Who’s in Copenhagen today?

| December 18, 2009

While all of the third world is in Copenhagen trying to figure a way to fleece the American taxpayers, Hillary Clinton is there to make their job easier;

“The US is prepared to work with other countries toward a goal of jointly mobilizing $100 billion a year by 2020 to address the climate change needs of developing countries,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

Sweet, huh? We’re dealing with unemployment, health care, tax hikes, cap-and-tax, infrastructure deterioration, foreign oil barons – then on top of all of that, we’re going to start handing money to the corrupt third world to misuse.

The President spoke this morning, insisting that this, among every other damn thing his administration is dealing with, is important enough to so anything, regardless of how destructive a catalyst it might become;

“There are those developing countries that want aid with no strings attached, and who think that the most advanced nations should pay a higher price,” Obama said. “And, there are those advanced nations who think that developing countries cannot absorb this assistance, or that the world’s fastest-growing emitters should bear a greater share of the burden.

“But here is the bottom line: we can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward, and continue to refine it and build upon its foundation,” he said.

Republican James Sensenbrenner is there, too, according to Byron York;

Sensenbrenner’s office says he will “closely follow” several issues at the Copenhagen conference, including “the developing world’s demands for wealth transfers, the levels of commitment from developing countries [and] the feasibility of greenhouse gas reduction targets.” With him are Republican Reps. Joe Barton, Fred Upton, Shelley Moore Capito, John Sullivan, and Marsha Blackburn. Fourteen Democrats are on the trip, including the Speaker.

According to Andrew Breitbart, more nefarious forces are at work in Copenhagen, too;

Nothing like few thousand proud communists to draw support to a cause.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Foreign Policy, It's science!

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Capitalism means war? Yes, of course, I have forgotten what humanitarians Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot were bringing in their glorious Peoples Paradises.


This has never been about the enviroment. It has been about redistribution and control. It’s not that hard to figure out that the “green” movement is a shell for the commies and has been for 30 years.


Well for BHO it ought to be just like being at home with his own administration with all those socialists and communists running around.


Jerry quit using logic and making sense. Come on some these people are only in their early 20’s and don’t remember what communism is actually like.

The Soviet Union was well known for how efficiently they ran factories and enviornmental safeties they put in place. Heck how many people were fed by both Stalin and Mao when they collectivised the farms? Communists would never force anyone to work against their will…just ignore Siberia…nothing went on there. I don’t believe that they would ever harm anyone who disagrees with their beliefs. I think that the Romanovs committed suicide, because they were so ashamed that they held the workers down for so many years. And Sweet little Che he wouldn’t torture anyone in his little gulag in Cuba. He was just reeducating them. Mao never had anyone beheaded…they just had a lot of really bizzare shaving accidents.

(this is sarcastic and if you don’t recognize that slap yourself)


“We can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward, and continue to refine it” actually means, “we’ll tax the hell out of those suckers and they’ll roll over and like it”. And I won’t tell them what’s in it, they don’t need to know.


This is really ironic considering that the Eastern Block and the good old USSR were the worst polluters in the world… I remember the days when I could not breath in the St.Pete center – felt like you were inhaling pure gasoline… and all the factories and heavy machinery plants belching dark smoke… If you watch any of the Soviet movies, the “best” soviet landscape always included industrial smoke covering the horizon…