Mayor Bloomberg is an idiot

| November 27, 2009

I just read this, which I saw in the HotAir Headlines. First off, like the Brady Campaign before him, Bloomberg tries to use the Fort Hood shooting to illustrate some point about gun control.

During the Clinton administration, the FBI had access to records of gun background checks for up to 180 days. But in 2003, Congress began requiring that the records be destroyed within 24 hours. This requirement, one of the many restrictions on gun data sponsored by Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), meant that Hasan’s investigators were blocked from searching records to determine whether he or other terrorist suspects had purchased guns. When Hasan walked out of Guns Galore in Killeen, Tex., the FBI had only 24 hours to recognize and flag the record — and then it was gone, forever.

As former FBI agent Brad Garrett has said, “The piece of information about the gun could have been critical. One of the problems is that the law sometimes restricts you in what you can do.”

Really? The knowledge about the gun would be critical? They were about to send him overseas to serve in the military, I think you are safe assuming that if he didn’t have a gun then, that he shortly would have one.

Under no circumstances would this proposed law change have had any impact at all. Not one iota. You want to limit the number of deaths in an event like this? How about letting the troops carry their personally owned firearms. Pretty sure that would have limited it.

The Brady Campaign would have us believe that Psychiatrists having the ability to ban Veterans from getting firearms would have prevented this, and Bloomberg believes that had the FBI known that Hasan had a firearm that they would have moved on him. Neither of those positions makes even the slightest bit of sense, but that is what I have come to expect from them.

Category: Politics

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Dave Thul

Had he been denied a gun here in America, he would have been issued one (or likely two for major) prior to going to Iraq. Then, in a wonderful bit of irony, he would have had an office in a building where other soldiers have to remove the bolt of their weapon at the front door.

All the shrink and combat stress buildings in Iraq and Afghanistan are gun-free, just like the SRP in Fort Hood.

A Heros Friend

Dave…Bloomberg would try and ban grandmothers if he thought it would get him some votes…Pathetic I’m sayin…


Psst, Brady Campaign, ever hear of a magical device called a lathe? How about a feller named P A Luty & his BSP goody?

Guess what kids, there’s a semi auto set of BSP plans you can get, too!


Why was he allowed to buy a gun in the first place? Oh wait the FBI investigated him and cleared him. So I guess when they f up its the guns fault. NCIC Is who clears gun purchases, guess who owns NCIC? Your right!! The FBI. Yes the individual states run their own background but it all goes through the NCIC.

They find this guy talking to radicals and don’t even flag him. Who ever investigated him, should be drawn and quartered, along with his supervisory agent.

PC is the only way to fight a war! Whats next 11b females?


Haven’t heard any firearm injuries today but did run a first responder call on a stabbing (woman stabbed her nephew). Guess they had better take them steak knives away from all the senior citizen aunts in the world. Guess the NCIC missed the two gun checks on the terrorist. You can’t take posession of a firearm until the FBI/NCIC check is approved. Another President O’Dumbo screwup?


The couple who crashed President O’Dumbo big shindig proved anyone can kill anyone if that is their lifes work. Lucky they just wanted to rub elbows with a bunch of criminals, er, politicians.


Evening all. Bloomberg is always good for a few laughs. This is a guy that spent $100 million dollars on a mayoral campaign against a nobody and almost lost. Well, maybe being mayor gets him better Yankees tickets cause I don’t think there are any other perks to being the mayor of America’s largest, almost bankrupt city.


Buck Floomberg

AW1 Tim

Personally, I find the back-ground checks, the Brady bill and the 1968 Gun Control Act (and it’s various amendments) and the Violence Against Women act to be the definition of hate crimes. This Federal Government has gone way beyond it’s permitted circle of power and has committed what I consider to be felony assault against the 2nd Amendment.

There should be NO restrictions on firearms sales. We don’t conduct background checks on automobile buyers, yet we kill, on our highways, more than 20 times the number of people than we do with firearms. Yet… where is the outrage? Anyone getting in line to sue the auto makers for the actions of drunk drivers?

I should be allowed to purchase any weapon I can afford and choose to own. Any laws regarding such a purchase should be limited to the scope of my own actions, and nothing more.

Place the onus of the legal system on personal responsibility. The idea of gun laws to prevent violence is like passing laws to require people to wear masks in public to stop the spread of germs. It’s foolish, expensive, and does nothing to address the issue.

Repeal all gun laws. Shut down the BATFE, and then shut down the DEA. THAT would be money well saved.

Army Sergeant

Um, isn’t that what the Violence Against Women act says? That if you, by your own fucked up, violent actions, have hurt someone else and committed a crime, you forfeit the right to have firearms? Just like if you commit a major felony and go to jail, you’re not allowed firearms or to vote?

That IS personal responsibility. I have issues with other acts, but I do not have a problem when people who have committed fucking crimes can’t get guns.

AW1 Tim

Sorry, but the Violence Against Women act is a deeply flawed peice of legislation. It’s actually a Piece of sh!t legislation, but anyone who actually read the bill would know that.

That the government could set the precedence of double-punishment for a single crime should frighten the living crap out of any citizen. With this act, the federal government was able to reach back decades and reclassify crimes that were misdemeanor assault (if that) charges as Domestic violence crimes, and resentence the persons by taking away, forever, their right to own a firearm. There was no trial, no jury, no right or even vehicle for appeal. Just the government telling folks years and decades after the fact that they were being resentenced and stripped of a RIGHT for what, in almost all cases, was previously a minor misdemeanor, most of those being given a summons rather thabn an arrest.


Tim, also, if someone is on the receiving end of a restraining order stemming from a domestic situation, they can be stripped of their firearms. No hearing, no trial, no appeal. The petitionee(?) has no rights. I’ve seen women who’ve hit themselves in the face, to leave a mark, to get their husband, or S.O. arrested, for domestic assault. Once that happens, no guns.
Before Selena jumps all over me for this, I’ve also seen women who’ve been assaulted and was more than happy to lock up the POS who did it. But, is the system flawed? You bet it is.
And, you’re right, the VAW act is a very deeply flawed piece of legislation. Passed in the true spirit of “it’ll make us feel good”.
If a gun is responsible for a crime, is a spoon responsible for making Rosie O’Donnell fat?


Bloomberg is playing to the idiots of the country, and as the last 11 months have proven there are millions of them.

AW1 Tim

AS Mark Twain remarked, there are no stupid questions, but there seems to be an awful lot of inquisitive idiots….. 🙂


1in pipe & pipe cap, 3/4 in pipe, piece of a dowel w/ a nail and a hunk of cardboard plus some elbow grease & a hacksaw, filing & polishing with an emory cloth = a functional 12 Ga shotgun with no paper trail. Gun control is impossible if you have a functioning brain and a set of hands.

Brown Neck Gaitor

As stated before, the FBI wasn’t looking at Hasan.

Plus with the purchase records held for “just” 24 hours, exactly how often would they need to run a query against the new purchase information to keep an eye out if they WERE looking at Hasan or someone else?

Here is a clue, if you run it once a day at Midnight, you will never miss a purchase.

They didn’t look because they didn’t want to see, end of story.

What a freakin’ tool.