Holiday Open Thread

| September 2, 2024 | 117 Comments

Happy Labor Day! Approximately  8 years ago, right before Labor Day, a phony SEAL was featured on this site. The featured phony deployed sock puppets to try to make himself look good. In one of his sock puppet interactions, one suck puppet said to the other, “See you at the barbecue!” Good times.

Category: Open thread

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Nothing phony about the Luck of The Gun Bunny, scoring a FIRST on a Holiday Open Thread. Don’t even have my socks on yet. Had just come in from a tour of the perimeter @ Fire Base Magnolia and the reloading of the outside kitty cats feed bowl. Haven’t even finished my FIRST Cup of Joe yet. Opened up Mr. Chromie and WHUMP, there it was a, Holiday Open Thread Post, staring The Gun Bunny in the face, daring him to lay claim to the prize. Three WOTs and a HOT added to the total for The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST. As we await the haters and pea green with envy folks to show up to pile on their jealousy I’ll be stoking up the coals to prepare an assortment of beef, pork, and chicken beasts (with appropriate sides) for all of the D’weeded and Adorable Deplorables to enjoy. Refreshing Beverages are on hand for all to enjoy.

“…suck puppet…” *snickers* Yeah, sock puppets do suck, don’t they! I do miss me some sock puppets…Bless Their Hearts!

Last edited 7 days ago by KoB
Hack Stone

Hack knew an Open Thread usually drops 08:00 on holidays, but he got distracted scrolling through Facebook. Looks like Hack will have to bide his time until Friday’s Weekend Open Thread.


On every POSer post, we come here looking and hoping for commenting sock puppets as chew toys, but alas, me thinks they are a thing of the past here at TAH.


They were so much fun.


Here, finally…

Hack Stone

Honorary First. Hack has been burdened by what has not been done, whatever the hell that means.


It’s not in a locked file cabinet in your basement, it’s all around you, like in a cloud.


In the meantime, a certain demographic in Commiefornia want to burden the working taxpayers a little more. “We’ve come for our checks!”


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Is there any slave owners still alive that they could go after. Is there any slaves alive today? Let them settle it in court. We have all faced repression of some type or another. I say get on with your life and learn from the mistakes of the past and move on. Vengeance belongs to God!
I never owned any slaves, so why should I be on the hook? Suck it up and move on, you can’t wait for handouts your whole life. It’s not gonna happen. Well in Communist California maybe!


Should have read down a little more. I see this was already mentioned by thebesig


First, we would have to disinter them, since they all were dead and buried over a hundred years ago. But this “reparations” scam will be a great boondoggle of gov’t cash for grifters and fraudsters among D-rats and African-Americans.


Guilt, I imagine. Harris’s family owned slaves way back when and she hasn’t yet been unburdened by what has been.


Then she can be unburdened of her grift money to pay the reparation grifters. It’s only fair.

USMC Steve

A basic legal precept that this reparations business would have to get past, indeed any civil suit, is to prove that you have actually been harmed by the action or persons in question. Since there have not been slaves in this country since the civil war, that pretty much makes the issue moot, and a properly trained judge would have to toss the case.


Every unanswered question now is that her values have not changed and therefore that is still her position.

So unless she lies, I mean changed her position, It is still the same as it was, because being the same is not being different, which is the same as it used to be, but now, not different than the past but also the same as in the future.


Looks like Kamalaho wrote that four lines for you.

RGR 4-78

“Kamala remains silent”

She probably has something lodged in her throat.


Nope. Facts are irrelevant. Income must be redistributed. Michelle Obama and Oprah will be exempt from contributing, due to their lifelong oppression because of their sex/gender and pigmentation. Imagine what they could’ve accomplished had they not been restrained by the white patriarchy.


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What they’re essentially doing is demanding that they get rewarded for a series of poor decisions in their lives, like “voting blue no matter who”, while penalizing others for generally making the right decisions in their lives… The taxpayers from whom the source of reparations would be drawn.” Nailed it! LBJ…grins

And as SFC D pointed out, bringing facts into the equation is irrelevant, also immaterial, and are not to be produced into evidence. The true study and history of the African Slave Trade will show that the African Chieftains sold not only their captured enemies, but also the excesses from their own tribes, generally keeping the best specimens for themselves. I found it very ironic when the (s)elected “leaders” of the Demonrat Party did their kneeling thing in the Capitol Building, the “African” style clothing and the colors were of the largest African Slave Trading Tribe. Africans put themselves into physical bondage and have kept themselves in economic bondage in the one Country that has given them more equal opportunity to better themselves than any other.

Some estimates show figures of 3 trillion USD spent to give them “equality” since LBJ’s time.


