Racism – just another day in the Democrat Party

| January 10, 2010

Trent Lott (former Democrat) was forced from his position as Senate Minority Leader for this comment at (former Democrat) Strom Thurmond’s retirement tribute and 100th birthday;

“I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years, either.”

Bill Clinton, attempting to convince Ted Kennedy to back his wife for president rather than Barack Obama said;

A few years ago, this guy [Obama] would have been getting us coffee.

Janeane Garafalo said the teapartiers were “straight-up racists” for opposing the politics of Barack Obama. Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in supporting Obama noticed that he is “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

That’s tame compared to actually opposing Obama’s policies, huh? Garafalo also called Michael Steele “that Black guy in the Republican party” a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, that he tries to “curry favor with [his] oppressor”. But we’re the racists.

I could drag out all of the Robert Byrd quotes and catalog his career with the KKK, but you all know about it – just like every Democrat knows it. Name one Republican in Congress, living or dead, who spent ten years in the KKK. Um, you can’t.

Republicans get accused of using “code words” to communicate with the racists, but the Democrats use the actual words of racists without accountability.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Liberals suck

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As a general rule, it’s around liberals I hear the most virulent racial, anti-Semetic, and bigoted remarks. I guess all that “tolerance” ends at their front door.


There is no accountability with those in office and if there is, it’s simply when and if it suddenly suits a need. Zero integrity anywhere.

AW1 Tim

Not to worry.

Our day of deliverance is coming, and that right soon.

Democrats, leftists, and other racists hear the footsteps, and that’s why, as of late, their screechings have reached such grating levels.


[…] it is a day ending in a “y,” it must be another day for Democrat racism. Head to This ain’t Hell…. for the […]


Seems that the old saw is true, “absolute power corrupts absolutely”. The dems have power now, and they are absolutely corrupted. I heard Al (Tawana Brawley) Sharpton this a.m. defending Reid, making the laugher that what Reid said was OK, because O had accepted his apology, but what Lott said wasn’t OK because he was a racist.