National Guard Soldiers to be deployed to New York City subway system

| March 7, 2024

One solution to addressing the increase of crimes in New York City’s subway system will include the presence of personnel from the National Guard, State Police, and the Transportation Authority. The New York National Guard will provide 750 personnel while the State Police and Transportation Authority will provide 250 personnel. This is part of a larger plan which will also include 10 teams of mental health workers.

From the New York Times: 

“These brazen heinous attacks on our subway system will not be tolerated,” Ms. Hochul said during a news conference on Wednesday, referring to a number of recent high-profile assaults.

There will be 750 members of the New York National Guard and an additional 250 personnel from the State Police and the M.T.A. They will be working with the New York Police Department to attempt to keep weapons from being brought into the subway system.

“No one heading to their job or to visit family or go to a doctor appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon,” the governor said.

The deployment is part of what Ms. Hochul described as a five-point plan, which would provide $20 million and pay for 10 teams of mental health workers who would help people on the subway. The plan would also introduce legislation that would allow judges to ban people convicted of a violent crime from riding the subways, add cameras to train conductors’ control booths and coordinate with prosecutors to track repeat offenders.

In mid-2022, there was about one violent crime for every one million rides on the subway, according to a New York Times analysis, making the chances of falling victim to such a crime remote. Since then, those chances have become even more remote, as the overall crime rate in the transit system has fallen and ridership has increased.

The New York Times and Hot Air provide additional information.

Category: National Guard

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“Everyone heading to their job or to visit family or going to a doctor appointment should be free to carry whatever they feel necessary to defend themselves.”

Major Tuddy

Firing shots in a crowded subway station puts too many innocent people at risk. But I get your point.

Perhaps tasers, stun guns, and pepper spray would work better? Firearms are always an option…but if a shot hits an innocent person, you’re liable.


Carry both! The firearm for the trip to/from the train station and less than lethal for the crowds. Imagine the look on a criminal’s face when you square off to him and say “if you stand here, I’m gonna cut you, if you run, I’m gonna shoot you!” 😆😆

Major Tuddy

Excellent point! 👍🫡

Hack Stone

Not if you take firearms instruction from Bernard Goetz.


Or Paul Kersey.

I’m still waiting for that situation where a non-police, non-criminal self-defender shot and killed an innocent person in public, by accident. Given the large volume of self-defense incidents per year you would think it happened all the time.


Kersey was a better shot, even if he was just played by Charles Bronson.


True, but Charles Bronson was played by Charles Buchinski. Buchinski grew up dirt poor in coal mining country with 14 brothers and sisters. When WW2 kicked off, He ran off to the enlistment office. Buchinski was a nose gunner on a B-29 during World War II. He flew 25 missions and received a PH for wounds in battle. He changed his name and never went back to the coal mines. If he were still alive I would pick him over Bernard Goetz every day of the week.

These type stories used to be a lot more common back in the day.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Was going to comment, Where is Bernie Goettz when you need him. He wound up in Rikers repairing the hand held portable radios and other electronics untill he was released. The perp he shot wound up in a wheel chair and sued Bernie but I don’t know what the outcome was. I used to take the Q5 bus into 168 St and Hillside Ave in Jamaica Queens nyc and hop on the IND subway into penn station and the # 1 or 2 train to Chambers street and walk to 55 Murray st. when I started working for US Trucking.Brink’s. Sometimes I drove in.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That started in June of 1970

Hack Stone

James Ramseur: born Aug. 15, 1966, of the Bronx, was shot in the arm and chest by Goetz. He is now serving a prison sentence of eight-and-one-third years to 25 years in state prison for rape. He was conivcted of raping, sodomizing, and robbing at gunpoint an 18-year-old woman on a rooftop in the Bronx on May 5, 1985. A little more than a month earlier on March 26, 1985, Ramseur was arrested for faking his own kidnapping. He claimed he was grabbed by two men in a car and later escaped. He apparently told the tale to test the reaction of police. Ramseur previously had served a 60-day jail term for two thefts in the Bronx and Manhattan and had a long record of juvenile crimes.