Leads to Venezuela, too:
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Venezuela used to be a nice country, when I was a wee lad.


Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela.


The interesting thing is that WW1 was NOT, in fact, started by Germany.

At the end of the causal chain stands a very unique entity–Great Britain.


It wasn’t just the competing security alliances and treaties, it was that many were made in secret. Therefore the second and third level effects were unclear until everybody was already fighting.

Hack Stone

No, WWI was started by one stubborn man who ignored his wife’s directions. Just think, if GPS existed in 1914, this whole World War I thing could have been avoided. Somehow this is Donald Trump’s fault.

Hack Stone

You would think that after 60 plus years of government entitlement in LBJ’s never-ending war on poverty would be enough, but alas, it is not meant to be. So how do they apportion reparations? Does every person of color receive the same amount? What if your father came to America from Kenya on a US Government funded scholarship, and while here he knocked up a bunch of liberal white college chicks and he went back to Africa? Would you be entitled, as your ancestors were not enslaved in America? What about biracial people, how much do they get?


Call of Duty

Last edited 7 days ago by Anonymous

I imagine it is the same rules as if you ancestors were slave holding Irishmen and from India.


If your family immigrated (legally) last week, how much do you get?


From what I’ve read they are demanding reparations for Californicate land that was taken from them that was previously taken from Native Indians. Will those getting reparations be required to pay reparations?


“shoving them down our throats”

They can also shove them up their ass.

BlueCord Dad

Well, she’s Canadian so she can piss up a rope…


Exhibit A in the proof that Progs want to “cancel” our Constitution because it is an impediment to their establishment of Marx’s dictatorship of the proletariat. Surprise, surprise, Sgt.Carter! The NY Times really is the propaganda outlet of our crypto-commies aka “Progressives.”

Hack Stone

Looks like we will have to retire the expression “sober as a judge”.


Hack Stone,
Sworn in as a judge just 10 days ago, on August 23, 2024.
Enjoy the quotes….. and the testimonials.

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, in Baltimore it seems that being sentenced to home confinement includes barbecues outside of the County.


A pity that home confinement doesn’t include a shock collar. Make it self contained, pin it to the center of the home with just enough range to be able to mow the yard or take trash to the street. Any tampering of the collar makes it go to default mode which would be a constant shock, only resettable buy a court authorized repair geek. Hope said geek isn’t on vacation or otherwise unavailable.


Exploding ankle monitor. Makes the second excursion more difficult.


Oh come on, tell me if you were trapped in Baltimore under house arrest you wouldn’t chew your ankle off to escape? You know you would.

Green Thumb

I wonder if Tiffany Henyard was there?
I am sure Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics sponsored the event.


4th it seems. Still happy to be here.


I would like to thank the hard working people at McDonalds for
being open this morning to make an egg-a-muffin for me and
my pal.
I coulda been first but we was hungry.


Isnt their motto ”Special Orders don’t Upset us” They never said anything about the customer not being upset. “Caveat Emptor”


Burger King

Green Thumb

Have it your way.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

EGGACTLY as it comes out of the hen


And don’t play no shell game!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Never did because one never wins and I don’t feel like shelling out any Moolashmoola as Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa used to say..Usually the shell game peeps in Manhatten used to let you win if they saw your bankroll and if a person felt like they were winning, they would put more money down that what they won and then would lose the game when the pea wasn’t in the shell. Same goes for 3 card monty. I always used to spot the 1 shill playing the game and 2 others playing chicky when I was working in the financial district along Broadway. NYPD in plain clothes used to nab them and the PD van for the incoming lockups stayed a number of blocks away untill called…


So the cops “grilled” them?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Yea, the heat was on.

A Proud Infidel®™

That muttonhead is the type who will hold everyone else in the drive-through line up as he unwraps the food to make sure it’s to his liking while cussing who gave it to him. After all, he did admit that a brief stint working at a McGunk franchise is the only time he’s ever worked in the private sector!


I do know what Lars would say if he met some of the TAH commenters in a Mickey D’s. “You want fries with that? How about we supersize your order…you know…like my ego?”

Hack Stone

Haven’t been to a McDonald’s in ages. As far as fast food is concerned, there are tons of better chains out there, like Checkers and Five Guys. Well aware that Five Guys is a tad expensive, but if you want a good burger, you need to pay for it.

Speaking of Five Guys, when will the Social Justice Warriors launch their attack against Five Guys for not having a diverse LGBQT identity in their name?

Green Thumb



Diversity and inclusion is out right now. Everybody from Harley to Tractor Supply is ditching it without opposition.

You obviously didn’t watch the Dem convention where they were all pretending to love America and act sane. They even copied Trump’s plans for America. It was crazy talk when they started chanting USA! USA! You can’t make that shit up if you tried.


