James Branum is an illiterate douche

| January 27, 2010


E1 base Pay: $16,794
Ying Yang face mask for coward: $7.95
Bad Conduct Discharge: permanent

HIRING A LAWYER WHO CAN’T SPELL “PERSECUTED” ON HIS OWN WEBSITE: Just plain retarded. Yes Dick, there is a C in “persecuted”.

Keep hiring Branum people, lord knows he can’t ever get another job that doesn’t involve making whoppers.

Category: Politics

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Let this douchenozzle know that advise is a verb and advice (with a ‘C’) is a noun. Either way, he spelled it incorrectly.

Old Tanker

It’s also getting adviCe BEFORE engaging not engage……

Old Tanker

BTW thanks for the video….I hadn’t seen that one, hillarious!

Jonn Lilyea

“I encourage service members to get this advise BEFORE engage in free speech”.

All your base are belong to us. I guess English Comp isn’t a requirement for law school grads in OK.


There are lots of things you can’t say in the Army. For example, you may not complain about the unjust affirmative action system that promotes incompotent morons to positions of power. I am quite sure that as soon as Obama gets rid of DADT–replacing it with BAGAYWTB (Be as gay as you want to be)–that no objection to homosexuality, no matter how it is phrased, will be permitted. Not even if it is the soldier’s sincere religious belief.

I am wondering if Branum would take on one of those cases. I doubt it.

When I was in the military, I too was frustrated about a lot of the things I had to keep my mouth shut about. Since leaving the military and going to college I have found a lot of liberals who really, really care about the free speech rights of our servicemen…until they find out what you want to say. Then, they do a quick one eighty–oh, you can’t say THAT! So when these jerkwads pretend like they just care about the constitutional rights of soldiers, ask them if they think a soldier should be able to tell some incompetent boob who made E-7 in under ten years that she only got promoted because of affirmative action. Then see how quickly their attitude changes.

Attorney for Hire

I see two incidences of “advise” where there should be “advice,” as noted. I also see “BEFORE engage in free speech” which is lacking, I suspect, a “you.” “Before” should also be in bold, not completely capitalized. On top of that, his entire last sentence should be at least two, if not three, separate sentences.

Nice to know I have to share my Esq. with this idiot. My professors would have failed me for this kind of incompetence.


With luck Debra Clark will be in contact with him shortly to help with the re-write.

Is this guy’s writing what you meant by Brevity being the soul of wit and all that, I wonder?

It IS short and funny.


Et luks feyn two mi. Wuts da problim?

AW1 Tim

That guy is the gift that keeps on giving. To be honest, I believe that a better course of action would be to encourage folks to ask him for help. Swamp his ass with cries for assistance. He can be the leader of the awkward squad, Company “Q”, 1st Leftard Battalion (Asshats).

Either that, or ask the local LEO types to check him out for fraud.

Casey J Porter

What a frickin’ moron.