Barry Allen: born Jan. 10, 1966, of the Bronx, was shot in the back by Goetz. He is serving one and one-third to four years in state prison for a probation violation following his arrest for gold-chain snatching in his apartment building in October 1985. He was on probation for an earlier chain-snatching that occurred before the subway shooting.

Hack Stone

Troy Canty: born Sept. 9, 1965, of the Bronx, was wounded by Geotz. He is currently in Phoenix House, a drug-rehabilitation center in Westchester County, which he entered nearly two years ago as part of a criminal sentence. He had pleaded guilty to taking $14 worth of coins from two video games in a bar two weeks before the subway shooting. For the past year, Canty has been in the center voluntarily, his lawyer said. The young man plans to go to school. Canty has filed a $6 million civil suit against Goetz. He also asked the state Crime Victims Board for compensation for his injuries, but the board rejected his plea last June because it felt he was going to rob Goetz.

Darrell Cabey: born Aug. 26, 1965, was left paralyzed from the waist down and severely brain damaged in the subway shooting. He was hospitalized for more than a year following the shooting, and now lives at home with his mother in the Bronx. Attorneys for Cabey have filed a $50 million civil suit against Goetz. On Sept. 10, 1985, an armed robbery charge filed against him before he was gunned down by Goetz was dropped because of the injures he suffered in the subway shooting.

They were going to use that money from Bernard Goetz to turn their lives around.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, what a couple of outstanding pillars of Society!


More currently:

James Ramseur died in 2011 of a drug overdose.

Barry Allen got out of prison and then reformed his life and devoted it to God and helping people. Just kidding. He went back to prison for robbing a disabled man and was last heard in 1995 when they let him out on parole. Whereabouts unknown.

Troy Canty was in and out of prison for decades and attempted various job training programs. He now works hard to ensure welfare handouts.

Darrell Caby, if he is still alive, has the mind of an 8 year old, is paralyzed on his side and never recovered. He spends all day watching TV. Not sure if this was an improvement or not.

Major Tuddy

Send Sheriff Grady Judd up with 250 of his deputies. Problem solved by this time next week.

Also, get stand-your-ground laws, shall-issue CCW permits, and give whoever polices the subway system the same free hand that Giuliani gave the NYPD, and the problem stays solved.


They could drop the charges on Daniel Penny, and put him on the posse. Jordan Neely hasn’t robbed or assaulted a single person since their encounter.

Hack Stone

And his death left a void for mentally unbalanced Michael Jackson impersonators on Times Square. Tourism really took a hit in New York since then.


I’ll agree that tourism probably took a hit, but maybe not for the reason you’re implying.

Hack Stone

The last time that Hack Stone took a trip to New York City was Christmas Week 2022. Everywhere in Manhattan smelled of urine and marijuana smoke. The memories will last a lifetime.


That is every American city today with a population over half a million. In New Orleans it just isn’t on the streets it is also in all the buildings. Last time I went there I stayed in a non-smoking hotel. People were smoking everywhere but not a cigarette was to be seen. My time spent in American cities is very brief these days.

The upside is if you don’t smoke weed you can get a job just about anywhere that does a drug test with no problem at all.

Hack Stone

It’s not a problem in DC. The DC Council has passed ordinances banning pre interview drug testing and criminal background investigations. So you interview dozens of people who cannot be hired, then after considering them you test them and check their background, so you wasted all of that time. And they are not “ex-cons”, they are “returning citizens”.


Isn’t that the same system that the city council got elected with?

Major Tuddy

Yet another reason to leave.

I can support rehabilitation for people who have sincerely repented and want to make good. But getting naïve about ex-cons is not the way. Too many slick-talkers would bullshit the interviewer. In addition, some criminals can only be rehabilitated with a woodchipper – and I don’t just mean chomos, either.

