Robert E. Wilson Jr – Official Military Records

| June 17, 2024

Just to complete this case, we wanted to post Robert E. Wilson Jr.’s official military records. They could not locate him, probably because he had a common name and several SSNs. We posted the NPRC cover letters stating they could not locate his records. We filed 4-5 times. After we accounted for variations, we finally got his records.

FOIA Results – NPRC – Robert E. Wilson Jr – Summary Sheet

FOIA Results – NPRC – Robert E. Wilson Jr – Assignments

DoD Manpower Data Center (SCRA) – Robert E. Wilson, Jr.

Category: Army, Beirut, Marine Corps Poser, sniper, Valor Vultures

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Isn’t that a typo on the FOIA or did he really go back in time until ’79 in the reserves?


Yes, I would think they meant ‘1989.’ Or, could have meant ‘1997’ and transposed numbers.

Last edited 7 months ago by Steve Balm

Probably. Although it would be entertaining for him to hatch some super-secret time travel BS in the reserves out of it.


Plus, he performed a meta-physical morph over into the Marines from the Army.


I tattooed “aircraft carrier helmsman” on my arm but they wouldn’t let me drive the boat, I don’t get it.


They called him up and branch transferred his ass so he could he go could go back and save the Marines’ bacon at Khe Sanh and the Fall of Saigon to make history come out right or something ’cause he was so good. /sarc

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

I think they meant ‘1988’, because that’s when his eight-year Universal Military Training Obligation time would have been up. Either way, it all boils down to tour spent in the military during a non-NDSM period.


Am I reading that correctly? No NDSM?


Yep…The Brotherhood breathes a sigh of relief!


“during a non-NDSM period”

Thank God his time travel machine didn’t cover that.


Yeah, but the NDSM Tote Board totals come out right by having the 1st SEAC stealing one award a year after the eligibility window closed. And he is still wearing it to this day according to the WIKI entry. Along with the “V” Device to a Bronze Star Medal that he got for standing in for 15 minutes as the front gate guard to III Corps Headquarters while the on-duty Sentinel grabbed some noon chow. / s


In addition to his other lies, embellishments, and all around POSness, this c*cksucking sh*tbird has brought shame to my Beloved Field Artillery Branch. Phuque you, you King of Bitches!

Perfectly Honorable Service and something to be proud of and you just had to go full rutabaga retard.

Army-Air Force Guy

In his defense, he couldn’t make it to a toilet in time and had to shit on his record.

A Proud Infidel®™

More like Full Retard past Rutabaga to moldy shower curtain!


He got all the way to Potato in his career.

Hack Stone

Another lying dogfaced pony Soldier pretending to be a Marine. He should hook up with Ron Mailahn to see if he can score one of those sweet gigs driving around medical paint. 🥴


He was such a BAD ASS that the Marines had to pull him out of instructor duty at Ft. Sill to provide ‘over watch’ in Lebanon.

Daisy Cutter

Like many we’ve seen – they recognized his raw talent and killer instinct in boot camp. Straight to Special Ops.


It was rumored in boot camp that if you qualified
expert with the M-14 you would be sent to Vietnam.
No shit. Some guys couldn’t hit the side of a barn
with an M-14.


What happened at Ft. Polk, was they recruited you for sniper school.

I preferred the M-14, although I qualified Expert with the M-16, too. The M-14 was a better all around weapon.


You wouldn’t prefer the M-14 if you had to carry it in the Vietnam jungles with about 380 rounds of ammo in 21 magazines, and all the other gear we had to carry, including frag grenades, smoke grenades, claymore mines, ten C-rat meals and six quarts of water.

Green Thumb

Toss in that training time at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agenecy (both national and international), and this loser could go far.

Turd Bolling would be proud.


Google is forever


The douchebaggery is strong with this one.


I don’t get it. Why would any soldier ever want to be mistaken for a marine?


I don’t know. Maybe he just wants to eat Crayons without judgement?

Forest Bondurant



Amateur Historian

Looks like a service one could be proud of SMH


Thank you for the hard work Dave.

