I won the Dog Naming Fight: Meet Mosby

| January 15, 2010

Sweet. Write down this day folks, the first and likely last one I ever win with Ms Caro. It will likely be General Mosby Pugglesworth IV, but I at least got Mosby in there.

I generally have named my recent pets after Confederate officers. My last sainted pet was “Forrest”. Brown Neck Gaitor also follows the naming convention, with his Australian Cattle Dog named Jeb Stuart. Mosby is named after John Singleton Mosby.

I won’t go through the entire history of Mosby, but you should at least go read his wiki page. A few brief things about him though. He was basically a Cav ranger who darted in and out, and gave the Northern bastards fits. He was all about the maneuver warfare side of the house. Before the war he killed a man in a fight and went to jail for a year where he taught himself the law. He would eventually become an Assistant Attorney general.

My favorite quote of his is from a letter he wrote in 1907. Although he deeply despised slavery, he fought for the south, and said:

I am not ashamed of having fought on the side of slavery —a soldier fights for his country — right or wrong — he is not responsible for the political merits of the course he fights in … The South was my country.

This is where IVAW peeps will chime in with something dumb, but so be it.

A last few points. Long after the war and his subsequent political jobs, Mosby befriended a young kid, and used to while away the time making up battle plans. That child would become General George S. Patton:

During George’s childhood, one of the best friends of the Patton family was none-other-than Colonel John S. Mosby, the fabled “Grey Ghost” of J.E.B. Stuart’s legendary cavalry. Patton grew up hearing tales of daring raids and stunning cavalry attacks from the Grey Ghost himself. During visits to the Patton Ranch in Southern California, Colonel Mosby would re-enact the Civil War with George; playing himself, he let George play the part of General Lee as they would recount the battles of the war, astride their horses.

These firsthand stories, and horseback re-enactments, directed by one of the greatest Guerilla fighters of all time no doubt had a huge influence on Patton. Both his sense of bravery and duty, and his Guerilla like tactics were no doubt heavily influenced by his early exploits with John S. Mosby.

Several years ago on my birthday I was invited to the oval office to meet with President Bush. At one point the topic of making decisions came up, and in particular the importance of making bold decisions timely. Bush wasn’t really defending himself in any way, merely discussing his thinking on the issue. For some reason he looked at me at the end, and I decided that was a good moment to share my favorite story of Mosby with the President of the United States.

After the war, General Mosby became the Virginia Campaign Manager for Ulysses S. Grant. That’s right, a southerner became the campaign manager for the man who led the forces which defeated his side. He felt that veterans should support other veterans. And this didn’t make him all that popular with Virginians. They burned his house down, attempted to assasinate him, and eventually drove him all the way to California, where he would meet Patton. He didn’t cave into pressure, he did what he felt was right, consequences to himself be damned.

Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

Jeb does carry some of the spirit of J.E.B. Stuart with him, he always gallops towards an enemy.

Mosby started out as a Private in the 1st Virginia Cavalry under the command of some Lt. Col named Stuart.


I think he looks like a General Mosby


You’re probably right, TSO. First one, last one…

Southern Democrat

I bought my dog in Leesburg, Va, and as we headed home over Whites Ferry and I said the name of the thing outloud, the dog yipped and chose his own name. General Jubal A. Early. We called him Genny for short…

Old Tanker

Cool Patton story…

Are you still dog gay if you graze the dingdong of a dog named after a badass Colonel?

509th Bob

“Northern bastards”? Didn’t I see down below that you claimed to be a “Massachusian”?

Speaking of which, if women from Massachusetts are “Massachusettes,” wouldn’t that make men from there some more masculine sounding? Like, “Machochusetts,” or something.

FYI, I was born there, but my parents sprung me when I was 10 months old. I grew up in California (before the libtards destroyed the state), however, and consider myself a westerner.


I still don’t understand renaming a dog that’s already has a name…I hope you don’t do this with your kids:

“Look, I know all your friends know you as Teddy, but we’ve decided that are aren’t enough Hezekiahs in the world today, so shut up and sign this document to the lawyer.”

