Kamala Harris hints at executive action to act on gun control

| July 31, 2024

Kamala Harris addresses gun control with a reporter. She criticized Congress for not acting on gun control. She suggested that as president, she would try to get Congress to act. Absent congressional action, Harris would take the executive action route to address this issue.

Video Transcript:

Reporter: Adding [inaudible/garbled] to your gun control agenda?

Kamala Harris: I think it’s a great idea! But I mean, listen, I, I, don’t think we lack for great ideas as I’ve said many times. We’ve been having great ideas for decades. The problem is that Congress has not had the courage to act! And, that is why, from the beginning I have said, my agenda includes attempting to get Congress to act, but if they don’t, within the first 100 days of my administration, I’m going to take executive action! Because what we need is action

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris, Second Amendment

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Executive Action ain’t law, KamalToe.
(what is it with the DildoCrats “pen and a phone” attitude”?)
I’d say “suck a fat one”, but that’s how you got to where you are in the first place.
The closer we get to the first week of November, the more I need to prepare. Clean, lube, load, you know, all the fun stuff off the range that no one wants to do, but is necessary.
I also heard whispering of Something Big to happen the last week (23rd) of September. May be “conspiracy theory”, but best to be prepared & not need it, then be caught off guard.

Ah, “The Event” that rich left/libtards eagerly await to impose their “green” Great Reset and gun confiscation… but will just jack-up our nation (much worse than said left/libtards expect) for a Chicom invasion of Taiwan and punk-out of America instead.

Some sh*t’s coming, that’s for sure.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®️™️

Remember how the Moonbat libtards cheered when B. Hussein 0bama said he had a pen … , but went UC Berzerkely crazy when Donald Trump issued executive orders? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


“Executive orders” in and of themselves are not necessarily bad, but when they subvert the legislative process and become royal decrees, nope.

How about the Secret Service Agent that said that we need to be prepared for another assassination attempt…



The acting director made a statement that “He didn’t imagine that people would want to harm the protectees”.

I’m no security expert, but I would “imagine” that the first step in protecting a former president would be to “imagine” all the ways a hostile would attempt to do harm.



You would be right… if they gave a sh*t.


That is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever fucking heard in my life.

But, it tracks.

Makes sense that the USSS was unable to secure a principal at a venue that 4 guys picked at random from TAH could have created a plan for.

Because they didn’t see the need.

Major Tuddy

Sure. Remember those OPSEC training posters, showing ‘the adversary’ as a dragon? We were trained to ‘think like the adversary’ – to anticipate the adversary’s next move, and prevent it.


Yes, the powers that be are not done facilitating the assassination of Trump.

It’s coming…Prepare

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Said before, but…
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Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Gun control is about the new 1000 year 4th Reich Washington control freaks to take away peoples firearms.

USMC Steve

Yet the socialist dems and libtards are all about project 2025, even though it isn’t real.


Leftists gonna leftist.
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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sounds like a variation of Mussolini’s, “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
And yet, we see that happened to him and his mistress.
Well tenderized, they were. And hung up for “aging” as well.

Not to mention the last two bullet holes put in them by a regiment of Italian sharpshooters…


This pairs well with your statement

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E. Conboy

Little David took down Goliath with a slingshot!

Major Tuddy

Ooooo; the irony. 🙄😑🤦🏻


Always okay when THEY do anything.


A presidency, if you can keep it.


Over 400 million guns and 20 million illegals, the guns they can round up and get rid of but the illegals are just not capable of being deported. WE see your priorities, Dems.

Major Tuddy

I knew; I just KNEW that I wasn’t the only one to see that.


Yes, but how many do you suppose have 20 or more guns?

  • Since they have you address when you asked permission to buy hearing protection or add a fun switch
  • Of course, not to sure on who they think will do the confiscating!

Why Leftists love dorks who only feel personally responsible for cashing a paycheck.
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Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

The ones who think it will be easy to confiscate them and don’t mind getting ventilateted.

Old tanker

When you buy a gun you have to fill out federal paperwork and provide identification as well as go through a background check. Illegal aliens don’t do any of those things.