Jack Daniel’s struck its DEI colors, too.


Lots of others, including the states of Alabama and Kentucky. Johnson & Johnson was probably the biggest company.

The weird thing was the attacks came from all sides. The diversity people were unhappy and the anti-diversity people were unhappy. So it was pretty much damned if you do.

A Proud Infidel®™

What they’re finding out is that the anti-DEI crowd is MUCH bigger, and they vote with their wallets.


Fixin’ to go help Favorite Son-in-law tear down the old porch to build a new one.
Got some cuddle time with new granddaughter yesterday – it was great. Got to take her sisters to church with me yesterday too. Loved it. The 2.5 year old spent Sunday School cuddled in my lap while I taught a mature (age-wise) men’s class. It was great!
God bless you all, all the honest laborers, and may He break the bow of the wicked in our time.

Hack Stone

Mr. Graybeard, tear down this porch.


With a GB-family joint effort like this, the puns fly quickly and the laughter flows freely.
We also get caught up in teaching about Archimedes’ and his principles of the lever, how to use two crow bars to “walk” a board off its nails, and similar endeavors.
One of the blessings of the family all being on the GB Compound is getting to work together on projects like these. Many hands=light work, and light-hearted working.

Green Thumb

No holiday at All-Points Logistics today.

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress is hard at work preparing and submitting taxpayer-funded contracts based upon his high questionable and potentially felonious Native American, Navy SEAL and Law Enforcement claims.

And the Phildo knows where the meat pole goes…in the taxpayers collective asshole!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Weekend started out bad. Got a bill from Quest Diagnostics this past Saturday for $666 from bloodwork that I had on May 21st. Medicare denied it so the invoice says. I get on the phone forthwith with Medicare and the young lady says we never got the bloodwork claim so just ask Quest to re submit it. I hang up then 10 minutes later I ask something else and hang up. little later something pops into my noodle and call again and ask the young lady about the medicare card number that I used. I give her the numbers that were on the invoice and my present card numbers and after looking on the PC, she says the one on the invoice was cancelled due to suspicius activity on April 19th. So I asked her when Quest put in the claim with the cancelled card it wouldn’t show up and she says yes, and she says to call Quest and re submit the claim with your present card. I didn’t get the present card in the mail untill after May 21st after I had the bloodwork done. New card took a long time to get to me. Will call Quest 2 moro. I didn’t look at the small print at the bottom of the invoice and it says to re submit the claim after finding out what the error was. Sis tells me that I never look at instructions.

BlueCord Dad

The devil is in the details😎


And in the price in this case..


I could heat my house with all the Medicare and insurance
paperwork I get in the mail. Don’t even open the envelopes.
I took the ringer out of my desk phone. Use a silent answering
machine instead. The recorded greeting is “leave a messeage”.
Stay tuned for more tips on how to survive old age.


The trade in phony unpaid medical bills has gotten nutty. I keep getting bills for an event in 2022 that was paid by my insurance company.

I called the number provided and got some Indian guy. He has no idea what it was even for and wanted $900. He said I might go to jail if I didn’t pay. I told him to come get me, don’t even wait for tomorrow. He got angry then when I told him I was a LEO the line went dead. Keep getting those bills though.

Nowadays I pretty much ignore anything that doesn’t come direct from a provider or my insurance company.


True story…

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Hoppy holiday!


White Sands Missile Range– maybe not just 25mph, but pretty much so.


We were limited to 45 mph on the autobahn while in a
military vehicle. The speedo was in mph but the roadsigns
were kph so your mileage may vary.
POV’s were fun.


45 on the autobahn in a military vehicle. I guess that could happen. I admit nothing. Call my lawer.


Especially with removal of a governor involved… lightly loaded M998 HMMWV tops out at 75mph/125kph there, I’ve heard.

Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

PRESNT and unaccountable as I award myself another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
Our government will gladly tell the names on everyone they know took part in January 6th, but guard the names on Epstein’s list remain guarded tighter than Top Secret info!


Because they’re ON Epsteins list..

A Proud Infidel®™

But of course, them AND their pals, it’s been said that “Blowjob Willie” Clinton rode Epstein’s “Lolita Express” plane 26 times.


It’s early Christmas shopping time again as we enter the last month of the fiscal year when all the extra monies they said wasn’t available suddenly shows up in the budget. So, all you logistically minded TAHers, get your want lists submitted now.

Need a new pool table for the dayroom? Or, how about some extra bed linen or Mermites for eating in the field?

Remember, if you don’t spend what they give us this year, you can’t ask for more next year. /s/

Hack Stone

How much is a mailbox door in the GSA Catalog? Asking for a “friend”.