AW1 Tim

TSO: I thought you understood the 1st rule of marriage/relationships. The absolute WORST thing a man can EVER do is to win an argument. It’s especially dangerous if she gives in and lets you win. Then she’s got your marker, and she’ll wait to redeem it at a very inoportune time.

Trust me. If you are winning arguments. or she’s giving in to you, then start checking your six. She’s up to something.

Old Tanker


Seems to me when they have the marker they redeem it, redeem it, redeem it again, and redeem it some more……


Thanks for the history behind the name. I was a trifle confused as to why TSO would want to name a dog after a medical reference publisher. Odd. If one stays around the chest/high tummy area there is no way to graze a dingdong and avoid the whole question of dog gay. Unless he’s built like an elephant and then you’re on your own.

BTW, we’re not always up to something. Sometimes letting you win is for morale. Don’t worry, we still know we’re right. 😀


Claymore said: I still don’t understand renaming a dog that’s already has a name…I hope you don’t do this with your kids:

Yeah, AND toss in the foolish notion that he thinks he won a ‘fight’?

Just wait ’til he comes home and finds every stick of furniture moved… I was gonna say “or find pink walls ‘n pink stuff in the bedroom.” But this is TSO after all; I suspect she’ll be the one bringing in the beige, etc.

I heard somewhere that his neighbors thought a carnival act was moving in when he got there.


I applaud your naming convention. Welcome Mosby!

Ald Tanker, don’t judge that dog harshly because he’s little. It is not the size of the dog, but the size of the heart within the dog.
When I lived in Dallas my neighbor had a little dog-ette named “Pico”, a lomg-haired miniature Chihuahua (which is really small), who used to terrorize another neighboring dog, a Great Dane.


What’s sad, is that I’m not worried for the pooch that tso might accidently graze, more that when he doesn’t it will have been an accident…

Old Tanker

When my brother’s lab got too rambunctious with my Dane, the Dane would swat him to the ground and pin it there with a paw! I never judge a dog by it’s size, I now have beagles!

Great Mosbey's Ghost

That thing is about as cute as the north end of a south bound mule…sorta like TSO…jus saying!


GMG- that’s not nice my boyfriend and puppy are both cute!

and Tim you are sort of right I have to start building up my markers, I have a feeling over the next few months I’ll need something to cash in.


Caroline said: that’s not nice my boyfriend and puppy are both cute!

Well, yer half right. I do think the dog is cute.

BTW, we’re getting a puppy here on the ridge. Weaned just this week!

Mosby just ain’t a puppy.


There is still time to change his name to Mr. Cookiepants.


Congratulations Jonn. Just wish they could have worked Bruce into his name somewhere.


A nice looking dog. Enjoy the dust ruffle, Mosby.

For discipline and protection, nothing tops a Dachshund. Over the years, I has witnessed the small legged breed take from the sea shore and swim out into the ocean to the breakwater rather than be left behind with the cowering Pit Bulls, and body surf back to shore; go deep underground in a storm drain after a rabid raccoon and win the no doubt WWF worthy, by sound, battle none the worse for the wear but covered in cobwebs; stop cold two escaped adult Rottweilers tearing down the sidewalk toward the babies gathered for the birthday pony rides in the front yard with the knowledge if they took another step forward their throats would be ripped out; dragged a cat home that was hit by a car; and many other feats of bravery and kindness too numerous to mention. Simply put, they are fearless and loyal.

Thank you for sharing that inspiring story with the President.

We name our dogs after our relative who joined the 14th Kentucky Infantry to fight for the Union, and later as Commanding Officer 1st Lt. John Cuthbert Carroll of the 32nd U.S. Infantry, Ft. Bowie. He perished at the hands of the Apache on 11/5/1867, and is now interned at the Presidio. The Apache cut up his faithful dog too.


Interesting how people are connected thruought history. I’m still puzzling about who “General” John Mosby was. I know who Colonel John Mosby was – his final disband order to his men was signed by him identifying himself as a Colonel . . .when did he become a general?


oops, in my post about “general” I didn’t put contact info in the right boxes. Sorry.


Ah, I’ve heard that in an email from one other history-buff – that Lee had put him in for a promotion, but that had occurred near the end of the war and was never confirmed by the Confederate Congress. However, I’ve never seen that info in any publication.