I see a lot of businesses moving to Virginia over this. True Story: In the Crystal City neighborhood in Arlington, there are a lot of hotels and motels, principally along Jefferson Davis Avenue. That’s because DC has a hotel tax that Arlington doesn’t. In other words, bad business laws make businesses flee…and take their jobs with them.


Well, that and DC has a building height limit of 130 ft for most of the city. In Arlington it is 400 ft. They could never have built the Hilton in Arlington, in DC.


Sheriff Joe could do it faster!


Gee…it’s almost as if removing the option for people to defend THEMSELVES is coming back to bite them in the ass. Who knew?


So, they had to find an option to “defund the police”?

This administration seems to take everything that’s working, or that worked, and throws it away to find something else. What’s the POTUS going to say during the SotU tonight? Because from the Blaster house, the SotU sucks!


He’s going to sound like boomhower.


“Tell u wut man, dang ole….”

RGR 4-78

“Tell u wut man, dang ole… da thang.”

Forest Bondurant

Whatever happened to the idea of letting social workers respond to 911 calls instead of police?

(I guess it didn’t work out.)

Legislation that allows banning people of violent crime from riding subways? 

(Just how do they intend to enforce that? They already can’t keep violent people from riding the subway, let alone convicted criminals. Is the plan to track them some way? (I doubt that too.))

Install cameras into train control booths?

(To serve what purpose? Train conductors can’t do anything, and criminals have figured out that since there is so much surveillance in the world, all they must do is wear a mask, hoodie, and dark glasses to avoid being identified.)

Coordinate with prosecutors to track repeat offenders?

(Track them for what purpose? Certainly not prosecution because most liberal-run cities don’t prosecute crimes anyway.)

Just an observation: So what if the security in NYC subways is being supplemented by the state guard and state police? Their efforts may garner some success in the short term, but as soon as the program ends, violent crime will spike again.


They are responding to about 1/4 of the mental health calls, as opposed to zero.


NEW YORK — With Daniel Penny unavailable after being arrested for protecting New York’s subway system, Governor Kathy Hochul officially deployed the National Guard to protect New York’s subway system.
“We desperately need the National Guard to come do exactly what we arrested Daniel Penny for doing,” announced Governor Hochul. “Civilians have become too afraid to confront violence on the subway, for reasons we cannot determine. We are left with no choice but to send in men with military training, like Daniel Penny, to protect New Yorkers from violent, mentally ill people on the subway. We would have asked Daniel, but obviously he is under arrest for doing exactly what we are now begging the National Guard to do.”
After months of watching innocent people get beaten to a bloody pulp on the subway system, Governor Hochul decided it was time someone step in and help. “Why will no one, no good Samaritan, step in when violent lunatics attack people?” cried Hochul. “How has it come to this, that we must send in heavily-armed soldiers to stop the senseless violence? Oh, if only something could have been done!”
At publishing time, the National Guard had been warned not to disturb mentally ill people who did Michael Jackson impersonations, even if they were about to commit murder.


I know this is crazy talk but they could try funding a police force. I know, I know, the police are racist and bad people. But there appears to be some kind of a weird co-relation when there are more police there are less crimes. Oh, and maybe they could build a f****** wall around the border too.


Yeah, just wait until the first NG member roughs up a civvie.
Regardless of how stupid the prep was being or the skin color of the guardsman.
The result will be the same.


Yes, but in order to sue they’ll have to sue the state of New York instead of the city. They will need bigger lawyers for that.


So what exactly are these guardsmen supposed to do to prevent crime, scowl menacingly and apply a stern “NO” to would-be assailants? Seems a little half-baked.


Like the NG members during the civil rights riots.
Standing there with M14’s and fixed bayonets.