Perused the entire 2024 GSA Catalog looking for mailboxes/doors. No NSN listings at all. Must be a Local Purchase item. Sorry I couldn’t help.


It’s because “door, box, mail, 1ea” is a component item of “box w/door, mail, 1 set”. It cannot be requested under a separate NSN.


Welp…now we know where Mustang CPT, Pappy The Stranger, of the Engineer Corps. A little while back, Kaintuck had 4.9 million barrels…HAD!

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Hack Stone

Hack was under the impression that if it was not distilled in a Kentucky then it was not considered bourbon. Is Hack Stone incorrect?


That’s what “they” say, Mr. Stone , Tho there are those that like something as smooth as Tennessee Whiskey…or as sweet as strawberry wine…and being warm as a glass of brandy. I do believe I just described our very own OAM. I believe that I could stay stoned on her love…for all time!


Woodford Reserve
Double Oaked
Everything else is just booze.


Bourbon County Kentucky to be more precise.

But Bourbon is more for tow truck drivers, coal miners and escaped prison inmates. Men of class drink Scotch.


Scotch? I shall remain low-class and continue to consume my Irish pedigreed whiskey!


H.R. McMaster, who criticized Trump, makes excuses to avoid criticizing Walz:


H.R. is so cunty.


Ditto. As NSA for Trump, I believe he is the one who brought those vile Vindman brothers into the NSC.


Van Damme’s got some words for him:

Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

An X (twitter) test. From Kruiser’s Morning Brief:


Anyone interested in adopting these two


I’ll take a hard pass, Skippy. The final ex Mrs. Gun Bunny had a head full of them things. Brrrrrr!


I’m seeing all kinds of stuff out here now
crawling around


They are loving Dangerous Pets
They need a home ASAP !!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s near the end of this Holiday Weekend, and I hope that all of The Fine people of TAH®™ have enjoyed themselves and had an enjoyable time, I was just going through some of the archives of times past, including times of The Dutch Rudder gang and their hijinxes where they gracefully screwed themselves as well as some past posers with sockpuppets that got their asses chewed raw, man, those were some fun times. Come to think of it, NONE of the Dutch Rudder goobers ever found me.

Hack Stone

Don’t be so cocky. When was the last time that you swept your driveway for IEC’s? IEC‘s being Improvised Explosive Coconuts.


I was watching the acorns drop from nearby trees as I
waited for the ATM to authorize my existence.
There was a couple of gray squirrels grabbing them and
stashing them nearby. As I drove away, the sound of
popping acorns gave me quite a chuckle. Musta drove the
squirrels nuts.


Jus’ sayin’…

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<sigh> Well KoB, it’s been a wonderful romance, but I now see it will not work out. With my eyesight, ringing steel at 100 yards with a revolver is as much luck as skill these days. Also, the only children I want are Other People’s…as in, they go home. <sigh>. It’s been lovely.

So, any other takers out there in TAH land? Just remember, I require in my ideal man ALL the same qualities. Also, cannot be shorter than me, have a smaller waist, or longer hair. No hair on their head is okay, but if you are not folic challenged, it doesn’t have to be high and tight, it simply must be well groomed. Oh, and if you are bearded, it must be as clean and soft as what is (or was) on your head. And of course, I require proficiency in the skills in which I struggle, like ringing steel.


Guidelines are simply that, Mi’Lady. They are NOT etched in stone. Now…keep in mind…I didn’t lay out those guidelines, I simply appropriated them as a basic roadmap. Not looking for children meownself, I gots pert near grown grandchildren, 19 & 15…and they’re 400+ miles away. 5’7″ with a 36/38 belt, folics are thin to the front lobe, short well groomed beard gets a dose of conditioner everyday. I do possess a razor. I’ll take care of the markmanship so there is that. You do remember that I can cook and also know which position to leave a toilet seat in. Mama trained her boys well.

Hack Stone

Freedom of speech is so 18th Century. We are so fortunate to have the Democrat Party to protect us from speech that they do not agree with.

Major Tuddy

Q: Where do Dems go grocery shopping?
A: Walz-Mart.

Damn; tough crowd. I’ll show myself the door now.

Last edited 6 days ago by Major Tuddy
Hack Stone

Q: Where do Dems go grocery looting?

A: Walz-Mart.

Fixed it for you.

Hack Stone

The land line of the proud but humble woman owned business that sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software just rang. Hack answered, hoping to close the deal on the second software sale since 2014, but alas, it was not meant to be. Someone with a heavy Indian accent called stating that his name was Jack calling about something or other. Hack asked him “Jack who? Jack Mehoff?” He stammered a bit, continued with the scam pitch, then finally realizing on what was up, he hung up.