Muslims want to distract McCain and voters
In this morning’s Washington Times, Rowan Scarbourgh writes that the Islamic Society of North America is attempting to change John McCain’s descriptions of the terrorists against whom we’re fighting;
A coalition of American Muslim groups is demanding that Sen. John McCain stop using the adjective “Islamic” to describe terrorists and extremist enemies of the United States.
Muneer Fareed, who heads the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), told The Washington Times that his group is beginning a campaign to persuade Mr. McCain to rephrase his descriptions of the enemy.
“We’ve tried to contact his office, contact his spokesperson to have them rethink word usage that is more acceptable to the Muslim community,” Mr. Fareed said. “If it’s not our intent to paint everyone with the same brush, then certainly we should think seriously about just characterizing them as criminals, because that is what they are.”
Here’s a hint Mr. Fareed; It’s probably true that not all Muslims are terrorists, but all of the terrorists are Muslims.
They use the Koran as an excuse to kill massive numbers of people, and they claim they do it for the prophet of the entire Muslim religion and point to passages in his texts as justification for their evil deeds. They’re recruited by supposed holy men of the Islamic religion and recruited in the places of worship of Islam. That makes them Islamic terrorists.
Changing the language doesn’t make that any less true – it only distracts from the obvious.
Refusing to admit the obvious is what brought us to this place in our shared history. Americans tried to be tolerant of what was going on under our noses, and we got killed for it. It seems to me that if Muslims were upset about the language we use, they’d do something about what happens in their own communities instead of trying to force their will on the rest of us over words and, instead change the realities in their communities to prevent more attacks on their FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics, Society, Terror War
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