Now, if he just had a sock puppet to defend himself with…


Gee thanks Dave, I was doing good so far today and you had to post this. LOL What, he’s not a SEAL sniper? Oh no, not my EGA on an army doggies forearm? ARRRGGGHHHH. I have to quote DI Sgt. Mazenko when he encountered a fat recruit who showed up at PI with a huge EGA on his bicep, “Oh, so you just wanna skip bootcamp and be a fucking Marine, huh? You fucking piece of human shit, who the fuck do you think you are? I guess you wanna be a DI too, huh?” He wore that turd out. Actually, Mazenko, Sgt Ishmail and SDI Ssgt Krause all circled around him and tore into him. He was doing bends and mother fuckers on the quarterdeck when we marched off for morning chow. He dropped on our first 3 mile run the next day and started convulsing. We never saw him again so he either got recycled or he is trapsing around the countryside wearing a huge-assed EGA on his bicep that he did not earn!


Link to VG 5 days ago.
Includes VG and MP links back to 2015.

Robert E. Wilson – Fake Beirut Sniper Resurfaces
Dave Hardin | June 11, 2024

A Proud Infidel®™

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER in the USMC According to records found.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER deployed to Beirut according to records found.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS in the US Army Artillery, a record he shit all over and himself.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. has put himself in the same archives as every other poser and embellisher featured on TAH.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. was never awarded the NDSM according to records found.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. now has the same reputation as Turd Bolling and others seen on TAH.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. DID earn the GCM.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. looks like he has never met a buffet he didn’t like.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. lied his ass off about his Military Service.
 Robert E. Wilson Jr. now gets to find out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER as he now discovers his Fame of Google®™.


I’m sorry API®™,

Did you say the following?

Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER in the USMC According to records found.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER deployed to Beirut according to records found.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS in the US Army Artillery, a record he shit all over and himself.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. has put himself in the same archives as every other poser and embellisher featured on TAH.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. was never awarded the NDSM according to records found.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. now has the same reputation as Turd Bolling and others seen on TAH.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. DID earn the GCM.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. looks like he has never met a buffet he didn’t like.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. lied his ass off about his Military Service.

 Robert E. Wilson Jr. now gets to find out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER as he now discovers his Fame of Google®™.

I thought you said this:

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is a starstruck crayon eater.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. does not deserve to wear USMC jockstraps.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. tried to swim his way to Perris Island.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not fight his way of of a wet paper bag.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. has only played with Marines in a toy soldier set.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. struts like a Marine but his boots are still laced with pretzel logic.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not buy a Marine uniform at MCRD with a fistful of fifties.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. does rate close to a US Marine let alone a GI Joe wannabe

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a couch potato in camoflage.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is laughed at by the Coast Guard.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. one and only victory was with the remote control for his TV.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a rubby ducky is a Navy Seal.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about to learn the internet forever and people do not forget…


Sarge, Fire Base Magnolia copies your traffic and re-transmits same… Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER in the USMC According to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER deployed to Beirut according to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS in the US Army Artillery, a record he shit all over and himself.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. has put himself in the same archives as every other poser and embellisher featured on TAH.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. was never awarded the NDSM according to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. now has the same reputation as Turd Bolling and others seen on TAH.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. DID earn the GCM.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. looks like he has never met a buffet he didn’t like.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. lied his ass off about his Military Service.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. now gets to find out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER as he now discovers his Fame of Google®™. I thought you said this: Robert E. Wilson Jr. is a starstruck crayon eater. Robert E. Wilson Jr. does not deserve to wear USMC jockstraps. Robert E. Wilson Jr. tried to swim his way to Parris Island. Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not fight his way of of a wet paper bag. Robert E. Wilson Jr. has only played with Marines in a toy soldier set. Robert E. Wilson Jr. struts like a Marine but his boots are still laced with pretzel logic. Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not buy a Marine uniform at MCRD with a fistful of fifties. Robert E. Wilson Jr. does rate close to a US Marine let alone a GI Joe wannabe Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a couch potato in camoflage. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is laughed at by the Coast Guard. Robert E. Wilson Jr. one and only victory was with the remote control for his TV. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a rubby ducky is a Navy Seal. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about to learn the internet forever and people do not… Read more »


D’s Cantina and TAH Border Outpost copies 5x:

Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER in the USMC According to records found.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER deployed to Beirut according to records found.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS in the US Army Artillery, a record he shit all over and himself.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. has put himself in the same archives as every other poser and embellisher featured on TAH.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. was never awarded the NDSM according to records found.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. now has the same reputation as Turd Bolling and others seen on TAH.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. DID earn the GCM.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. looks like he has never met a buffet he didn’t like.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. lied his ass off about his Military Service.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. now gets to find out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER as he now discovers his Fame of Google®™.