Hack Stone

Can we see the Rules of Engagement? Will they be carrying weapons, and if so, are they allowed to use them? What if someone does not consent to being searched to ride a public conveyance? Will they be arrested? Barred from riding the train? You can look forward to either option heading to a court as unconstitutional. How will they prevent people barred from public transportation getting on the train? Will government issued photo identification be required? If so, that effectively bans African Americans, because we have been told that they do not have the financial means nor knowledge on how to obtain a government issued photo identification.


Keep the M14 but lose the bayonet and insert an
empty magazine. Allow the liberal use (see what I did there?)
of the classic “buttstroke”. The rest is just for show.


Empty seven round magazine you mean. Anything higher than that is very deadly.


The 20 rnd mag is part of the manual defense
even if empty. Jam that into someones throat
and they will back the fuck off.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

A couple of days after 9/11, we were doing our stocks and bonds route in the nyc financial district and our truck came to a National Guard road block and leaving the driver in the truck, the guardsman asked us to open the rear doors of the truck so we told the driver to click the back door locks and after we opened the door with a key, the guardsman was standing directly in front of the rear doors when we opened them and the guy looks in. I told the guy in a nice way that by him standing directly in front of the open doors wasn’t a smart move if we were terrorists and we had one person in the back to open up on you. I don’t think that they had ammo in the 16’s. We had to open the doors again when the truck was before the ny Stock Exchange and not in front of it while a guy in civilian clothes had a dog with him and had a long pole with a mirror on the end which he stuck under the truck chassis. I think that he also had us open the rear doors but I don’t remember. Guy says that he had to check all vehicles at the exchange. I told him that he should worry if I had red hair and talked with a slight brogue and got a chucle out of him. While driving through the tunnels going into and out of manhatten, I had to show my drivers liscense to toll booth guards. I can’t remember about security at the bridges though.


“Stop!! Or I’ll say Stop!! again!!!” – Robin Williams

RGR 4-78

So what exactly are these guardsmen supposed to do to prevent crime”

One of the worst shit details I have ever heard of.

Old tanker

So exactly how are the Guardsmen supposed to stop crime. Will they be armed, and have ammunition? Do they have arrest powers? How much force, if any, are they going to be allowed or will they just be additional crime victims?


Virtue signaling at it’s finest. After all…it is an (s)election year. Laying the ground work to bring in the “Blue Helmets”? What would “Snake” do?


Not only that but a clear violation of Fourth amendment rights.


New York Governor Kathy Hochul will deploy 750 soldiers from the state’s National Guard to help New York City Police tackle crime on the subway.

Another 250 officers from the New York State Police and the state-controlled Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police will also join the effort, Ms Hochul said in her announcement on Wednesday.

Keep in mind that is on top of the extra 1000 officers that Adams sent down there last month and that only resulted in a 15% decrease in year over year crime.

Democrats learning a little bit every day what the rest of us knew all along:

“Saying things are getting better doesn’t make you feel better,” Ms Hochul said, “especially when you’ve just heard about someone being stabbed in the throat or thrown onto the subway tracks.”

No arrest powers:

“Soldiers of the New York National Guard, a military force jointly controlled by federal and state leaders, do not have arrest powers in peacetime, but will help police officers who do.”

The National Guard will be doing illegal and likely useless searching of bags. The federal appeals court ruled that they could search bags to “prevent terrorist attacks, as this is a special weighty need”. Now they’re saying they need to do it to prevent crime, the federal appeals court in McWade v. Kelly did not approve that.

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, Colorado is jumping onto the Crazy Train and asking residents to open their homes to “undocumented immigrants”. Hack Stone only see good things coming out of this program, as the guests will be respectful of the homeowners and contribute to upkeep and expenses, and the homeowners will be fully vetted that none of them have any criminal background, particularly regarding sexual offender status.

Forest Bondurant

Well, the City of Denver can start by making 4150 Shagri La Drive (see accessible to the undocumented ones. Colorado State Governor Jared Polis can open his residence located at 400 E. 8th Ave., (also in Denver) as well.


