Navy Recruit: Pop Positive for Weed? No Problem!

| February 9, 2024

Navy Now Forgiving Recruits’ Prior Marijuana Use as It Looks to Cut More Losses at Boot Camp | By Konstantin Toropin

The Navy is no longer immediately kicking out recruits who arrive at boot camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois, with detectable amounts of marijuana in their system.

The service has expanded the authority to grant waivers for any recruits who initially test positive for THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, Rear Adm. James Waters, the director of the Navy’s military personnel plans and policy division, told a group of reporters Thursday.

“If they fail that test and own up — ‘Yes, I smoke marijuana ‘– we do an evaluation of the young person to make sure there’s not something else going on,” Waters said. “But we trust that through the process of boot camp that we have an opportunity to bring them along with our culture.”
The move joins a host of other recent changes that the Navy has put in place to help reduce the number of sailors who drop out of boot camp and are unable to continue on in their military career. The result is that the current dropout rate in boot camp is around 10% — one of the lowest in recent history.

I am filled with confidence in my Navy adhering to rigorous standards when filling the ranks with new recruits. There is no place for physically unfit, poorly educated criminals- unless they are of the Protected Classes. Odd that these demographics are staying out of Recruiting Offices in droves. But so is everyone else- wonder why that is?

Category: Navy, The Stupid is Strong

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Green Thumb

How hard is it to quit smoking 30 days prior?

If they cannot do that, imagine what else they are not going to be able to do…

Get ready!


In most cases it takes longer than 30 days for these guys that smoke every day

Green Thumb

Make it 60 and add some daily PT at the local gym.


Especially if they have more body fat.
Women generaly take longer than men for just that reason

Green Thumb


Ain’t rocket science.

Quit smoking 60 days, exercise ans you will be OK.

Green Thumb

Almost sounds like you are making an excuse.

Just an observation.


I seem to remember it being a much shorter time period, when I went through pee-narc school.

Something closer to 3 days than 30.


I blame the recruiters: not pushing a gallon of cranberry juice down the kids throat the night prior to shipping.

I do not speak from personal experience.

Hack Stone

I thought it was vinegar was that was the magic slicer.


Hey Hack I read your post last week – Did you recruit in the NW Arkansas area? I know we had one Marine Station commander relieved for cause and was wondering if we were in the same dirt.

Hack Stone

Negative, this was the Midwest, close to the border of Canada. Hack Stone was the first line of defense in repelling the Canuck Horde.

Hack Stone

Slicer? What the hell is slicer? That should read Magic Elixir.


Seems like the proprietor of Hack Stone Publishing may have indulged prior to publishing this post. 🤣


They retest when they get to Basic or at least they did in the early 2000’s – The flush would only work to get past the MEPs shipping team.


I had some hot ones about to turn into cranberries with as much fluid I pushed on them. On the streets recruiting 08-11, never had one wash out




That was the thing back in the late 80’s when ‘Ret enlisted.
(uhh that was the rumor anyway…)

Mike B

Then you have an Army SNCO accused of being a Meth dealer or smuggler. Then to top if off he charged strippers to his Government Charge Card.

USAF Retired

Hack Stone

Not his fault. All of the Amway and Herbalife franchises were already taken.

Mike B

Oh Hell, we had an Aircrew member that was a Mary Kay rep…..Just saying!

USAF Retired

Green Thumb

I like this guy.

Why is he (SGM Jorge E. Garcia) not recruiting?

He seems to have what it takes to target the “new” recruiting population.


Jeez! Meanwhile, I was threatened with pain and death for being on the GTCC hit list because Admin was dicking the dog on processing my travel claim/rental car from a PME school.

Mike B

Know that feeling all too well!

Travel Pay was behind and I owed $1,200.00 on my GTC, and split disbursement was mandatory.

But my Commander wasn’t happy with that, so I had to call BOA and make an over the phone payment in front of him.

A week later, I’m back in front of him, for the same thing. Made a call in front of him to find out what the problem was. Turns out they fat fingered either the routing number or account number. So they fixed it, money came out of my account, then 1 day later my travel voucher paid out, go figure!

Told him that I wasn’t doing split disbursement on this months voucher, as I was prepaid now.

USAF Retired

Last edited 6 months ago by Mike B

Got this feeling this E-9 is gonna be allowed to retire as a SSG or SFC. Likely will have to do some stockade time & pay a fine. Haven’t heard of an E-9 getting the big chicken dinner or duck dinner in quite a while.


Look up the CSM of Kosovo a few months back!


Yep, forgot about that guy. Thx.

Hack Stone

Did Sergeant Major of The Army McKinney do any time behind bars? That would be Big Army, not his issue with HOV Lane fiasco in Arlington Virginia.

Green Thumb

I remember that loser.

I know one of the prosecutors who was on the case.


I knew one of his temporary replacements as SMA when he was yet a Company 1SG.


I believe just pre-trial confinement. You probably know this, but as a retired MSG, he’s still collecting the retirement of a SMA E-10 retirement. Under the old rules before changes to DoD policy in the late 90s, as long as a demoted servicemember retires honorably, they collect at their highest pay-grade held.

