Fear-mongering in Massachusetts
Editor’s note: I wrote this like eight hours ago so it’s stale old crap. But, I wrote it damn it, you’re readin’ it.
Massachusetts’ Senator John Kerry is doing his best to get the crowds charged up against Scott Brown’s supporters, according to Boston.com;
“I’m no stranger to hard fought campaigns, but what we’ve seen in the past few days is way over the line and reminiscent of the dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign rallies. This is not how democracy works in Massachusetts,” Kerry said this afternoon in a statement.
“Scott Brown needs to speak up and get his out of state tea party supporters under control. In Massachusetts, we fight hard and win elections on the issues and on our differences, not with bullying and threats,” Kerry said.
Brown campaign spokesman Felix Browne said, “People are tired of John Kerry’s partisan politics. His baseless accusations reflect the desperate last gasps of a flailing campaign.”
Daniel Foster at NRO recalls Kerry’s fear-mongering in Colorado during the 2004 Presidential campaign;
“If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a ‘pre-emptive strike’ (particularly well-suited to states in which there techniques have been tried in the past).
—Issue a press release
i. Reviewing Republican tactic used in the past in your area or state
ii. Quoting party/minority/civil rights leadership as denouncing tactics that discourage people from voting
—Prime minority leadership to discuss the issue in the media; provide talking points
—Place stories in which minority leadership expresses concern about the threat of intimidation tactics
—Warn local newspapers not to accept advertising that is not properly disclaimed or that contains false warnings about voting requirements and/or about what will happen at the polls”
Johnny Dollar, the only guy still keeping an eye on Olbermann watched him call Brown “a homophobic racist;
Joe Scarborough wasted no time blasting back at Olbermann.
Mean time, the President is promising to be combative if Brown wins according to Hot Air;
But the president’s advisers plan to spin [Brown’s win] as a validation of the underdog arguments that fueled Obama’s insurgent candidacy.
“The painstaking campaign for change over two years in 2007 and 2008 has become a painstaking effort in the White House, too,” the official said. “The old habits of Washington aren’t going away easy.”
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Liberals suck
I took the time to read this DEAR.
Shame that Olbermann hasn’t been “laughed off the stage” as he says Brown should have been by now. Given the chance I’d push his (Olbermann’s) sorry ass off any stage.
Yeah, I had the boob tube on earlier today and heard Kerry talking about Brown’s “tactics”. God John Kerry is nauseating and slimy. I need a shower.
Hopeful for tonight’s results. Got my ear tuned in.
Dear Tankerbabe,
If you will push him, I will attempt to provide the necessary distraction 🙂
Otherwise, what she said.
DEAL. Actually if you want to “tag team” him it might be more effective if you push me into him. That wall I’ll fall on top and squish the shit out of him.
Of course then I would hope you all would decontaminate me. PLEASE
This thing has a curious sidebar ya know.
Let me be clear… you two ladies do it I wanna watch.
And I will sell tickets.
Living in exile in Massa-two-shits myself
I would pay good money to be in the room tomorrow if somebody asks Senator John F’n Kerry, “So……. why the long face, Johnny-boy???”.
Lurch didn’t look real happy at Croak-ley’s consession speech did he?
Yeah… Poor Marcia. 😀 😀 😀
Dearest Ponsdorf, will let you know when the op is scheduled. However, we will need funds for the decontamination procedures so we will need a cut of ticket sales. I know you understand that black ops need “untraceable” funds. 🙂
What the heck is an “insurgent candidacy”? Bleh, bloody, mealy-mouthed spin-meisters, just like the Rasmussen report saying Brown “narrowly defeated” Coakley. Not sure what universe a Rep winning by a solid 5% in MA is anything other than earth-shaking.
Ponsdorf – can’t think of a better man I’d rather have our team!
Susan – LOL. Love the way you think.