I thought you said this:

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is a starstruck crayon eater.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. does not deserve to wear USMC jockstraps.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. tried to swim his way to Perris Island.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not fight his way of of a wet paper bag.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. has only played with Marines in a toy soldier set.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. struts like a Marine but his boots are still laced with pretzel logic.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not buy a Marine uniform at MCRD with a fistful of fifties.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. does rate close to a US Marine let alone a GI Joe wannabe

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a couch potato in camoflage.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is laughed at by the Coast Guard.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. one and only victory was with the remote control for his TV.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a rubby ducky is a Navy Seal.

Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about to learn the internet forever and people do not forget…


I’m pretty sure that what you heard is what he said: I’m sorry API®™, Did you say the following? Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER in the USMC According to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS NEVER deployed to Beirut according to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. WAS in the US Army Artillery, a record he shit all over and himself.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. has put himself in the same archives as every other poser and embellisher featured on TAH.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. was never awarded the NDSM according to records found.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. now has the same reputation as Turd Bolling and others seen on TAH.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. DID earn the GCM.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. looks like he has never met a buffet he didn’t like.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. lied his ass off about his Military Service.  Robert E. Wilson Jr. now gets to find out that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER as he now discovers his Fame of Google®™. I thought you said this: Robert E. Wilson Jr. is a starstruck crayon eater. Robert E. Wilson Jr. does not deserve to wear USMC jockstraps. Robert E. Wilson Jr. tried to swim his way to Perris Island. Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not fight his way of of a wet paper bag. Robert E. Wilson Jr. has only played with Marines in a toy soldier set. Robert E. Wilson Jr. struts like a Marine but his boots are still laced with pretzel logic. Robert E. Wilson Jr. could not buy a Marine uniform at MCRD with a fistful of fifties. Robert E. Wilson Jr. does rate close to a US Marine let alone a GI Joe wannabe Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a couch potato in camoflage. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is laughed at by the Coast Guard. Robert E. Wilson Jr. one and only victory was with the remote control for his TV. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about as Marine as a rubby ducky is a Navy Seal. Robert E. Wilson Jr. is about… Read more »


I’m sorry did somebody mention that full fuck bag shit bird dick gobbling ass master here?
Say you didn’t happen to see a couple of naughty words directed towards old Robbie Bobby Boo Boi buttfuck here?!?



Well, just in case you missed it from the other thread…

”Now I know the The As(s)teroid of Insults®™ hasn’t been deployed in a bit and it hasn’t been deployed in the “OLDEN STYLE” as my posting it here in it’s entirety gives Dave heartburn for a variety of reasons all of which I understand and we discussed, but I return to the subject at hand, good old Robby Bobby Boi here.
Well there, Theron, Doo Run Run… you wanted attention and glory and such, you got it….AGAIN!! you fucking jizz gobbler. Apparently you didn’t learn your lesson the FIRST TIME….

Annnndddd awwwayyy we go!!! (Das Googeellleezzz Linkey….as always, let me know if it’s not working)


Nothing gooderer than a follow up air strike, Chimpy…’specialy when it’s a full load of the Vaunted TAH As(s)teroid of Insults on a well deserving POS, embellishing c*cksucker!


Looks like an honorable service. Why would he FUBAR that?


It was, can’t figure it out.


An effed up sense of inferiority and false ego.

Army-Air Force Guy

At least this doofus got out of AD as an E-5, as opposed to fake USMC vet Chipp Reid getting out after 9 years as an E-1 in the Army Reserve.


I was a sniper once….. way back when I was a kid. Yeah, I used to go up to the “Clay Hill” near my house with my Crossman 760 Power Master. I was good too. Ten years old and didn’t even need a scope. I was a real legend in the ole neighborhood. Ahhhh, those were the days………………….