DC cop brings gun to a snowball fight

| December 20, 2009


A man who identifies himself as “Detective Baylor” in the following video, was brutally attacked and forced to draw his weapon on 14th and U Streets yesterday in order to quell a vicious hurling of precipitation formed into odd-shaped, never-before-seen clumps;


Funny how the government in DC, which fights all the way to the Supreme Court to prevent it’s citizenry from owning firearms, reaches so quickly, and so unreasonably, for their own weapons.

Here’s a video of the event the “detective” sought to quell;

The Washington City Paper reports that it wasn’t even the cop who got hit, but rather his personal unmarked vehicle, a Hummer (no penis issues there, huh?). So he pulls his gun.

Again. Pussy.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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[…] at This ain’t Hell….., we learn a DC cop brought a gun to a snowball […]


How much is this cop being paid that he can afford a hummer?

AW1 Tim

So much for tolerance, eh? Worse than pussy: wussy.

Man wouldn’t survive a week in Maine.

Marooned in Marin

I seem to remember, almost two years ago, when the hippies attacked a DC recruiting station with red paint and assorted other object, the DC cops didn’t do a damn thing about that act of vandalism. Now one of them pulls a gun when his car is hit by snow?


That’s crazy stuff.

Casey J Porter


Adirondack Patriot

The spontaneous outbreak of happiness and laughter by innocent people in a city ridden with poverty, hopelessness and corruption was too much for one grim public servant to endure.

Surely, in the absence of a Congressional-approved public option compenent in a national health care plan, and failure to adopt a Global Agreement on Carbon Emission in Copenhagen, and Obama’s numbers below 50 percent, he had to wonder.

“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps… means a little bit more.”


“We’ve got a situation here, my Hummer was hit by a snowball. Roll SWAT and a meatwagon. I’ll draw their fire and return fire. This is escalating as I have just caught a snowball in the melon due to being caught in the crossfire. It’s ugly out here, I need backup.”


Detective Baylor, if that’s really your name. You’re not a pussy. Your a racist bastard turd. Yeah, I said it – RACIST. Really not a word I used. Can’t honestly remember the last time I did. But you ARE!

Bunch of white guys having FUN on a snowy day. You claim to have gotten hit by a snowball. Probably pissed you off because you have NO BALLS. What a sack of shit you are.

I hope someone slides into your freakin Hummer and tears it all to hell.

Toothless Dawg

Its a hate crime I tell ya!!! They targeted my hummer w/spinner wheels because I’m black!!! I want restitution … obaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamy … them white kids treated me mean!!!

Junior AG

This is more evidence that the Police have a ninja-like mastery of weaponry we peons can never hope to achieve…


Looks like what my brother and his friends used to do to me and my friends on our way home from school. Instead of crying about it, we girls would just grab snow and fight back. But then maybe SD school girls are tougher than DC cops?


Damn, what a candy ass. If you’re in a car, or Hummer, just drive on, dipshit. Thanks for embarrassing cops everywhere by your stupid actions.


Totally agree with you, UpNorth. Hate to think what he does at a call for a bunch of juvies fighting.


I’ll admit that I only saw the first video when the read the story today. When I did, I thought this wasn’t simply a bunch of kids having a snowball fight. My Observations on the video: 1) You don’t bring a DRUM to a snowball fight (3:53). Drums are a staple at Leftist protests, but not at snowball fights. At this point, I’m thinking: Was there something else going on? 2) Yes, there was. Note the “anarchist” holding the shield (1:56) that says “US Out Of (unreadable)” These were the same shields used when the Leftists tried marching on the Pentagon in 2007. You can see them at (1:19) in the video below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFrlbiZtcr4 3) And what was a camera crew and a professional photographer doing there? You’d think they would be covering something more newsworthy than a snowball fight. 4) Alot of Lefty protest lingo was used as well (use of term “pig,” let him go chant, shame on you chant, etc). Alot of college age kids with cameras, using the same lingo, acting the same way I’ve seen Leftists act when confronted by police at protests. 5) The site I saw the video on stated “residents…started throwing snowballs at passing Hummers.” This begged the question: “Why were Hummers specifically targeted?” My thinking at the time was something along the lines of Green Nazis engaging in destruction of personal property in a vain attempt to cleanse the world of Planet-Killing-Cars. By the way, this does not mean I’m defending the cop’s actions in any way. His behavior was extremely unjustified and he should most certainly face disciplinary action as a result. However, while it might seem like all fun and games, snowballs (if packed hard enough) can cause damage to private property and/or seriously injure someone. Based on my observations from the video (weather, conditions of the road, etc.) there was indeed serious risk of causing an accident on the road, resulting in injuries and damage to private property. Imagine yourself driving on that day and suddenly having something hit your windshield. What would your reaction be? Thus, there… Read more »