I’m a peaceful, reasonable man. But… Kamala, fuck around and find out.


Did you come in peace? And not bring artillery?


Yes. But, be very careful where you step in my front yard.


Because, you know, dog shit.


No, that’s the backyard 😉 There’s a dog back there that’s half percheron and half velociraptor. 30 pounds of attitude that fits in your lap. The laws of physics and matter say there’s no way that little beast is that heavy.

Last edited 6 months ago by SFC D

Met Jeeves yet?

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Surprise, motherfuckers!


Y’all wanted to shoot the guy or dog and claim “I was a-feared for muh life!” later…


Molon Labe.


Moldy Labia.

USMC Steve

There it is.




You say you want a revolution…


These dumbasses fail to realize that when they attempt to exert this kind of control, they actually demonstrate the reason the 2nd amendment exists.


And it will most likely be exercised by some. Insert cartoon thought balloon here…. I wonder which provides better cover….. Sand bags or former leftards.


Polticians seeking to take away guns implies they intend something that people having guns would prevent.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
Green Thumb

She can grab deez nuts!


Are you referring to the famous professor, Dr. Suggon Deeznuts?


I love Elon. I’m so stealing that this.



A Proud Infidel®️™️

Yes, LET HER keep screaming for more commie Gun Control, especially when she says she’ll rule by fiat at every opportunity, that will push even more people our way, like when “Snoopy” Dukakis said that he only believed that only the Police and Military should possess firearms, that handily helped give G. H. W Bush the victory in that election.

Army-Air Force Guy

Which is sad, because Bush the elder wasn’t all that friendly to the 2A.


Dig back a little farther and deeper, Bob Dole could have stopped the AWB and he didn’t want the sunset clause but was forced. Later his wife runs for office and for gun control.

The long march was on both sides and the middle!


Bob Dole didn’t like Average White Band?


An old joke but a good one….from back in the day….from my Step Dad who worked at the Senate recording studio which eventually because C-SPAN. He knew Dole and just about everyone else on the Hill at the time Bushs, Regans, Tip O’Neil etc. (who he told me, heard this joke and wasn’t terribly amused but wasn’t entirely mad.)
What’s this…..

Bob Dole at a strip club.


Last edited 6 months ago by ChipNASA

OK that’s some funny shit right there!

Hack Stone

That immediately popped into Hack’s data processing unit too. Do you sell software for a proud but humble woman owned business too?


Just posted this on the other tread….feel free to steal…I hope it’s not on the Sunday Funnies.


I’ll make a deal with you, Kamala. You guarantee that all criminals have been disarmed, then, and only then can we discuss disarming me. You’re not gonna change my mind or get any firearms I may theoretically own, but we can have that discussion.


Jus’ sayin’…bears re-posting…

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Doesn’t every Dem Presidential candidate make this same pledge?

Forest Bondurant

Yeah. Most recently I recall Beto O’Roark and Eric Swallowswell made similar comments.

Maybe they’ll stack the fuck up.

USMC Steve

Great. She can start off her abysmal presidential career by getting pounded in the ass by the Supreme Court, because that is where this nonsense will end up. Such actions have no force of law, nor are they binding on anyone other than governmental employees. And when an executive order or action violates federal law or the constitution, they are not enforceable.

Herbert J Messkit

What’s happening in Venezuela right now is a warning not to EVER give up your guns

A Proud Infidel®️™️

This and she addressed the crowd at her rally in Atlanta using a FAKE Southern accent just like Das Hildebeast did, hey, never interrupt an adversary while they are cutting their own throat!

Skivvy Stacker

From my cold, dead hands you cock sucking freak!


If *I* larfed, YOU have to LARF.


*I* larfed.


Well they have immunity for official acts. An Executive Order is an official Act.

If you can’t get legislation passed do an Executive order and have your party stop any impeachment attempt and you de facto have a law by decree without checks and balances

Forest Bondurant

Except for that Executive Orders only compel government agencies. They do not carry the weight of law for the public to obey. Only Congress can pass laws.


Too soon?

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