For those who question why I loathe Fox News
The Cast
A sarcastic extraterrestrial from Melmac crash-landed in a suburban garage in 1986, and for a time became the king of network television.
We tuned in to ALF’s hair-raising antics with the Tanner family until 1990, but once the NBC sitcom ended, an ALF animated series, a Marvel comic, a TV movie, and even a talk show were there to fill the fuzzy, alien-shaped hole in our hearts.
But where is the original TV show cast today? If you’re still suffering from ALF withdrawal, read on.
This is news? My 3 year old niece this weekend kept farting and blaming it on the dog locked up in the basement. That is about as important a news story as where the cast of Alf is. I haven’t read it yet, but let me guess:
The Dad is doing hairclub for Yeti commercials, one of the two chicks loves carpet, the other is hooked on meth, the Mom hates that she was typecast as marrying a douche, and Alf is now a throw rug somewhere.
How is this shit news?
Category: Politics
Yeah well wait until the do an expose on Wayland Flowers and Madame…
TSO–no worries. At least be thankful I didn’t volunteer to be a guest blogger for Jonn this week. I was all set to find out what happened to that retarded monkey and those hot babes (or is that retarded babes and hot monkey) from “BJ and the Bear.”
you’re treading on thin ice here. if only Alf was running the big show today, think how much better off we would be.
Didn’t ALF eat cats?
Yeah, I see this kind of crap on all the networks. Funny, I thought we had a couple of wars going on. Or have the networks forgotten like most of America? Or maybe Alf joined the Army?
Not to split hairs here, but I believe it was a boy and girl not two girls…
The sweater thing on the right next to mom is a boy?
Brian Tanner…duh…
And ALF was never on a No-Fly list either.
Just an observation…..if you read the entertainment section you’re likely to see stories about…um….entertainment….(okay, calling ALF entertaining might be stretching it a bit)
Had you replaced “meth” with “eating disorder” you would have been close.
Benji Gregory, the kid on the show, was in the navy as an Aerographer’s mate.
I think you were just too old between 86-90 to enjoy the hilarity that was ALF.
“Loathe Fox News” as opposed to… what?
What else is there? The leg-tingling networks?
In paraphrasing Churchill, Fox News is the worst form of news, but it’ll do until something better comes along.
I give Fox their occasional screw ups. Sometimes they piss me off as well.
But the question remains: what else is there?
HotAir. Although I hate the way they don’t link here, I get just about everything from HotAir, Drudge, etc
Glenn Beck on FoxNews drives me nuts. I can’t stand the fact that he is always crying on his show. Its pathetic you are a grown man act like it. Plus (and I am not making this up) he was talking to a stuffed dog on his show a couple of weeks ago. However, I still think Special Report is the best news show on television. In fact I think I am going to go watch it right now…
Willy (ALF’s Dad) is probably pushing up daisies with the AIDS dad from the Brady Bunch.
Dude, don’t you see the metaphor for Dick Cheney in this story?
Why yes, Alf DID eat/prefer cats..
So there..
You are absolutely right TSO! Fox should have wall to wall coverage of W.O.W. (despite the fact that most people have never heard of it.) LOL
I read the news and ignore the fluff… unless it has to do with “Hottest Bikinis of 2009 or such. 😀
Oh… and Claymore, It took me half an hour to post this because I had to get the coffee off of my screen first. You are a real twisted person. LOL
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