Americans coming around?
Two CNN polls released January 25th might mean that most Americans are coming around to the fact that Democrats are bad for the country. One story at CNN goes through the entire spiel without mentioning that the Stimulus package was Obama’s plan in the first place;
Nearly three out of four Americans think that at least half of the money spent in the federal stimulus plan has been wasted, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday morning also indicates that 63 percent of the public thinks that projects in the plan were included for purely political reasons and will have no economic benefit, with 36 percent saying those projects will benefit the economy.
Twenty-one percent of people questioned in the poll say nearly all the money in the stimulus has been wasted, with 24 percent feeling that most money has been wasted and an additional 29 percent saying that about half has been wasted. Twenty-one percent say only a little has been wasted and 4 percent think that no stimulus dollars have been wasted.
Can you imagine how hard it was for them to not mention Obama in the article even once. If only Americans come to the realization that the stimulus was smoke and mirrors when the rest of us did back in November ’08. I think the switch in the mood occurred when folks realized that none of the stimulus was targeted at them.
The other poll shows Americans don’t think Democrats deserve control of Congress;
Americans are divided on whether Democratic control of Congress is good for the country, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates that 7 in 10 Americans believe that the Democrats’ loss of their 60 seat supermajority in the Senate is a positive move for the country.
Forty-five percent of people questioned in the poll said Democratic control of Congress is a good thing, with 48 percent disagreeing. The margin is within the survey’s sampling error. But the results are a shift from last June, when 50 percent felt that Democratic control of both chambers of Congress was good and 41 percent felt it was bad for the country.
Of course, CNN are doing this ten months before the election – don’t expect any polls like this in late October.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks