Sunday FGS

| September 1, 2024 | 12 Comments

CZ P-10 C

Man shot in self-defense case at The Flats in Pensacola charged with battery

PENSACOLA, Fla. — The man shot at The Flats at Ninth Avenue apartment complex in Pensacola Thursday morning is charged with misdemeanor battery.

Police determined the shooting — which took place around 5:30 a.m. Thursday — to be a self-defense case. The shooter is not being charged.

Lanz Canillas, 30, is charged with misdemeanor battery, as well as a probation violation charge from the sheriff’s office.

He suffered a gunshot wound to the shoulder during an argument with another person at the apartment complex. Police later located him after he left the scene.

Canillas is being held in Escambia County Jail without bond.

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Rockingham homeowner shoots would-be intruder: Sheriff’s Office

by: Abby Mittower
ROCKINGHAM, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — A man is hospitalized after the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office says he tried to force his way into a home.

On Thursday, August 22, deputies were called to a home on McDonald Church Road. A homeowner reportedly fired shots to try to scare off someone trying to get into his home.

Despite the previous shots, officials say the suspect kept trying to get into the home and the homeowner shot the man. Deputies arrived to find the man injured at the front door. They provided first aid until emergency medical services could arrive.

The suspect was airlifted to a trauma center for treatment.

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QC News

The second thug gets a warning shot. Use it wisely. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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We gots us a twofer of perps that need work on their victim selection skilz and a twofer of citizens that need range time.

Bottom line: It’s better than a GLOCK 19. It just is. In every last way it’s better.” Hell!…ain’t most anything better than a Glock?

I’d “moll” that Gunz Girl! Mr. Capone was unavailable for comment.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Don’t “moll”-est her, you may end up on the receiving end of some downrange lead.

I’ll “moll” over your good advice, Tox. Howsome ever…it’d be worth the risk. You forget that not only do I have that panty dropping Southern Drawl, with Southern Gentleman Manners, I have a bulge in my bank account, know how to cook, and know which position to leave a toilet seat in. ‘sides all that (and bags of chips), I have a multitude of freedom seeds that will fit her Thompson’s Gun.

I ain’t skeered!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Hubris doesn’t run in your family, it gallops.

With apologies to The Possum…The Race is always on!


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories. […]

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Two things in common between these two perps.
They’re persistent.
They’re stoopid.
As a result, they both got WRT.


In keeping with my usual smug gun bragging, I bought something. This time, a Haskell Manufacturing (yes, a Hi-Point) JHP in .45 ACP, per JMB’s own final will and testament pertaining to the end-all/be-all of calibers.

It’ll pair well with the Hi-Point .40 and the Lorcin .380. By now, I’m thinking I’ll just buy whatever used Hi-Points come in. I need a 9mm and a 10mm at the least. I can use them for target practice or embed them in my future bar counter. Meanwhile, I really do need a 10mm FN or S&W…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

If you can afford (snicker…Hi-Point…snicker) all that, go for it. No shame here, a Hi-Point in 45ACP was one of my first gun purchases. It sits at my nightstand, for those Just-In-Case times. Carry? HA! As if.
Maybe if I could get Gun Bunny to install it on a caisson with wheels, I’d take it more places.
As it is, I dust it off occasionally, clean it, transport it to the range in its own luggage, shoot a few rounds through it, then transport it back home again to clean, lube, and back to the nightstand.
When you think about it, that’s not a bad life for a gun.

Nothing wrong with an Old School Hi-Point…’specially if it’s in His Holy Caliber. fm2176 is waaaaay yonder past bragging, he’s in the full blown gloating mode. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I do hope he realizes that the 10mm is the FIRST tool to come up missing from a tool box. Caisson? No time for half measures now. Let’s put it on a tracked prime mover, that way you can take it anywhere. We should all be so lucky to have such a gun’s life as that.

Jus’ sayin’…The time is nigh…

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Mike B

My wife doesn’t waste ammo firing warning shots. She goes for center mass right out the gate.

She is able to shoot dominant (Right) and weak (Left) handed and put all the shots thought the bullseye, with either hand.

She lugs a 1991 made CZ-83 in 380, she likes it because it’s heavy, no plastic other than the grip scales.

If she caught me talking to that young pretty blonde with the Thompson, I’d be throughly perforated.

USAF Retired


Hey, I have one of those.

It’s one of my favorites.

Drove up to PA a little while ago to pick up some mail ordered magazine extensions so now I can have 20 + 1.