Daily FGS

| August 16, 2024

Benelli M4 Tactical

Officers shoot armed man in Warner Robins who allegedly attempted a break-in, cops say
Story by Jesse Fraga
Warner Robins police say they shot an armed 20-year-old man during an attempted break-in Monday.

Police were called regarding a man “brandishing a firearm” in a front yard on Young Avenue and North Sixth Street around 7 p.m., according to the Warner Robins Police Department.

When the first police unit arrived, the man reportedly fired shots and “attempted forced entry” at the site, police said. It was unclear if he attempted to break into the home or a car.

The man was wounded after he and police fired more shots, police said.

He was given first aid and emergency medical services took him to the Houston Healthcare-Watson Campus, police said.

Livable neighborhoods with a vibrant street life will stimulate our economic life as well.
Gavin Newsom

0 / 1 / 0

Thanks Gun Bunny.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Hack Stone


Hack Stone

This must be the afternoon edition.


Our Beloved AW1Ed done went and hit the Post Thread Button ‘stead of the “Hold this in the queue until I finish it button.” Heh heh

Wonder how long til he figures out that he done that, makes the thread and the comments go “POOF” and whistles off into the dark of the evening?

Hack Stone

Hey, if they can wipe Kamala Harris being the Border Czar from America’s memory, this is small potatoes.

Hack Stone

We could make a comment about AW1Ed “finishing prematurely”, but that would be lowbrow humor, and we’re better than that. 🥴


We are?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Let’s see…
It’s 5:30-ish AM Mtn time and the title sez “Daily FGS”.
So I must’a missed out on the fun and games.

Yeah you did, Tox. The Thread had popped up (off?) yesterday afternoon and it did go “POOF” just a very few minutes after I posted my little snide comment. The only part showing was the pic of the shottie (yes I want one of them, too!), the article linky was not there…yet…when our Beloved AW1Ed “finished prematurely.” Sez a whole lot for ‘Ed’s ability to not only come back and finish the job, but to leave the evidence of his error by including the comments from yesterday. Now that’s true character! I’m quite familiar with that ‘hood and yes it is quite sketchy. There’s a follow up linky to that story below, identifying the perp and correcting the info that “He’s dead, Jim.” Change the score to a DRT. A second linky talks about a damn fine, old school, former Railroad crew rest stop boarding house that had been a family style sit down eating place. Sadly, the Bat Flu Scamdemic caused it to be shut down. Folks from all over the world had rubbed elbows there. Full disclosure…The Gun Bunny hurt himself there many a’time.




Skivvy Stacker

Okay, looky here.
Basic hard case, black letter law, as it’s rit down, an how it’s red in the books is plain and simple, strate forard, and simple an’ plane.
If y’break inta sum ones property without them givin you the OK for doin it, then you ain’t got no busniss bein in that house.
An if y’aint got no budinss bein in that house when somone sez you ain’t sposed t’be thar, then y’aint gotta be there, an’ th’law sez y’all gotta git yer britches out o’there right quik, or you might git yer butt fillt with buck shot, er rock salt, er som kind o’ heavy dudy ammonition what takes you out of the main streem of the live an’ livin’….

RGR 4-78

Put your knees in the breeze and your ass in the blast. Thanks for the reminder.