Is This Woman Even Close to Sane?
In a last minute trip to Baghdad over the weekend, I almost asserted that Nancy Pelosi had finally gotten smacked by the Clue Bat.
And what exactly did she learn on her surprise visit to Iraq?
Pelosi, a top Democratic critic of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, expressed confidence that expected provincial elections will promote national reconciliation.
She welcomed Iraq’s progress in passing a budget as well as oil legislation, and a bill paving the way for the provincial elections in the fall that are expected to more equitably redistribute power among local officials.
“We’re assured the elections will happen here, they will be transparent, they will be inclusive and they will take Iraq closer to the reconciliation we all want it to have,” said Pelosi. She also met with Iraq’s parliament speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq.
Spin-free translation: THE SURGE IS WORKING.
Don’t believe me? Contrast this statement with what she said on CNN in February:
“There haven’t been gains, Wolf,” the speaker replied. “The gains have not produced the desired effect, which is the reconciliation of Iraq. This is a failure. This is a failure.
Then, less than 48 hours later, safely back in DC and after an apparent Kool-Aide transfusion:
Yesterday, in an interview on NPR, Pelosi was her old self:
SEABROOK: And what was your message to them?
PELOSI: My message to them is a constant message. It’s a message that we voted last week in Congress: that the American people have lost patience with this war, we’ve lost far too many of our young men and women, we have too many injuries, we have loss in reputation in the world, loss in taxpayers’ dollars, loss in capability to meet our threats to our country and our friends wherever they may occur; that we had passed last week legislation that would call for the responsible, honorable and safe redeployment of our troops out of Iraq by the end of 2009.
SEABROOK: And I understand you speak with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki about provincial elections.
PELOSI: Prime Minister al-Maliki and the speaker both told us that the provincial elections would take place this year, that they would be transparent, inclusive, and that they would lead to reconciliation in Iraq.
I hope that’s the case. That’s what they maintained. But then we’ve heard that song before. ***[T]he Iraqi government has had the opportunity with the secured time that the surge has given them to make the political changes necessary. They have not done that. ***
SEABROOK: Speaker Pelosi, you were last in Iraq just after the Democrats, you, took the majority in the House of Representatives. Have you seen any progress?
PELOSI: There may be a little progress. I don’t know. It’s not obvious.
And whatever it is, it’s certainly not enough for the cost it has been to us in terms of lives and dollars and reputation and military capability.
That’s not nuance folks; that’s just plain crazy.
Category: Politics
Useless Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edouard Wood, Third Viscount of Halifax, was Chamberlain’s Foreign Minister. He thought that Appeasement was JUST FINE.
Now, we have Nancy Pelosi. Another Appeasement Whore.
Buy ammo, people. Like our own Revolutionary War, there is a noticeable portion (30% in those days) of people in THIS country who are NOT our friends. If history is any guide, they will be VERY unhappy with the aftermath.
She’s sane. Well, maybe. But she likely vacillates between utter denial and abject dishonesty.
That’s not nuance folks; that’s just plain crazy.
Well, the Madame has world class oral skills.
Pelosi and her ilk had so much invested in the defeat of our US Military that she’s in denial now. It’s like a kharma thing, when a person invests so much emotional energy in a negative (defeat), that it backfires on that person.