Thanks to Speaker Pelosi

| December 18, 2009

I guess this is as funny as Republicans in Congress can get these days; Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) thanks Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore for contributing to global warming (from the Washington News Observer);

I think because we’re finding out that the world is either staying the same or maybe cooling, then it’s a good thing for her [Pelosi] to fly over on a big airplane and contribute to carbon emissions so that we can try to warm this up. We’re on top of the Capitol and it is freezing up here, very cold, my ears are about to fall off, so I would appreciate all the efforts that she, Al Gore as he keeps his suburbans plural running as he makes speeches.

Category: Congress sucks

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Frankly Opinionated

Just like a Texan to laugh at the clowns. Go Louie, yer my kind of politician.

“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”

William Teach

Even funnier, Pelosi and the other Chicken Littles with her had to leave early because of the snow in DC 🙂