More on the All-Powerful and Omnipotent United Nations
I started this as a comment to Jonn’s earlier post but as I started writing it, I realized that maybe it should be a post of its own.
Do you know why submarines don’t have screen doors? Because that would be useless, right? But the UN is more than useless. It is in fact a screaming boil on the ass of humanity!
Oh yeah and it is a CONFIRMED anti-Israel organization.
Here is a short list of United Nations failures involving the Arabs and Israelis:
1956: Took no action when Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal blocking all Israeli shipping that led to the Suez war of 1956.
1967: The Secretary General withdrew UN peace- keeping forces from Gaza clearing the way for yet another war.
1974: The Secretary General invited the greatest terrorist of the 20th century, Yasser Arafat, to address the General Assembly.
1975: The United Nations General Assembly adopted, by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), its Resolution 3379, which states as its conclusion: Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.
2000: UNIFIL obstructed investigation, if not directly involved, of Hezbollah kidnapping of Israeli soldiers
The Security Council has been all but openly anti-Israel. Through 1989, the Security Council had issued a total of 175 resolutions. Ninety seven condemned Israel and a total for all Arab nations equaled four.
The General Assembly’s record is no better. Through the same period as above the General Assembly passed 690 resolutions with an amazing 429 against Israel. Other than administrative and logistics concerns regarding peace keeping forces, the General Assembly has not voted against an Arab position since 1949!
The long list of colossal failures of this sanctioned gang of tyrants, dictators and despots goes way beyond Israel.
Let’s look at just the last 12 years. It goes without saying that there were no real accomplishments of the UN in that period and none likely on the horizon.
The Rwandan Genocide: Estimates vary but an average of a million people died while the UN Security Council debated and ultimately never made a decision.
The Second Congo War: In spite of UN Security Council Resolution 1291, nearly 5 million people have died and sporadic fighting is still ongoing.
The Srebrenica Massacre: The UN designated this area a “safe haven” and sent UN troops to secure it. The Dutch troops stood by and watched over eight thousand young males killed.
UN Security Council resolutions 1559 and 1701: These Resolutions called for the disarmament of paramilitary organizations in Lebanon including Fatah and Hezbollah. The UN established posts in southern Lebanon that actually acted as cover for the very organizations that it was supposed to disarm.
Yet this is the organization that the Democrats are willing, even urging, all foreign policy decisions to be handed to.
“The United Nations is an uplifting experiment, dedicated to raising the standards of living in Africa, the consciences of democracies, and the price of prostitutes in New York”
Frank Dane
The United Nations has been a complete failure. It has been a failure in more than just the sense that it hasn’t been able or willing to fulfill its intended purpose. Its deep rooted corruption and ineptitude has actually manifested into an organization counter to anything of redeemable value.
Category: Politics
I disagree. As you mentioned earlier on your blog, the U.N. is investigating racism in America with regards to the presidential elections. That’s a much more important issue than say, civilians being slaughtered in Darfur, and aid in Burma.
I for one would welcome a blue-helmeted overlords and I’m sure their competence will bring about a new utopia.
I had friends in the past who were Israeli’s. One guy had been a paratrooper in the IDF and fought The Yom Kippur War. The IDF, although taking heavy casualties, pushed Egyptian forces beyond the western bank of the Suez Canal on the road to Cairo and Syrian forces to within 28 miles from Damascus.
The people of Israel and the IDF are included in my daily prayers.
The UN sucks wind…
This plan to investigate racism in the U.S. is beyond surreal. Great description of the U.N. We really need to either withdraw from the UN or, as McCain has suggested, establish a parallel institution with only the world’s democracies in attendace. At any rate, linked.
In the environs that I travel in Western New York State, the racism issue should be null and void, but it’s still being kept alive by those who practice it in reverse of the typical perception of racism. As long as we have a segment of society that continues the play the victim and as a result of the self-induced victimhood, continue to demand entitlements and live life like the world owes them and vilify those who do well, the race card will be played and they’re from the usual sources, including those within Obama’s circle.
Watch out for this UN racism investigation. They have absolutely no jurisdiction in the US and if I were the President, I’d kick those UN a$$clowns out on a rail. They’ve been the demonstrated racists (antisemitic) as of the last 30 years or so. Their friggin’ racism investigation will be racist tainted as a result of their current prejudices.
The Blue-Hats are, what, going to come and SAVE us by raping our women? Sorry, I don’t buy it.
Lt. Nixon, I fully EXPECT you to be beside me, slinging one of those guns that libbies like to accuse us of “clinging” too. Oh, do send in the Congolese, or Zaireans, or Mugabwe’s Zimbwaywareans, I’m SURE that us racist Americans will show them all a GOOD TIME. And, afterwards, I’m sure that we’ll give them the appropriate escort down to the docks to show them the way OUT. Let us “embrace” our new world masters … I think that the ammo shortage in the U.S. has been resolved.
The UN preaching to us on racism is like Ted Kennedy preaching about the evils of demon rum. (By the way… seizure…hmmm I wonder if he let his Blood Alcohol level drop too far.)