“undocumented immigrants”

Whats the difference between an immigrant and a migrant?
Imma askin for a friend.

Amateur Historian

I’m still old school to remember this: They’re not migrants, they’re illegal aliens. Think its about time to start bringing that term back.


I never quit using it.


I call them what they freaking are…INVADERS!



I don’t know if Hack Stone read the entire article But it actually raised more questions than it answered. For example, I was curious how city officials were able to get work permits for illegal aliens? Is Denver going to pay $2,000 a month for housing assistance? If everybody in Denver gets that, that could be a game changer.

Currently you can only get a studio or a one bedroom under two grand in Denver. But if you bundled them up, you might be able to stack them 6 deep in a three-bedroom. For diversity we don’t want to put all the Ukrainian in one apartment so we would mix it up. They could all be little United Nations apartments. You can put a Russian, Chinese, Nigerian, Ecuadorian, Haitian and a North Korean all in the same apartment. They can all help each other by going through there court appearances at the same time, 7 years from now.

Hack Stone

That would make an interesting domicile with 30 separate nationalities cooking their meal of choice simultaneously. It may also solve that stray dog problem plaguing the neighborhood.

Amateur Historian

I’m just wondering when asking residents to house illegal aliens becomes demanding to house them. My high school US government teacher was adamant that the 3rd amendment would always be the most ignored one due to it never being challenged or violated. *Sigh* The world we live in, right?


They were just talking about US troops, not foreign intelligence agents and terrorists.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC
Amateur Historian

Foreign intelligence agents and terrorists who are mostly military aged men who are aided and abetted by our government where they are also trying to see if they can change the law to get them to serve in our military? Sorry, kinda hard for me to see the difference here.


Liberal reinterpretation of the Bill of Rights is only for the 2nd.

The 3rd Amendment will be strictly interpreted to apply to British colonial troops only.

I see an easy way around any potential constitutional issues by compelling illegal housing through business licensing. Want to rent out your property? You’ll need a license for that. And contingent on that, you’ll house x many illegals, or we fine you / pull your license.

Hack Stone

Much like how District of Columbia deals with the “housing crisis”. You want to knock down some eyesore and erect upscale condominiums filled with young rich people who will pay $1,000,000 for a one bedroom condo? You better set aside 10% of those units as “low income housing”. And you just know that they will b courteous neighbors who will enhance the value of your million dollar investment.

Meanwhile, in California, they are doing all that they can do to help resolve the issue of the “unhoused”. As long as you are here illegally. If you are third generation Californian and cannot keep up with the price of housing, it sucks being you.


Yes, but the District of Columbia used that strategy to export most of their poor (and crime) to Prince George’s County, Maryland. 10% poor people is way better than 100% poor people. The only reason that Prince George’s county didn’t catch on is because they have the worst public education system in the state if not the country.

Hack Stone

Surprisingly, the most efficient agency in the Prince George’s County system is the County Landfill on White House Road in Largo. They have it set up to get you in there, deposit your various trash at each lot (yard waste, hazardous material, scrap metal, and just plain trash). The roads leading into the dump are spotless, and the dump is a great place when you need to find just the right gift for that special Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software. Paul has another birthday coming up in a few weeks, and he needs another suit for his next bankruptcy hearing, and no one wants to pony up $3 to make that happen.


I believe the dump is run so well because it is run by prison labor mostly.

Amateur Historian

In addition, I would like to say that, during colonial times, people didn’t have an issue with the soldiers themselves. They had an issue with the government saying they had to house them. That sentiment, I think, is well expressed in the 3A.


It was another tool to try to limit standing armies. If the founding fathers could see the US military today they would be in complete shock.

Amateur Historian

Consequence of all the land we took during our country’s expansion. No need to house soldiers in the homes of civilians if all you need to do is federally take some land and build a military base there. My contention is that the sentiment of the 3A will be making a comeback in our discourse if our government starts aggressively advancing the housing “rights” of illegal aliens at the expense of actual citizens. Especially if those illegal aliens become service members of our military and fill the current troop shortage. In the likely view of many, it wouldn’t be dissimilar from a foreign occupying military.


