Navy Veteran charged with grand theft and misrepresenting military service and uniforms to deceive to obtain money

| February 21, 2024

Bernard Curtis, 72, wore an erroneous uniform combination, consisting of Army and Navy uniform items. Curtis used this uniform combination, and an old photo of his disabled son, to deceive people into giving him money. He is also accused of stealing $5,000 in jewelry. The officers that responded to the scene, and stopped him, happened to be veterans of the Navy and of the Army. Both spotted discrepancies that lead them to believe that he was a fake. According to the police; however, Curtis did in fact serve in the Navy, but he lied about his service length and some service details.

From Fox News via Yahoo!News:

The Redding Police Department said Neighborhood Police Unit (NPU) officers responded to reports at about 12:30 p.m. on Feb. 13, that a man wearing a military uniform had stolen $5,000 in jewelry from a body piercing establishment.

The man, later identified as 72-year-old Bernard Curtis, was seen by witnesses getting into a silver Jaguar and attempting to leave the scene.

But before Curtis could exit the parking lot, NPU officers located him and conducted a traffic stop.

Police said Curtis was detained and found to be in possession of stolen jewelry, a “large amount” of U.S. currency, and stolen merchandise from other local businesses.

Curtis would intentionally dress in what appeared to be a military uniform, combining branches of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army garments and rank patches, police said.

Police claim the suspect then entered businesses with a picture of his disabled son before asking employees if they would help support his son with money.

Additional information on this story can be seen here and here. Thanks to Anonymous for this story.

Category: Army, Navy, Stolen Valor, Veterans in the news

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What’s a 72 year old doing in a body piercing establishment in the first place?



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Be careful how you use that word around us old people

True that.


Changing them?


Prince Albert.


As one ages, you get some extra loose skin. Might as well dress up the old chassis with a piercing in your new dangly bits.

Hack Stone

It has an entrance to the strip club next door.


So…technically…not Stolen Valor.

But such a dirt bad, he never learned how to wear his uniform correctly while robbing folks.

“Although Curtis was actually a veteran of the U.S. Navy at some point…”


Wearing the ‘blue berries’, an Army beret, and warrant officer bars? He literally threw shit against the wall to see what would stick.


What do you call those toilet brush things on his shoulders?


Latrine Commander epaulets.


He never got to wear “smurphberry” legitimately in the Navy, so it’s still fakery.


A sho’ nuff sack of sh*t soup sammich!


Getting into a Jaguar, you say? I wonder if he works for a proud, but humble, company that sells software to the federal government…

I further wonder if his mailbox has a door…


Hack Stone

So many questions. Only Phil Monkress knows for sure.

Speaking about people down on their luck, it seems that a certain Plank Owner of The Dutch Rudder Gang is having a bit of a cash flow problem at the moment. It seems as if Bank of America, being the greedy corporation that they are, would like for people to pay back the money they agreed to pay. Which has led to our favorite Tranny in a Jaguar, declaring bankruptcy, again. With his birthday coming up in a few weeks, Hack is requesting that anyone who can afford to donate a few dollars in the account that Psul has with the Bethesda Goodwill Store. He has been eying that orange polyester leisure suit with the urine stains.

A Proud Infidel®™

A silver jaguar, no less? Does his mailbox even have a door? Was he also trying to sell outdated Red Hat Software? Sounds like he also has an affinity for some “T-bird” as well!


*Blows dust off LP*

Here you go:

Army-Air Force Guy

Uniform mash-up ranks up there with Radar O’Reilly’s “Corporal-Captain” experimental rank.


Usedta have PFCs cut off two stripes and two rockers off CSM pins to make Command Private Major rank to protest how long it took them to make SP4.

Army-Air Force Guy

That’s something I woulda done. Took me 16 months.

Major Tuddy

You just know that homie here looked like

Hack Stone

Hack still remembers seeing Daniel Bernath on the streets of San Francisco back in 2016.


He had the toilet brush shoulder things.


This guy has his own NSN:



I Call your NSN and raise you a:



Now I gotta find a way to justify ordering that…


Seems to be working for FJB. Can’t blame him for trying as a precedent has been set.

Hack Stone

He would have been more believable if he claimed to be a Secret Combat Naked Warrior. Can someone tell Hack where Secret Combat Naked Warriors pin their rank insignia?


Like ol’ General Butt Naked in Liberia… no sh*t, he and his troops fought naked– not only for the sake of African Voodoo but that it was so flippin’ insane it scared opponents:


More from General Butt Naked, for those curious… I was there in Liberia with the peacekeeping mission cleaning-up after that sh*t (at the same time this documentary from Vice media was made):

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Phil Monkress should hire this guy to greet clients in the lobby of the Merritt Island All Points Logistics headquarters.


Here is another picture of him wearing SSG or SFC rank claiming US Army.

From this link:

“Caregiver at In Home Support Services Consortium”

Greater Sacramento area.

Mental Illness Is A Terrible Disease.

AT1 ret

A dingleberry in the blueberries

Amateur Historian



There’s no fool like an old fool.


I like your moxie, kid!!!





40+ year PHONY Navy SEAL,
just exposed by his son,
who got confirmation from the hair over there,
and laid it all out.

Patriot Guard Rider type.
Vest – Check.
Harley – Check.
Still has Navy SEAL crap on his Book of the Fake.


The honest son,
with many photos, screenshots, and long story.

(paste) It is with great sadness that I post this.
There has been a lot that has happened over the last year and a half with my father, Charles Watkins. There are many personal matters that will stay private. But after a lot of conviction and counsel, I have decided to make this public. What I am revealing below is shameful. I am making this public and am asking others to share it, even make it viral, because what he has done for the last 40+ years is not right. I am not revealing this out of spite or trying the get revenge due the personal issues. It’s because revealing what he has done is right.

My whole life my father, Charles Watkins, has claimed to be a Vietnam veteran. He has claimed that he was a member of the elite Navy SEALs and served four tours in Vietnam. He has claimed this to my family and thousands upon thousands of others over 40+ years. I believed him my whole life but started to notice holes in his stories, inconsistencies with timelines that would make his claims impossible.

He was never close to Vietnam. He served in the Navy for one year. Why he was discharged we can’t say for sure but we have an idea based on his DD-214. But I won’t comment on that. This is about the valor he has stolen for 40+ years. He has verbally told me of “war stories” where he has said he had to shoot a child who was strapped to a bomb to save his squad.

I reached out to a company who can research those who went through Navy SEAL training. He has never completed such training per this resource. His entrance date into the military is dated as August of 72. Which means that it would have been impossible for him to complete Navy SEAL training, sniper training and complete 4 tours in Vietnam, especially when he only served for a year.
(more below)



Please know that this man is a fraud.
He has posted on Facebook referring to himself as a Navy SEAL.
He has worn “Bronze Star” pins.
He has made up war stories.
He even went as far to get a Navy SEAL trident tattooed on his arm.
He is a fraud.
Do not let this man continue to steal valor from those that actually have, do, and will serve with integrity.

This man is a member of the Patriot Guard.
Meaning he rides for those that he has stolen valor from.
The right thing would be to relieve him of these duties and to report him to others so he can’t do this anywhere else.
All of this information regarding his military service was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.

The man I grew up knowing and was raised by is a complete stranger.
I knew nothing but lies my entire life.
I do not know this man.
The man I have discovered him to be is not my dad…
Give him the attention he wants.

Patriot Guard Riders
(end paste)


comment image

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
Old tanker

He drives a Jag and then panhandles for money??? What’s wrong with this picture?

Green Thumb

The Phil Monkress runs deep in this fool….