Senate bill still exempts Samoa

| January 23, 2007

Nearly two weeks ago, I wrote about Nancy Pelosi’s exemption of Samoa from the new minimum wage bill. Well, she promised to change the bill and include Samoa, however as we read in the Washington Times this morning from Charles Hurt;

 “I have asked the education and labor committee as they go forward with the legislation to make sure that all of the territories have to comply with U.S. law on the minimum wage,” Mrs. Pelosi said earlier this month.
    The House, however, passed the minimum-wage bill with the American Samoa exemption. And yesterday, Senate Democrats were moving ahead with the original legislation, which for the first time would enforce the minimum wage on the Northern Mariana Islands, another territory in the Pacific with a similarly low minimum wage.
    That bill is co-sponsored by several dozen Democrats, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California.
    In addition to San Francisco-based StarKist, San Diego-based Chicken of the Sea also has a cannery in American Samoa. Together, the California companies employ about 75 percent of the Samoan work force.

So now the conspiracy to use their position of power to pay off constituents has been expanded to the two Senators from California and yet another constituent, Chicken of the Sea.

So much for “draining the swamp“.


Category: Politics

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