Well, we haven’t had a a large revolt in 103 years. It would be interesting to see how it goes.

However, I happen to know where there is a pool of about 50,000 homes in the United States that is in the control of a raging Marxist and super donor to the Democratic party. So I think that comrade should go first in donating places to live.

Amateur Historian

True enough.


Michigan also jumped on the same crazy train. The Gretch’s director of really fucking things up has appealed to residents to “house, feed and transport” illegal aliens so they feel welcome.

Bet there are other dem controlled states doing, or about to do, the same thing.


Somehow I think that it should be civilian policemen enforcing civil laws. The military operates under a completely different system–keep hurting people and breaking things until the other side gives up.


I don’t know, I kind of like how you think.


Welcome to NYC.


The National Guard is needed because of subway violence, but a former Marine, a hero for his deeds, is charged with a crime for defending the public against subway violence.
Well, Governor that’s worse than Cuomo, how does that add up?

Amateur Historian

Crime rates are down, yet the New York National Guard is needed in NYC subways?🤔


Down over 2023. Still more than double from the highly successful pre defund the police/ no cash bail movement.


The good news is the mayor is fixing the problem of the police shortage by canceling the future police academies for the rest of the year due to the budget cuts brought about by the expenses of housing and feeding their sanctuary citizens. Since the police are retiring and leaving the force at about 2500 a year, in 10 years there won’t be any more police. That will free New York City from the oppression of the racist system.,%2Dbillion%2Ddollar%20migrant%20crisis.


Snake Plisken only smiles.


I’m so old that I remember the time when migrant workers were from Mississippi; and the difference between migrant workers and immigrants is that migrants came, worked, and then went home.


My daughter goes to school in NYC. I asked her if she felt any safer on the subways. She said all the State cops and NG troops do is stand around in the corners on their phones. Kabuki theater…


If the national guardsmen are armed, it might make a difference as a deterrent.

But that just moves the problem to somewhere else. The criminals will still be out there and will still be looking for victims, they’ll just look somewhere else.

I’m sure the victims, as they’re laying on the street bleeding out, will breathe a sigh of relief as they think “at least it didn’t happen on the subway”.

You know what would be effective? Arresting the criminals, putting them in jail and keeping them there until they are no longer a threat to society. For many of them that would be “until they’re carried out in a box”.

But this is a liberal utopia; that’s not going to happen, so they’ll just move the problem somewhere else.


Based on past experience, I doubt any of them have live ammo.

Forest Bondurant

How soon will it be that we read where violent crimes on buses and against cab and Uber drivers have increased, and little to no change in crime on the subways?


I counter-propose the GUV a 2 Point Plan:

1. More signs declaring you can’t hurt people. Remember, the animist Dems believe in the magic power of signs.

2. Just bring in 1,000 Animal Control officers. Seems to me that’s what is really needed.

RGR 4-78

1,000 Animal Control officers”

Armed with tranq. guns, you know, for those psychotic Michale Jackson impersonators.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEYNOW, WAITAMINNIT, why don’t we just pass LAWS against robbing raping, and all that stuff? OH NO, you mean they already exist? Meh, goes to show ‘dat laws don’t mean SHIT unless they’re effectively enforced, ya’-know. JUST maybe it’s time to wall off Nooh Yawk City and LA like in the movies where Snake Pliskin was called on to do something?
HEY just look at life in D-rat-run big cities versus in Red State America where Folks are allowed to carry and defend themselves as well as their domiciles, goblins think twice when the possibility of getting smoked by their intended victims exists. MY FIRST gift to Mrs. A Proud Infidel®™after we got married was a .380ACP Pistol with Crimson Trace Laser Grips!

Last edited 7 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™