More moonbat math

| December 30, 2009

The other day I wrote about the latest crapola from the Left which somehow arrived at the conclusion that more than 77,000 members of the military had died in the war against terror. Today, they’re telling us that more than one million Iraqis have been killed in that war;

Over one million Iraqis have met violent deaths as a result of the 2003 invasion, according to a study conducted by the prestigious British polling group, Opinion Research Business (ORB). These numbers suggest that the invasion and occupation of Iraq rivals the mass killings of the last century—the human toll exceeds the 800,000 to 900,000 believed killed in the Rwandan genocide in 1994, and is approaching the number (1.7 million) who died in Cambodia’s infamous “Killing Fields” during the Khmer Rouge era of the 1970s.

Since I’d never heard of “Opinion Research Business”, I went to their website to find out how they arrived at that number. First of all, I couldn’t find the survey, or anything about it, but this is from their “What We Do” page;

ORB provide a full range of quantitative and qualitative research services. We have expertise in ad-hoc and continuous research in the UK and over 60 other countries.

Perhaps unique among research agencies ORB offer an in-house messaging service. This provides research-led communication and message development consultancy, helping to ensure our clients’ research is presented in the most lucid and persuasive manner possible.

Quantitative Research

Telephone (CATI), Face-to-Face, Omnibus, Online, Hall Tests, Audience Response (Dials):

In-house Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) unit with 25 stations.
Nationwide random face-to-face surveys.
28 regional supervisors with access to a field-force of over 300 interviewers.
Real-time audience monitoring using a System of Testing Audience Reactions

So, basically, they do opinion research (like their name tells us). If they did any research on casualties in Iraq, it was based on opinions and perception that are favorable to their client – the Left. So I guess that makes it more credible to anyone who thinks the war in Iraq was wrong. It’s just simply not true. But, hey, who needs truth?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck

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The good news is that the Obama administration is claiming to have created or saved 20 million new Iraqis…so we got that going for us…


Yo dude, did you know we killed so many Iraqis that we ran out of ammunition? Yeah, that’s why there were ammunition shortages around the country, cuz da military used it all up killing Iraqis. They woulda kilt more, but had to wait for new shipments of ammunition to arrived first. They even found some surplus C-rats and would throw them at Iraqi kids trying to “stone” them to death!

Those fuckin fascists!! I heard the zionist Israelis wouldn’t even help the US military with handing over ammo, cuz they wuz using all theirs on the peaceful palestinians.

Mr Wolf

This argument stems from numbers that the LANCET and others were parroting in 2004. BACK THEN they were claiming nearly a million- so in the intervening 5 years ‘only’ a few more were killed? WTH?

Yeah, these are good numbers. As attached to reality as their dreams…


NATO Veteran

So your commentary is that this ‘opinion research’ done for a client referred to as ‘The Left’ is not a true research product because it’s based on opinions and perceptions favorable to the client? Can you cite any other research, either done for a client like ‘The Right,’ or even a client with a real name, instead of a label, that has a different research product?


I have no clue what NATO is trying to say. And what in the holy hell is a NATO veteran?

And yes, I can show innumerable studies suggesting far lower civilian casualty figures.

The Jonn Lilyea Research Company did some research and found the actual number of Iraqi’s to have died as a result of the war is 42.


AP: 87215

IBC: 95k-104k

How does that work for you?

If this is SD playing again, I will beat you.


This just in!!! Opinion Research Business states that 1+1=1,000,000. How’s that for a “research product”, “Nato Veteran”?
Makes as much sense as their plagiarism of the Lancet study.


I remember those days OT. It got so bad we would just yell bang bang and they would fall over and pretend to be dead. I wonder if they counted all of those kills?

Just A Grunt

Don’t they know Afghanistan is where the real genocide is taking place? Maybe they are trying to avoid it now since it is “Obama’s” war.

The one thing none of these casualty reporting surveys differentiate between is people killed by the terrorists and their bombs and those killed by American or NATO forces. I think the ledger would be heavily tilted to one side if they did.

The one thing these Muslim jihadists do really good is kill other Muslims. You would think at some point they would get tired of being human sacrifices to the Islamic blood gods. It always reminds me of the Incans and Aztecs. I only wish their culture would join them on the ash heap of history.

Frankly Opinionated

Genocide, Schmenocide:
The real tragedy, and threat to the planet is all the moonbats that are spawning in the Gay Bay region of Californicate. However will we deal with all of the survivors, (Fortunately for us sane sorts, most of the moonbatists believe in committing sexual acts that deprive them of reproduction, i.e. man/man sex, woman/woman sex, man/boy sex, etc.)
NATO Veteran, did your boyfriend pull your boxers up to far for you today?

“Never Forget Ft Hood Texas where 14 souls died 11/5/09!”

Brown Neck Gaitor

TSO, don’t you know that Iraq Body Count dot Org is part of the VRWC?

Dave Thul

My in house research team says that insurgents caused 104 out of every 100 deaths in Iraq since 2003.

Seriously, though, does anyone think Saddam wouldn’t have killed 100k a year if we hadn’t gone in?


Considering the fact that the Iraqis have given lower casualty numbers than that, I would say that the million dead Iraqis crowd is either deeply, deeply misguided or actively twisting the facts.

I wonder if the Lancet crowd knew about AQI’s little forged death certificate racket.


There were innumerable problems with the Lancet study. 1) ALL of those involved with it were tainted by their anti-war statements 2)They sampled too few neighborhoods, and only those in Sunni areas. 3) The authors extrapolated from the “Red Triangle” areas to the whole country, counting Kurdish and Shia areas that were far less violent. 4) They seem never to have considered the many Sunni’s who simply left the country and who are now in Jordan, Lebanon, etc.