Sad update

| December 16, 2024

In doing the updates, came across one items which I feel deserves its own place.

Bob Fernandez, a 100-year-old survivor of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, died shortly after deteriorating health prompted him to skip a trip to Hawaii to attend last week’s remembrance ceremony marking the 83rd anniversary of the attack.

Fernandez was a 17-year-old sailor on board the USS Curtiss during the Dec. 7, 1941, attack that propelled the U.S. into World War II. A mess cook, he was waiting tables and bringing sailors morning coffee and food when they heard an alarm sound. Through a porthole, Fernandez saw a plane fly by with the red ball insignia known to be painted on Japanese aircraft.

He rushed down three decks to a magazine room where he and other sailors waited for someone to unlock a door storing shells so they could pass them to the ship’s guns.

Fernandez’s ship, the Curtiss, lost 21 men and nearly 60 of its sailors were injured.

Sounds like he tried to do the right thing in later years, too. According to his buddy, Joe Guthrie:

He enjoyed music and dancing, and until recently attended weekly music performances at a local park and a restaurant. He helped neighbors in his trailer park take care of their yards until he moved in with Guthrie last year.

“I’d do yard work and split firewood and he’d swing the axe a little bit,” Guthrie said. “We’d call it his physical therapy.”

Fernandez’s advice for living a long life included stopping eating once you’re full and marching up stairs. He said it was OK to take a nap, but do something like laundry or wash dishes before going to bed. He recommended being kind to everyone.

Guthrie said he thinks Fernandez would want to be remembered for bringing people joy.

“He would rake people’s yards if they couldn’t do it. He would paint a fence. He would help somebody,” Guthrie said. “He would give people money if they needed something. He was so generous and such a kind person. He made friends everywhere.”   CNN

There are 16 living Pearl Harbor survivors remaining – his death would have made it 15, but another was found recently. All are at least 100 years old.

Category: Navy, We Remember, WWII

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Wow. so close to losing a chapter in history. And with the shit state of govt run schools these days, kids are no longer being taught about such events. It seems it falls to those of us lucky enough to have learned about them to pass them on, now that those who lived them are almost gone.

RIP good sir! Fair winds and following seas!


Fry, you are correct. These men and women are passing away right before our eyes, but these young people today know nothing about sacrifice and or doing something for your country like Mr. Fernandez did. They only want what’s best for them. I wish I could have met every one of these veterans and give them a hug and then get their autograph because they are the true stars.

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re right about our publik shcoolz, if anything these days they try to teach today’s kids that WE were the bad guy because we used the A-bomb and little else.


Fernandez said of the attack that day, “I wish they never would have come.”

According to one article he remained assigned to the USS Curtiss until November 1944 when he was reassigned to shore duty at a naval air station. Extended his enlistment at the war’s end and was honorably discharged in 1947.



Rest Easy, Good Sir. A life well lived.

16 left out of 1000s that were there. Time waits for no one…not even you…””

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Rest in peace good sir, you have certainly earned that.

We have family in their 90s…and there is a commonality among all of them when it comes to their current outlook, each one is both happy and surprised when they wake up each day…

I even had a woman who worked with me years ago recently see me at the grocery store, she is also now in her 90s and her first words to me, “Hi, great to see you! Can you believe I’m still alive?”

I should be so lucky to have that same view some day…

Old tanker

I’m over 70 now. When a stranger asks me how I’m doing my usual response is, another day above ground. I honestly didn’t expect to live this long.


I use ” on the right side of the grass”


Crazy that WWII ended nearly 80 years ago. Will be 80 this summer. So few of that generation left

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(slow salute)
Rest easy, the flag is still upright, and the watch has been secured.


God bless you Sailor and thank you for your service to this great nation! Rest In Peace!


Sad news, but nonetheless an honorable life well lived.
Reminds me of this old gospel tune:

God bless you all.

RGR 4-78

Rest in Peace.


Rest well to the warrior from Pearl Harbor
salute 🫡

A Proud Infidel®™

*Slow Salute*