Joe Biden will not be prosecuted for retaining classified documents

| February 9, 2024

Robert Hur, Special Counsel, will not prosecute Joe Biden despite stating that Biden retained and disclosed classified materials after the end of his vice presidency. According to Hur, the evidence does not meet the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard and that Biden would come across as a sympathetic elder man with poor memory. Joe Biden’s memory was apparently limited during the interviews related to the classified documents investigation.

From the Post Millennial:

“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” the report said, according to a 388-page long US Department of Justice release from Thursday.

Hur added that the evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt” and cites factors relating to Biden’s memory in particular.

Biden’s memory, Hur’s report claimed, “was significantly limited” during his 2023 interviews with the special counsel.

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report from Hur stated. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

In one point of the report, Hur documents a conversation that Biden had with a ghost writer, Mark Zwonitzer, to work on a memoir about his time in office. Reporting this as part of the case, Hur wrote that “Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations — both at the time he spoke to Zwonitzer in 2017, as evidenced by their recorded conversations, and today, as evidenced by his recorded interview with our office.”

The Post Millennial provides additional information here.

Category: Government Incompetence, Joe BIden

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Is anybody really surprised? Show of hands if you are.

FJB and all his ilk.


I am. Bither, the president of Albania didn’t do anything wrong and how dare the special counsel even imply that. When I say my rosary every night (to whom… I forget) I pray for him, you know, the guy.


I’m not surprised at the outcome, it’s exactly what I expected, no prosecution. The big question was how prosecution would be avoided.

Slow Joe

I can’t wait for the debates!


Will they glue FJB’s feet to the stage before he either wanders off or gives Trump the corn pop treatment?


Yes, there are two systems of justice in America and many are above the law.


Laws exist to punish Democrats’ enemies.


FJB 24/7


No…he IS stupid and does have dementia.


You misspelt Madcow.


Yup. Dude was operating at a deficit before his brain turned into Cream of Wheat.


Are you talking about Joe or Madcow?


Don’t do that. I like cream of wheat on occasion. I will never look at another serving and not think of joe.


Ok, how about Malt-o-Meal? It’s good stuff, Maynard!


Do they even still make that?


Says it all


Cannot be stated enough:


They have already sent more money than the entire budget of the Marine Corps to the Ukraine and wanted to double down for border security?

Hack Stone

More fake news! Joe Biden gave each family who suffered a loss in the fires that wiped out Maui $700. With $700 in Hawaii you can purchase a medium sized bag of Macadamia Nuts.


If it isn’t on CNN, MSNBC, CBS or ABC it didn’t happen and must be Russian disinformation.


Those evil Russkies tricked Biden’s staff into letting him that press conference, you know…

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

The evil Rooskies with an assist from Tucker Carlson.


(Tucker Carlson to Vlad Putin)
Q- Who bombed the pipeline?
A- You did.
Q- Sorry, I was busy that day and can account for my whereabouts.


Nice touch saying the Poles started World War II by being unreasonable toward Germany, Vlad.
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But not the chocolate covered ones.


At last night’s speech/impromptu presser, stammering, forgetful angry grandpa made an appearance.

The thing is 12 minutes long. I’d say ‘enjoy’ but this grievously rotten vestigial appendage is the face of these US of A now.

I hope the enablers of the Most Foul Election of All Times® are happy.

You did this (video):

(also, on youtube the default is to have formerly ‘live’ videos in the ‘latest’ tab. This wasn’t the case here. I’d say it may just disappear but I won’t want the letter agencies to label me a ‘CoMsPrEeeeeY tHer-WrIsT’. At your discretion, down vote this vid to save the Republic. Remember when YT comments were open for public comments on government-owned videos, because that’s the Framers’ Intent?)

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog

So, by saying Biden is too weak or forgetful that he won’t be facing charges, are they actually saying Trump, being nearly as old as Biden, still has enough of his faculties about him to continue facing charges?

Pretty tough pill for the Democrats to swallow to admit their guy is toast.

Pass the popcorn please.


Hur said Biden kept documents to prove he was right about Afghanistan… as if the Bob Woodward book Obama’s Wars didn’t make him look good enough.


Plus stuff on Ukraine and China, folk with whom Hunter had lots of business:

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Bobulinski (Hunter’s former biz buddy) testifies to that:

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

But Trump should get in trouble because he could retain the documents he kept secured and people informed about? I’m confused.