Green Thumb

I have seen a few dropped to E-8 and retired on the spot.


Just opens the door to allow the retention/recall of Naval Ossifers that popped hot for Bolivian Marching Powder.

Hack Stone

The dancers at The MPire Club will be breaking out into applause as Hunter sweeps a dancer off of her feet and carries her into the Champagne as Up Where We Belong blasts from the DJ Booth.


Damn dude, how high ARE you? Did you mean “Champagne Room?”🤣

Green Thumb

The Stoplight Lounge.

Hack Stone

Freudian slip? Hard to tell with Hack.


Hey, like…
comment image

Hack Stone

Looks like Ensign Biden is ready to lead the troops in mornng PT.

Hack Stone

Morning PT. Hack Stone caught a case of the dyslexia.

Hack Stone

So, Hunter Biden can go back into the Navy?


Sure, If you need ideas for a care package ideas; copper scouring pads, short lengths of glass piping and lighters come to mind. These can be hard to find in a combat zone.


mess hall MKT, stove (M56)


Don’t need a whole stove, just something like:
7310-01-113-9172 Burner Unit, Model 2A, w/Safety Device, 55,000 BTU/HR


Baking soda too, can’t rock up without it!


Yeah, these are just the sort of Sailors that we want out in the Fleet as Naval Aircrewmen, maintaining aircraft, and working on the flight deck.

What could possibly go wrong.


Within 5 years you’ll see weed sold in the exchange. Warm bodies is all the military wants. It’s as if they are trying to discourage quality recruits and pandering to the lowest common denominator. I guess the military has to reflect the population and we are not a very impressive lot anymore. Next group targeted to serve is going to be the wave of illegal immigrants. I can see the commercials in Spanish promising citizenship in exchange for enlisting.


Rome tried that and look what happened.


Didn’t say it was a good idea but it’s coming soon.


Do you want to know more?
comment image

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

Is that “soldier” from the Furry Battalion of the Mobile Infantry? I suppose our new woke Army will also have an Immobile Infantry; perhaps, they will be in armed wheelchairs.


Well, hey, they’ve got to be more inclusive than the coed shower scene in Starship Troopers the movie these days. /sarc

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

That reminds me…didn’t a certain disbarred shyster accuse Jonn of doing a drive-by from his wheelchair? 🤣

Hack Stone

The gold old days of death threats and IEC’s (Improvised Explosive coconuts). The only thing missing is a Flaming Squirrel.


Make 1970s military base & ship riots great again?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The BLT Marines coming back to the LPH 3 used to get off of the helos and toss bricks of Mary Jane into the rubber lifeboat cages on the edge of the flight deck. Sailors on the bridge were under the influence while operating the ship. This info I got from a former shipmate I left the ship in Nov 1966 and she left Norfolk in 1967 to the west coast and south east Asia.


So, Hunter Biden’s chances of getting back in the Navy are improving…


If the former-dumbass stays clean, refraining from weed in service, I say “bravo” and keep him.

Plenty of folks leave ass-hattery behind when enlisting. I was promised in OSUT I would be judged from day one, only forward from that point, as long as I fessed up if asked about prior ass-hattery. And in practical terms, no one asked if you were even half squared away.

Two folks over in 2nd platoon were convicted felons. (Serious shit. Serious hard time.) They turned out to be good soldiers, if a tad old-school in resolving trainee discipline issues.

We in 3rd Herd had the habitual drunkard, and a crazy. Drunk sobered up last minute, enough to graduate. Crazy got flushed.

I wasn’t exactly prime material coming in (not hardly) but turned my ass around with big time assist from two top-notch drill sergeants who cut me zero unearned slack, yet gave me several opportunities to un-eff my self.

Judge from day one, not minus one. If they relapse, kick them out for breaking the rules. If not, congratulate them on growing up and succeeding.

AT1 ret

who else is not in the recruiting office? The recruiters…lazy no phone call returing can’t lift a finger

Hack Stone

The kids have caller ID these days, easier to dodge calls from the Recruiters.

True story, Hack Stone was on Recruiting Duty smiling and dialing a phone list that was beat into the ground. The numbers on this list had to have been called a thousand times by the time hack got the sheet. The call went like this:

Ring, ring.

The Other End (Mother): Hello.

Sergeant Stone: Hello, is Johnny home?

Mother: (Somewhat reluctantly) No.

Sergeant Stone: Do you know when Johnny will be home?

Mother: Johnny is dead. Who is this?

(Shit, shit, shit)

Sergeant Stone: This is sergeant (Air Force Recruiter).

Then Hack hung up.

Skivvy Stacker

Jeez. Weed was in regular use in my BEQ at Pendleton in ’77.
Asking if someone had used pot within the last 30 days would have been like asking them if they’d had a drink of water that day.
Ahem…um…not ME of course…I was positively angelic.


They might be retained, but pretty good chance any serious programs are gonna go bye-bye, like nuke, SEAL, AEF, etc.