category: Media, Military issues

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I’d love to see this poll’s internals. Probably taken at ghey bars in P-Town, Soho, and West Hollywood.

Old Tanker

So what’s the point indeed….

Hey, I got a swell idea, let’s let public opinion polls drive military policy…..that’s a great idea!


As a military retiree I get a lot of questions about military service from the younger crowd. I now recommend a job/career at McDonalds instead of military service. I wouldn’t serve in the proposed military unless they identify all the gays by placing a red circle on the back of their uniforms.


We’re going to be over run with polls telling us that gays should be allowed to serve openly, Quinnipiac just did one too. Sparky made the point, where were the polls conducted. And, I agree with Old Tanker, let’s just let the military be run by polling. That’s a great way to run an organization.
The WaPo says that 51% of those polled approve of the job O is doing. But other polls say differently, so which poll is correct?


North–it’s worse than that. Consider how low the percentage of those between the ages of 18-60 (post-draft eligible era) have actually worn the uniform of any service branch. Among those who HAVE served, I’m sure you’ll find a vast majority understand the problems associated with openly gay/lesbian service members and express their opinion accordingly. Civilians, having no effin clue what sort of lifestyle military life entails outside what Perky Katie tells them, think it’s all 9-5 with uniforms and vote accordingly.


Scrapiron, can you elaborate on what red circles are for?


The idea that a poll should determine military policy is pretty dumb. I think this poll has more weight when applied to some of the reasoning used by pro-DADT folks- like when they make statements about what this country wants/doesn’t want (usually in reference to gay marriage votes).

It is somewhat similar to the Rightwing News poll John posted:

4) Should openly gay men and women be allowed to serve in the military?

Yes: 53% (41 votes)
No: 47% (37 votes)

5) Should same sex couples be allowed to marry?

Yes: 24% (19 votes)
No: 76% (60 votes)

It made me chuckle a sad little chuckle that the poll showed support for gay people serving the country but being denied exercise of marriage rights by that country.


Jen–that’s because most people haven’t the first clue about what REALLY goes on in a military environment, particularly one with a high Op-tempo or deployment schedule.

Frankly Opinionated

I just got this in on the “Hot Flash News”:
The URL looks misleading, but is for real. Absolutely good stuff here. The thoughts this will evoke are endless. Think BOHICA, folks. Y’all will love it!

Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”


Of course, if the poll didn’t support their position it would be irrelevant because it’s a “civil right issue”. In other words, popular opinion can only ever be used to SUPPORT their position, never to refute it.

Unfortunately, I think that Mr. Obama will have his way on this one. Stopping him would require a lot of people in Washington to grow a pair and do the right thing for military readiness. Don’t expect our finest politicians to grow a pair any time soon.

Nonetheless, the inevitability of this happening isn’t a reason to support it. It’s a disasterous proposal and I’ll keep saying so.If I have to be in minority, that’s just fine.


just a thought…why not get some poll numbers from those of us actually in the military. oh ya that’s right, these yay-hoos don’t really care about the real consequences of their agenda.