If he had just kept them safely in his garage or an office that he never went to for years that would have been so much more responsible.

Hack Stone

That anyone can just stroll into at will with cameras and cellphones, no less.


The garage was securely locked. Very few crack heads went in there. He only shared the documents with China, after asking Miley, who said it was ok.


The box in Joe’s garage next to the corvette was accessible to Hunter’s ChiCom spy personal assistant. She could have copied everything in that box while Hunter was passed out from a crack binge. There is video of her and Hunter driving out of the driveway in Joe’s Corvette.


We’re they jamming in Joe’s garage?


Depends if there was a Stratocaster with a whammy bar 🎸


Or a dodge with a dented fender.


She brought the K-Y.


That video has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation and a Chinese wet dream.


Like on his desk?


Joey won’t be on the Dem ticket come November. Question is, who will be?


None of the above.


Is that the same guy who won against ‘Nikki’ in Nevada’s repulsivecan primary?

I don’t know anything about’m, but he’ll have my vote… presuming that’ll be a thing in November.


None of the above gave Haley a spanking.


Whomever is appointed by the Presidium of the Supreme Demosovietkrat, and you will like it Comrade


Bernie Sanders.


Biden will be taken off the ticket. Trump won’t be “available” to finish the election cycle. “Michael” will be trotted out “to heal the country of division”, and will be installed. Harris will either continue as VP or be retired to some special “czar” position, like Kerry, to keep her in on the grift.


“Big Mike” for the win. Said that meself a good while back. Surprised it hasn’t already happened.

Again…sadly comical that some think we will (((vote))) our way out of this mess. We damn sure didn’t (((vote))) our way into it.

And…once again…You better…Prepare


F*ck that tranny… on second though, Hell no.


Coming soon:
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Coming soon…

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USMC Steve

Unfortunately, it needs to happen. Far past time to cull the herd.


That would be amusing, but if she won…hoo boy. It’s too scary to contemplate.


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Hack Stone

Just surprised that he did state that “No reasonable prosecutor would pursue charges.”

So, he is mentally incompetent to stand trial for mishandling classified documents, but he possesses the mental acuity to lead the country. Do we have that right?


Barring political persecutions such as Trump, Prosecutors don’t prosecute when they know they can’t win. It’s a waste of limited resources. He believed that the show he put on during questioning would have convinced a jury that it wasn’t his fault.

Hack Stone

So he is not mentally competent…


I’ve been writing that very thing on this site for the last three years…

Last night removed all doubt.
Aggressive and angry response to questions about competence is a perfectly in line with Alzheimers and dementia and even expected.
In the speech to tell us about how great his memory and on top of things he is:
Constantly slurred his speech.
Forgot which lady he says his prayers to every day on the Rosary.
Mixed up Egypt and Mexico.
Stated that the report didn’t say he willfully kept the documents (it did)
Couldn’t remember how the boxes ended up in his garage
etc, etc

In the last six months he has talked to at least three people who have been dead for years. Which is another huge dementia/ Alzheimers clue. The thing is that now 75% of American’s believe it as well. The rest are either lying or have it themselves.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC
Army-Air Force Guy

I think the Mexico taking the Gaza refugees thing was a Freudian slip. They’ll come to Mexico, then head north to Texas.


Won’t stay there; Texas minimum wage too low compared to elsewhere, too.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
USMC Steve

The problem with that is that most socialist democrats are still fine with voting for that fool if their party overlords tell them to do so.


Wasn’t that similar to the reason Hillary got a pass on her blatant violations of the laws governing the mishandling of classified documents: No prosecutor would charge her cuz no jury would convict her.

Old tanker

So according to the “logic” displayed above, a drug dealer in his home, found to have 2 lbs of fentanyl in a cupboard but has no memory of it cannot be prosecuted…


One of the side effects of Fentanyl is that clears all memory.


So, he’s not mentally competent to be charged now, was he also not mentally competent when he stole/retained/shared/hid/lied about the files? Was he also mentally incompetent when questions about these documents were raised? Was he mentally competent when he gave Iran billions? Was he mentally competent when he signed all those executive orders? When, exactly, did he cross the threshold of no longer being mentally competent?

Because he is mentally competent, according to the loonie lefties to be President and run for another 4-year term, these questions need to be answered. I’d settle for them to be asked at this point.


That’s exactly what I said last night!



