Outside of West Point last night

| December 2, 2009

Our buddy DanNY, from Gathering of Eagles; New York sent along this report from Gathering of Eagles who faced down the anti-war crowd last night as they swooned outside of the gates of West Point. He found this video which includes our two friends Elaine Brower and Matthis Chiroux (who are seen together a lot lately…I’m just sayin’…).

Is it me, or does Chiroux sound like he’s whining to his parents that his older brother won’t let him play the video game?

The Left estimated their numbers at 250, so it was probably closer to thirty.

Apparently 38 groups sent a letter to the president urging him to abandon our national security so they could feel better. Our experience here at This Ain’t Hell is that 38 antiwar groups = fifteen people using moonbat math.

Far Left Representative Barbara Lee has promised her California constituency that she’ll oppose the surge in Congress. Isn’t that racist?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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For a guy that hated the military, that silly sonofabitch wears our uniforms a lot. Basic TSO rule of thumb is that if you are wearing BDUs and you aren’t currently in the military, you are a tool bag. That goes for peeps on both sides as far as I am concerned. Paint your house in them, play paint ball in them, but walking to the mall, giving speeches, picking up men in bathroom stalls, just leave that shit at home.


How can he still wear the uniform?? I really hope, for his sake, that he never does it around me.

Casey J Porter

How can I make his mouth seal up like in The Matrix? Damn I wish I had that power.


Jonn I was thinking that too!

NYC Veteran

Matthis was arrested for disorderly conduct during this event.


Come on TSO; everyone knows that the truly “chic” veteran at an anti-war protest must wear BDUs or some form of military clothing.


Wish I could still fit in my old BDUs. My kids wore them for Halloween. I Agree with TSO on this one.


I don’t think I’ve been ‘eyeball-eyeball’ with DanNY, but we likely have many friends in common.

Just wanted to say Well Done.

USMC Steve

Remember now, the only way something can possibly be racist is if a white person does it or says it. We are the only race/ethnic group that can commit such an act. Sometimes we don’t even have to do anything to get accused (re tawana brawley as an example).

Winter Soldier

um–Contacting the local PD outside of WestPoint.. Because as I recall Matthis and the other HEMPSTEAD 15 ppl (incl myself) are supposed to be out of trouble and NOT GETTING arrested. I would be its a violation of the suspended charges to be arrested under a year later for similar offenses.


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