Yeah, we’re the ones with a problem

| October 29, 2009

This is from Firedog Lake’s Blue Texan. When I read it, I thought about the commenter here that said no matter what he does, we’ll never like Obama. Apparently, you guys like Obama enough for the rest of us;


Yeah, Obama makes ONE trip to Dover so he’s automatically a better President than Bush was. OK. that’s your opinion, but at least get the whole quote from the Stars and Stripes interview instead of picking words out;

President Bush has met hundreds of families of fallen soldiers, but he has yet to attend a servicemember’s funeral, he said Tuesday.

“Because which funeral do you go to? In my judgment, I think if I go to one I should go to all. How do you honor one person but not another?” he said.

The appropriate way to express his appreciation to the family members of fallen troops is to meet with them in private, he said.

I get the feeling that the Left is feeling a bit wee-wee’d up from the embarrassment of the media’s tongue bath of the President so they’ve turned to out-dorking the media. Even Alan Colmes joins in;


To be truthful, I appreciate the President going to Dover, but taking the press corp with him is fairly disgusting. The media’s behavior reporting the event is laughable – one photo opportunity at Dover doesn’t make him a leader, or even thoughtful.

In my opinion, he’s setting us up for a disappointment in Afghanistan.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Dave Thul

Next week, when he announces that he wont be sending reinforcements to Afghanistan, he will reference the Dover visit in his remarks.

This visit may have had good intentions, but the huge number of photos and videos tell me that it was a photo op.

But hey, at least they were polite enough to invite Fox News along this time.


I have had a couple of people I know die over there and this just made me throw up in my mouth. God damned media whore…one President wants to express condolences in a private and respectful way and not whore the family out saying look at me and what I am doing….this is the kind of BS that makes blood shoot out of my damn ears…

Toothless Dawg

I agree, the first thing in my mind when I read that the magical kenyan went to Dover was ‘photo op’ and the second was ‘photo op with no teleprompter necessary’. Then I saw the photo of the poser president saluting?!?!?!?!?!?!? Words cannot describe the anger I felt!!!!!!!!!!

Billl R.

So the won takes a solemn moment and turns it into a photo op like the media whore that he is. Bush never did that so he is the bad guy? Reality turned upside down! Even as an ex president, Bush has more respect among the military than Obama ever will.


Suffice to say there will never be a USS Barack Obama….clueless prick…


So, does he plan on going to Dover as every American is returned. I really doubt it, so now he will being insulting the families of those he does not go to Dover to honor. I’m with CJ on seeing this after having had comrades killed in Iraq.


…so, how many country clubs were within driving distance of Dover? What…like you guys weren’t thinking it too.


President O’Dumbo the same as murdered these troops so he only visited out of guilt, not out of caring or respect.


Or knowing how the SOB feels about the peons who serve in the military he probably went to gloat over the bodies. Insulting those who fly you daily may not be a wise thing. One flipped out pilot, one mountain = goodbye O’Dumbo and family.


“Suffice to say there will never be a USS Barack Obama….clueless prick…”

You are probably right but they’ll just put him on Rushmore instead.


There is a USS Jimmeh Carter.


Obama never has to go to Dover again. Every time an American is returned to Dover they can replay this photo op as if he really is there.

NR Pax

Yes, but to Carter’s credit, he did serve.


My husband tried to say it was a good thing, that each President did it differently. No. Sorry. No dice.

He went because he has fucked up and knows he is going to withdraw and he is using the fallen as a crutch. Indeed, I am a cynic.

I am goddamn sick and tired of the troops being used for political expediency. That mother fucker can’t even put himself in the place of the parents or the troops because he never served and

Emotional, you say? Yeah, well. This is just absolute bullshit.


Ok, I have a couple thoughts on this.

I applaud the President for going to Dover AFB.

The mantra that Bush never did it can’t be verified, because Bush went to Bethesda and WRAMC all the time without anyone knowing about it. He didn’t announce it and didn’t take the press corps with him when he did go.

Obama took the press corps with him in order to make a big splash, which lessens the dignity and solemness of the occassion a little.

Did Obama do it for a political photo op?? I can’t say, but I do know he’s not above playing politics with the troops, which he has so amply demonstrated up to this point.

Could he have done this as a morale booster for the troops? I would hope so, since it would be nice for our troops to know that the CinC knows that they exist.

Personally, I think he would have made a better impression had he just gone without all the hangers-on and the press corps and just taken the WH photographer with to get the shot. But that’s just me, since I would have recognized the deep impact of the moment for our country and the families.


Uh, Claymore? Who needs a nearby country club? Dover is an Air Force base, right?

“Yo, Biden! I’m taking one stroke off each hole because I had to hold my arm up to my head waiting for the damn reporters to get just the right shot. Don’t give me that look! This is an Air Force golf course and I’m the damn MFIC. Now tee it up!”


I would have been just as impressed with Obama going to Dover without the photo op.


Hmm, Will he greet more bodies? His failure to support the troops with additional resources will cause more deaths, not less.


A photo op for a narcissistic egomaniac. He has no concept of leadership or practically anything else besides what puts him on the front page. He has diminished the Presidency, and insulted the fallen. He used those caskets for props in his hit review. If he really wanted to pay tribute, he would have stood in the dark background at attention,unseen with a tear in his eye, and a sense of shame. The same shame that I feel because I came back in one piece and a lot of kids did not. He will never understand nor frankly does he care to.