Boehner: Time for a decision on Afghanistan

| October 29, 2009

American Power blog writes that, after the stunning attack on UN members at a guest house yesterday, the United Nations is reconsidering their mission in Afghanistan. Still the President dawdles. John Boehner, Ohio Republican, says it’s time for a decision from this White House;

“This has gone on now for well over two months, and I think it’s time for the President to make a decision. My biggest concern is that the men and women that are in Afghanistan in the military, they are at much greater risk as a result of his unwillingness to make a decision.”

The Washington Post writes that Obama is still asking for information on Afghanistan upon which to base his decision;

President Obama has asked senior officials for a province-by-province analysis of Afghanistan to determine which regions are being managed effectively by local leaders and which require international help, information that his advisers say will guide his decision on how many additional U.S. troops to send to the battle.

After two months and six meetings, he still doesn’t have the data he needs to make a decision. But, the AP/Stars & Stripes reports that the President took time to welcome fallen soldiers at Dover Air Force Base last night.

In a midnight dash to this Delaware base, where U.S. forces killed overseas come home, Obama honored the return of 18 fallen Americans Thursday. All were killed in Afghanistan this week, a brutal stretch that turned October into the most deadly month for U.S. troops since the war began. The dramatic image of a president on the tarmac was a portrait not witnessed in years. Former President George W. Bush spent lots of time with grieving military families but never went to Dover to meet the remains coming off the cargo plane. Obama did so with the weight of knowing he may soon send more troops off to war.

Not all soldiers die, AP. Some of them save lives by their presence. It appears that the Taliban are stepping up their pressure to scare the President from making the right decision. All of the media fawning over his visit to Dover doesn’t help our troops one whit. More on the President’s visit to Dover at The Mudville Gazette.

Stop voting present, President Obama, and make the right decision.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Adirondack Patriot

Obama’s presence at Dover is disgraceful. Lead from the front, not from the funeral.

Amazing stuff here

Wow, An American War Time President actually went to Dover and visited our fallen heroes. Did that happened in the previous administration?

And I’m so surprised here that Jonn found a way to attack the President for doing a good thing.

As the bumpersticker says “Yeeehaww is not a foreign policy”…I know some of you want us to go in and kick ass, but more than half the American people prefer a President who actually thinks about things before he goes makes a decision.



What bothers me the most about this is that the Pentagon has whole groups of people whose whole function is to resource “what ifs?”. It’s constantly updated with the latest intel. So for the “The One” to dither about making a decision means that the only unknowns are political, not military.

He’s choosing political considerations over military necessity, why am I not surprised.

Frankly Opinionated

You slobbering troll- GWB had enough class not to make a spectacle out of Dover. barack HIMSELF obummer used this for nothing more than a political move, to make him “appear” more like a real C-in-C. Pathetic attempt that only impressed the koolade drinking liberals. To them, he is “The One”.
“99.999% of Terrorists are Muslims.”


Let’s face it, President Obama can’t please you guys no matter what he does. In true conservative fashion, you’ve already reached your conclusions about him, now it’s just a matter of twisting the facts to conform to your backwards worldview. If Bush had dared show up at Dover, you would have been falling all over yourselves to fawn over him. At least this president has stopped hiding one of the true costs of war from the American public, unlike his shameful predecessor who’s solution was to tell us to all go shopping. Isn’t that what a lot of you claimed to want, to highlight for the public the true price our military personnel and their families pay in foreign wars?

Nice new tag line, Frankly, and equally as clueless as your old one. To it you might add “and 99.999% of Muslims are not terrorists”.

A Heros Friend

All right Joe…Remember we talked about this…your attention seeking behavior is a big turn off to other folks…you are never going to make any new friends at this rate so sit up straight,take your feet off of the furniture, and act like the good Lord gave you some sense…Okidokey?

B Woodman

“After two months and six meetings, he still doesn’t have the data he needs to make a decision. ”

Not quite that. He doesn’t have the information he needs to justify the pull-back-and-surrender decision he’s already made.

