Pali Protester’s Aromatic Argument

| March 28, 2024

Protesters Fling Poo

Biden Cabinet secretary latest official to be targeted by protesters’ manure dump: ‘You ain’t s—‘
Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s home

By Joe Schoffstall Fox News

Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin apologizing for communication breakdown on ‘Special Report.’

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan was a victim of a manure dump outside his Washington, D.C., home on Monday that ultimately led to a bomb squad response. However, it turns out he was not the only Biden administration official who had fallen victim to the foul stunt.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was also targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters who poured a “significant heap of manure” in front of his Virginia residence, Politico reported.

A video of the incident posted online shows a small congregation of protesters outside of Austin’s home chanting, “Austin, Austin, you ain’t s—, we’ll keep fighting until you quit” and “Austin, Austin, rise and shine, occupation is a crime!”

Fox News

Smell that country air! Just don’t step in it. “Joe Handler” Jake Sullivan’s place was visited too. Amazing how one can find agreement with just about anyone if we try. The reasons are vastly different but the sentiments can match.

Category: Points-and-Laughs

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Green Thumb

Queers for Palestine.

That ain’t going to work out very well for them.

Green Thumb

Seems to be a lot of huge, steaming piles of Phil Monkress as well.

A Proud Infidel®™

Along with a few heaps of Giduck.

Green Thumb

Forgot about that turd.

Giduck fucking beat Phildo (aka: Phil Monkress – CEO of All Points Logistics) in the finals!

As I type this, my keyboard is starting to stink.

These two in tandem in the same typed sentence is enough to permeate your IT department and office…


🎶 I be-LIEVE I can fly……




Concur on the likely outcome.
comment image

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous

Too bad the Middle East have yet to embrace the white picket fence.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOT UNLESS it’s a batch of their males showing up on “Man-love Thursday”!

Prior Service

The left is retarded on so many different levels. Crazy how it always comes down to some sort of aberrant and disgusting personal behavior for them.


*Cough Cough*
*Cough Cough GASP*


A Proud Infidel®™

THAT looks like what I had to wear when I was grinding steel back when I worked in a Shipyard!

Conboy, E

I wore one when substituting as a teacher!


Howler monkeys gonna howler monkey.


This must be why Commissar thinks California is such a great state.


Antifa has been behind a considerable number of the recent anti-Semetic incidents.
Nothing says Anti-Fascist like harassing Jews in the street 🙄


Looks like their paid protesters/agitators/goon squads are coming home to roost.


As I’ve said previously, when a group of muh-fuggers I don’t like is fighting with another group of muh-fuggers I don’t like, I just pull up a chair, crack open a Yuengling and munch on some popcorn!

🍺 🍿 🍺🍿🍺🍿🍺🍿🍺🍿


Vote demoncrat, the want to get those gas chambers up and running again. You watching Jewish voters?


Just because Leftists are atheistic doesn’t mean they’re not anti-semitic, folks.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous
Amateur Historian
Amateur Historian
Amateur Historian


Amateur Historian

F*$#!!! Ruined my joke.

RGR 4-78

Shit happens. 😉

Amateur Historian

Do not drink and post 😆


So, another historic first for the Biden administration—-shit rolls uphill.

A Proud Infidel®™

LMAO so hard I think I cracked a rib!!!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

They should go to “palestine” and demostrate but where is palestine????????


Isn’t Palestine a euphemism for islam, the church of Satan?

When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, was/were there anyone else?

As far as I am aware, Satan has no ability to create anything. His realm is deception and death. It would seem that, once expelled from Eden, Adam and Eve became their own creators and likely had a nearly perfect genome.

Cain slew Able over a dispute between a flesh offering versus a “plant” offering? “The tree”, with forbidden fruit, was also expelled from Eden.

Queers produce nothing, their seed is wasted in pursuit of sinful pleasure as a mockery of God’s creation. It’s a curious juxtaposition about anatomy that the orifice for creating new life is so closely situated with the orifice of waste–at least in respect of male v female.

In context of male v male there is NO possibility of creating anything, other than government appointees.

Haha, alas, I have digressed. Of course Palestinians are queers and pedophiles, those are among the abominations of Satan’s devotees.


Is there a way that we can set up a “meeting” of both sides? 😂😂😂😇😇😇