No larger plot
Old Trooper sends along this link from UK’s The Sun;
Cops fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners. The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen. It was there London-educated Umar Abdulmutallab, 23, prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet.
The British extremists in Yemen are in their early 20s and from Bradford, Luton and Leytonstone, East London. They are due to return to the UK early in 2010 and will then await internet instructions from al-Qaeda on when to strike. A Scotland Yard source said: “The great fear is Abdulmutallab is the first of many ready to attack planes and kill tens of thousands.
“We know there are four or five radicalised British Muslim cells in the Yemen.
Oh, wait, there’s that Yemen word again. Bledsoe went there, Abdulmutallab went there, Hasan’s cleric lived there, we’re releasing some Gitmo hard cases there in coming months, we’ve launched some missiles there in recent days. But Janet Napolitano assures us that there’s no larger plot afoot.
And, oh, hey…that Nigerian guy who just happened to get sick on the same flight two days after Abdulmutallab – that was just a coincidence, don’t worry about it. It wasn’t a cover up or anything, or to make the next plane load of victims think a few seconds longer before they act. Trust Janet.
AP tells us that PETN is easily detectable;
Crippin and law enforcement officials said modern airport screening machines could have detected the chemical. Airport “puffer” machines – the devices that blow air onto a passenger to collect and analyze residues – would probably have detected the powder, as would bomb-sniffing dogs or a hands-on search using a swab.
And yet….
Oh, did any one notice that video I added in the last post also had that homo Gibbs blaming the Bush Administration for the attack “understanding that these procedures are several years old” so how could the failure be Obama’s fault? Besides, no one told him for three hours.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Let’s have Gibbs sniff the crotch of all Islamic males before they board aircraft from Europe.
As much as the left tried to pin 9/11 on Bush with the, “He’d been in office eight months” meme, how do they reconcile that with a damn near successful attack after Zerobama had been in office over 11 months?
The Left could not reconcile hunger with a ham sandwich. The Left checked logic and reason at the door when they signed on for their particular belief structure. The Left live in a world where the force of gravity is Bush’s fault should they happen to drop their steaming cups of latte mocha grande. The Left believes the world will be a better place when and only when the world’s greatest functioning democracy is marginalized, hamstrung, and otherwise transformed beyond recognition into just another over-regulated welfare/nanny state, sans testes. The Left view terrorism, and by extension reality, as an inconvenient obstacle to the achievement of their goals. The Left, in short, are stark, raving, batshit nuts.
The libtard left is not interested in reconciling anything. They figure if the lie long enough and loud enough then it becomes truth … in their own circle jerk
Oh dear, oh my, the sky is falling, whatever shall we do??
Dear UK,
The answer should be fairly simple for any set of people with a set of cojones between them:
You know WHO these Muzzies are (with pictures), WHERE they are, and approximately WHEN they’re due back. Put them on a high-profile, short-watch terrorist list, and be at the lookout for them at all airports, seaports, and any and all other possible points of entry. Including smuggling. WHEN THEIR FACES SHOW UP, SEIZE & ARREST THEM WHEN THEY RETURN!! No questions.
This is no great rocket-science intel operation. Simple common sense applied with all the law enforcement forces at your disposal.
In the words of another cranky curmudgeon blogger, “Do I have to do ALL the heavy lifting around here?”