Shades of VietNam.


Heros Friend,
I will state again, I have a very high respect for you military and ex-military men and women, but I’m not picking up what you’re putting down. Expressing an much-needed alternate view point is not necessarily a cry for attention, but I can see how my opinions are a turn off for many of you guys, who seem to all be following the same play book.

What I especially disagree with is the idea that when the generals say jump, we all say, “How high”? That might make for a quick and decisive foreign policy, but then we wouldn’t have a democracy, but a military distatorship, right? Youdo want to preserve democracy, right?


Despite being a civilian, I have already donated to the MRFF – despite my limited resources, I’ll check out VALOUR-IT’s website and see if it is something I would want to donate to. Thank you for the suggestion…..

A Heros Friend

Joe…the only people who “jump” when a General says to are military personnel of a lesser rank…not civilians,so where do you get this B.S. we all say “how high”.Are you in, or have you served in our Armed Forces in ANY capacity??? I didn’t think so…Generals can only recommend stratagy to their superiors(congress or Obama)and it is designed in this manner so we will not have a military dictatorship.the military DOES NOT start wars or control policy as it pertains to war…we do what our government tells us to do as long as the orders are lawful. Get a clue Joe and stop making a total ass out of your self.


Let’s see….president’s approval rating dropping over Afghanistan….president shows up at midnight and salutes (never been a soldier and yet looks like a westy first year on the parade ground? at least he listened to the stage director) returning war dead…captured by teh MSM…

nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……nothing to question here.

A Heros Friend

Does this whole Obama at Dover remind anyone of the stunt pulled by Slick Willie at Normandy to remember D-DAY when the asshat took a handful of rocks (amazingly the ONLY rocks on the entire beach!) and laid them out on the sand in the shape of the cross? Total theater…just like Obamas little stunt…there has GOT to be a special corner of Hell reserved for people who use our dead heros for political gain…


Amen, heros friend.

Adirondack Patriot

Joe, here are the problems.

Obama announced during his campaign that Afghanistan was, in so many words, “The Good War.” He then announced his strategy for Afghanistan in February.

It is now 9 months into his presidency and we learn that he doesn’t know what our strategy in Afghanistan is.

The top General who he appointed has requested 40,000 more troops to will carry out his February plan. To date, Obama has spent more time and energy arranging a beer meeting in the Rose Garden with a crazy Harvard Professor and a Cambridge police officer than he has with meeting his military leaders in Afghanistan on how to win the war.

See the Dover the affair for what it was. Make no mistake: Showing up at midnight at Dover with a photographer was all about Obama, not about the fallen soldiers.


Can you honestly say this was not for political expediency?

If so, stop drinking the kool-aid or get back under your rock because you and it are peas in a pod stoopid.


I think A Hero’s Friend nailed it. I’d bet that Slick called him up and told him that this was his best bet, cuz he wasn’t going to Berlin, and Normandy was out of season now. So, get on AF1 with all the photogs you can find and get your skinny butt up to Dover, the fevered minds will lap it up, 0.


I can take it from the Generals and respect their opinion. But who really gives a $hit about what John Boehner (who never wore the uniform)has to say. I’m tired of political commentary from those who never served. I resented Boehner coming to tears on the House floor over the Iraq surge — so fake. Listen to the vets not the pols.

Amazing stuff here

Jonn said “Oh, yeah, Joe, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is much more important than laptops for disabled troops. Every soldier I’ve talked to is concerned about their religious freedom. And you think that’s supporting our troops?”

Laptops for disabled troops? Really? Jonn ever heard of Chapter 31 VocRehab? I got the laptop I’m using now, plus a printer, a cell phone, and palm pilot from chapter 31.

Maybe there are many organizations that can be more important than both this Religious Freedom Organization and Laptop for Troops?

This is the biggest problem with conservatives and liberals. You people see things as black and white….open your minds alittle.