Big wins for the Anti-Pronoun crowd

| October 11, 2024 | 6 Comments

The school district insisted that the teacher address a student by their desired pronouns. He refused, and they fired him.

The Virginia-based West Point School Board agreed to pay a former high school teacher, Peter Vlaming, $575,000 in damages and attorney’s fees after he refused to call a transgender student by their preferred pronouns.

The settlement stems from a lawsuit filed by ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom – ed.) against the school board in September 2019. Vlaming, who taught French at West Point High School for 7 years, lost his job after the board made the unanimous 5-0 decision to fire him. A devout Christian, Vlaming said he could not comply with the school district’s policy to refer to students with pronouns inconsistent with their biological sex.

According to the ADF, “Vlaming tried to accommodate the student by consistently using the student’s new preferred name and by avoiding the use of pronouns altogether.”

However, school officials were obstinate that Vlaming used the student’s preferred pronouns and also to use them “even when the student wasn’t present,” ADF claimed.

So even if the student wasn’t there and the teacher said he instead of she (or vice versa) – when the student couldn’t possibly be offended – the teacher would be at fault?

Anyone else notice the guy teaches French – where everything has a designated gender? Use the wrong gender, you’re a bit of a buffoon – unless you want to be a gender-confused student, I suppose.

“We’re grateful that, because of this decision, tolerance is now a two?way street, not a one?way ratchet for totalitarian ideology,” Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) President and CEO Kristen Waggoner told Fox News Digital on Friday.

“It protects all teachers in Virginia and its rationale should guide other courts addressing similar issues,” Waggoner said.

Several months before Vlaming’s court victory, the Virginia Supreme Court reinstated the case after it was stuck down in a lower court. According to the Virginia Mercury, the King William Circuit Court “did not believe Vlaming had any valid reasons for the law to accept his suit.”

“However, the Supreme Court determined in December that the school board violated Vlaming’s rights,” the outlet reported.

Vlaming also scored a scored another, non-cash win after the case.

The settlement agreement authorized that Vlaming’s record be cleared, and that the West Point School Board’s policies to “respect free speech.”

The French teacher is allowed to go back to teaching and his former colleagues at West Point School can also do their jobs “without fear of retribution for living consistent with their faith and biological reality,” the attorney added.  Fox News

Not sure I would want to work for those folks, especially after the court bloodied their collective nose,  but at least his record is now clear.

This follows on the news that another lawsuit, this one in Colorado against the same baker who refused to make a cake for a lesbian wedding, was dismissed.

Colorado’s Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed on procedural grounds a lawsuit against a Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a transgender woman. Justices declined to weigh in on the free speech issues that brought the case national attention.

Baker Jack Phillips was sued by attorney Autumn Scardina in 2017 after his Denver-area bakery refused to make a pink cake with blue frosting to celebrate her gender transition.

Scardina attempted to order her cake the same day the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would hear Phillips’ appeal in the wedding cake case. Scardina said she wanted to challenge Phillips’ claims that he would serve LGBTQ+ customers and denied her attempt to get the cake was a set up for litigation.

Yeah, right. It was all altruistic, huh…

In March 2019, lawyers for the state and Phillips agreed to drop both cases under a settlement Scardina was not involved in. She pursued the lawsuit against Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop on her own.

That’s when the case took a wrong turn, justices said in Tuesday’s ruling. Scardina should have challenged the state’s settlement with Phillips directly to the state’s court of appeals, they said.

So no judgement on the merits themselves. Does sound to me that if Scardina is a lawer, he/sheit is not a very good one based on this case.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Diversity

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How about those who don’t take part in your grooming fantasy world?


In the case against the baker you have to read the specifics. In the previous wedding cake issue he had kept a deposit. It is one thing to refuse to be a slave to a deranged master, it is another to accept payment and then refuse to provide a product. If he had simply returned their deposit saying he was unable to complete their requirement, there would not have been a case. Autumn Scardina sounds like a person looking for publicity!


The first ones were just looking for publicity as well. They changed the order after he started the process. Keeping the deposit was within his posted policies in the store. I’ve met Mr. Phillips, and he’s a very decent guy, and a devout Christian. He’s got a target on his back, put there by our side-saddle governor. A less committed man would have packed up shop and moved to a friendlier state. These people are angry, small attention whores.


Sounds like the sanity pendulum may be swinging back towards normal. We let the kids run things long enough, time for the grownups to step in and help the youngsters out.


The school board made a 5-0 decision to fire him? Are these people elected office? sounds like a change is in order.

Green Thumb

Get the pronoun win.Cool deal.

As to the cake issue – just take the cash and make the fucking cake.

Kinda like going in to Burger King or such and not taking your meal from the transgender kid at the counter.

Don’t want to eat in because of that? Go somewhere else.