Look, if you’re not serious, just forget it, OK?

| December 15, 2009

So Admiral Mullen tells the media that he expects that “most” of the 30,000 troops will be in Afghanistan a year after General McCrystal asked for them.

The top U.S. military officer said Tuesday that he’s confident that most of the 30,000 additional troops that are being sent to Afghanistan will be there by August.

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters traveling with him in Afghanistan that the first 16,000 troops who already have orders will be in on schedule.

So. What? Last August, they said they had plenty of time to decide what to do about McChrystal’s request because the season for fighting was almost over and they could get ready for next year. If you fucksticks are just playing at looking like you’re at war, just fucking forget the whole thing.


Too bad I’ve actually been to Iraq so I don’t qualify for membership because I feel like joining IVAW at this point.

Category: Liberals suck, Military issues

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The best time to get troops there is during this time. Get everything set up and get the on the ground intellegence. Make the people feel a bit more secure and do some humanitarian missions. This is the time for the WHM. Then when the taliban comes out from Hibernation the troops will allready be in place. It shouldn’t take 9 months to a year to get this shit done.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Dang, I HATE being right. I talked to TSO about that it would take that long to get them there.

30K by 8/10, draw down begins 7/11. 11 months max.

Then subtract the non-fighting season…


Jonn said: Too bad I’ve actually been to Iraq so I don’t qualify for membership because I feel like joining IVAW at this point.

You do have a point. Perhaps it IS time for that level of clarity.

Toss in the ROE and the picture don’t get any prettier.

If there is any irony in all this it revolves around the anti-war types and their public condemnation of Obama’s ‘surge’. It would be interesting to see a movement publicly oriented towards ‘Win or Get Out’ coming from the NOT anti-war side.


Ok, I’ll take up the mantle for ya, ponsdorf:

Win or get the f*** out!!!!!

How’s that?


OT offered: How’s that?

Actually I was thinking about GoE (maybe) and/or even some of the VSOs.

But thanks. [grin]

To elaborate a bit. Many of us have been full tilt ‘support the troops AND their mission’ for quite a while.

Ya gotta admit it would be interesting to see the fall-out if some major group(s) would say “shit or get off the pot”.

Just where would the IVAW fit if the GoE said as much?

I dunno… would anyone recognize the difference?

Debbie Clark

Well, Jonn, remember there is always our Facebook group, Charlatans Against the War…


Add to that Obama’s disgust over being “victorious” and things don’t look good at all.

AW1 Tim

If the goal is NOT to win, then every man-jack we have deployed ought to be recalled right frikkin’ now. Have them all gather what they can, and burn/destruct everything else in place. Move at best speed to Bagram, and establish a secure perimeter there.

Begin to evacuate everyone at best possible speed. Abandon everything we are unable to take with us and destroy it in place. leave nothing useful behind.

From the moment that Obama decides the goal is NOT to win, every single KIA should be charged against him and every member of his cabinet as a negligent homicide. Make the sentencesconsecutive, so that they spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Either fight this war to win, to destroy the Taliban, destroy AQ, destroy radical Islam (read: wahabism) and establish a secure, functioning Afghan government, or give the order to evacuate now. RIGHT NOW. Tonight.

The President is the CinC. He either leads, or he should get out of the way and let someone else lead.


Makes me yearn for the good old days of Clinton. Sheesh.


Well, ponsdorf, I have been getting beat up by some of the leftist weenies for commenting on what I didn’t hear in the President’s speech at West Point, where he talked about increasing troops strength and even gave a timetable, but what he never said in his timetable was the word victory. Not once have I heard him describe ending operations when we have achieved victory.

Now, before any of you leftist a-holes get your holy undies all twisted up about not knowing what victory is, or what goals we have; I answer that in my blog post over at the burnpit on losing our will to win. Granted, it’s a couple weeks old, but the sentiment is still the same.

Just A Grunt

Through out this whole “surge” talk I have never heard them say anything about extending those already in country. I quite honestly don’t see any surge, just a regular rotation of forces. Maybe they have put extra units on movement orders, but I know the GA National Guard and Reserve units in Afghanistan right now are still scheduled to rotate home as usual.

This whole thing to me appears to be just more smoke and mirrors, and I would like to see more information on number of trigger pullers versus support staff that is supposed to be in this surge.