Sorry, this is the full video I saw. Courtesy of Reason TV


Good video Tommy and they don’t look like an innocent bunch of kids just having a snowball fight. Hate seconding guessing an officer, but pulling the gun still doesn’t make alot of sense. Get behind your Hummer and call for a back. Then let the patrol officer taze the little bastards and arrest the one that hit you with the snowball. Battery of an officer is a felony in Califonia.


Whatever. Those damn hipsters needed to be taught a lesson in respect.


Here’s my $0.02 – I live in Northern VA and was also affected by the storm:

First, having a massive snowball fight in the middle of a busy city street is not a good idea – especially not if the street in question is one of the main thoroughfares of a major city. It’s also not a good idea to throw snowballs at passing cars, no matter what kind of car it is. If someone threw a snowball at my car, I’d definitely get out and have a few “words” with them – although I wouldn’t ever think of coming out with a weapon. Bottom line – just a bunch of punk-ass kids with no common sense.

Second, the cop running out of his vehicle with his gun drawn is equally as foolish. If the officer has had training on “continuum of force” (and I’m sure he has or has had some similar sort of training) he should know that introducing a weapon into a situation such as this one escalates the potential for violence, and could have provoked the crowd to stir up unnecessarily. Probably, it would have taken nothing more than the officer 1) identifying himself as such and 2) telling the crowd to knock it off in no uncertain terms. If they continued to throw snowballs at cars, he could have come back with backup and sent them all away. Instead, his heavy-handed response just gave the left-wing crowd something more to whine about. Bottom line – there are neighborhoods in DC where it makes sense to leave your car with your gun drawn, but this was not one of them.

Since I’m originally from a northeastern city known for lots of snow, I followed the only sensible course of action – I stayed in the house and drank beer.


According to the Washington Post, Detective Baylor is now on desk duty: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/20/AR2009122000881.html?nav=hcmoduletmv

The article also mentions that this wasn’t a political protest but that Hummers and other “gas-guzzlers” were targeted “because of the crowd’s political leanings”.

This detective should have known better than to draw a weapon, but at the same time the “non-protesters” should have known better than to target vehicles. At least now they have something more to protest, hell there’s already a t-shirt: http://www.zazzle.com/washington_dc_snowball_fight_tshirt-235550220897982793

Having gotten my daughter a Project Runway silkscreen kit for Christmas it is only a matter of days before I, too, can create a t-shirt based on a minor event that will doubtlessly get inflated far beyond what happened.

Cop drives his Hummer, hears something hit it (remember that some people like to put rocks in their anti-vehicle snowballs), gets out to check it out and is pelted. Loses his reasoning and draws his pistol. He didn’t shoot anyone or even take aim from what I’ve read. There is no justification for his possibly escalating the situation with the threat of deadly force, but that is something for him and DC Metro PD to work out. As for me, I’m just glad I don’t work in DC anymore. The morning PT runs were fun, but the political atmosphere got old quick. Louisiana is much better, where cops just get drunk and wreck their cruisers.


fm2176 Says:
Cop drives his Hummer, hears something hit it (remember that some people like to put rocks in their anti-vehicle snowballs), gets out to check it out and is pelted. Loses his reasoning and draws his pistol. He didn’t shoot anyone or even take aim from what I’ve read.

Sounds reasonable to me.
I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

Toothless Dawg

Read an article last night but can’t find it today to link. The DC Chief of Police has pulled the detective (25 years on the force) off the street and given him admin duties behind a desk. She stated his actions were ‘unacceptable’.