Prior Service

He should be charged. But won’t. Regardless, when we get far enough away from this partisan, bipolar era, honest and objective historians will write an accurate history which will describe him as the abject failure he is. It’ll be called “The Decline and Fall of America.”

As a history guy, I take some small comfort in this.

Green Thumb

Double standard for sure, but that memory part may come back to bite him in the ass…


When it does, he won’t remember it. So he’s got that going for him. Which is nice.


“The fates of criminals differ. One gets the cross, another the crown, for the same misdemeanors.” ~Juvenal. Satire XIII~


This report is a feature, not a bug as the Democrat plans go. This report, among other things, will be used to replace Biden on the General Election ballot AFTER the primaries are finished. I believe the Democrat party has their candidate ready to install and they will do so at the convention; the will of the primary voters be damned.


Agreed. They’ve already proven that they’ll manufacture how ever many votes are needed to “win” the general election


That is, after all, why the Democrats invented the “superdelegate” way back when. The Party (apparatchiks) knows best.







A Proud Infidel®™

Mmmmyeah, I STOLE THAT without hesitation or shame!!! 😁😁😁😁



A Proud Infidel®️™️

To me it’s just further proof of what a WHOREHOUSE our so-called Justice System has become.

Hack Stone

Until last evening, Hack Stone never knew that Mexico shared a border with Israel/ Gaza Strip.


I will point out that if El-Sisi were in charge of our Mexican border we would have a lot fewer problems with it.


I liked the part where he said Beaus death was nobodies damn business. Then why the hell does he proselytize it whenever he is near military members or a family that has lost a service member, if it is so personal.


Yes, he likes to make it our business by lying about it. But he does now have at least 20% of the citizens that Beau died in combat in Iraq.


Were he most people I would give him a pass on the Beau Biden stuff. The problem is that he name drops Beau everywhere he goes and he is using it as a political tool for sympathy. Therefore he is accountable.

Dennis - not chevy

The voir-dire forms have a line for off-springs and their occupations; I always enter one daughter, occupation deceased. Someone asks if she was a victim of a crime similar to the one before the bench; the answer is always no and so me move along to the next juror.

Will someone tell Biden to move move along, join a survivors group, or get therapy. His obsession is not healthy and makes me wonder if he is depressed.


First- VERY sorry for your loss. I can’t even begin to understand the pain of losing a child.

I don’t think he wants to get rid of the obsession. As 5JC said above, he does got political reasons.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m absolutely certain that Joe Biden will use his Son Beau’s death for political gain every chance he gets, remember the pics of Joe with his Sons in hospital beds after the wreck?

Forest Bondurant

I take a knee over your loss as well.


Yeah, the Republic is toast. No matter who wins in November, we’re screwed. The decay was there before Trump, and it outlasted him. It will do so again.


If some poor E3/E4 did it, they’d go to jail.

Same with hillery’s servers.

As soon as he got to the podium last night, it was “Trump”,,, “Mexico”,,,, “Beau”,,, and then yell at the reporters!


An E-6 DID spend a couple years in Club Fed. His crime? Couple of pics of the Engine Room on an SSN.


Jus’ sayin’

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Amateur Historian

“beyond a reasonable doubt” standard?? What the hell is that?! Isn’t that something for a jury to worry about, not the prosecutor?!?!



Army-Air Force Guy

The former Obama minions, taking their marching orders from him, quietly running around in the background.

Hack Stone

If you missed Joe Biden’s appearance last night, here is the highlight.




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Fact check this one…TRUE!
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Like it or not,
Trump is now LIVE at the NRA Convention event
at the Farm Show in Harrisburg, PA
LYING about classified documents.

Last edited 7 months ago by MarineDad61

IMHO, BOTH should have been charged.
But now Biden gets away with it.

I am not the only veteran here,
who handled classified documents, equipments,
and keying material,
some of it at or above Top Secret, including SCI.

And we ALL know,
that none of us would have gotten away with only a small fraction
of what either Biden or Trump pulled.

Leavenworth for you and me.

Now, Trump should (also) slide.

Last edited 7 months ago by MarineDad61

I still hold a TS SCI. I’d be fired and jailed for what Hillary, Joe, and Trump did. Trump at least had declassification authority. But if you let two skate, everyone skates.


The difference between the 3 you listed is only 1 of the 3 had the legal ability to declassifiy documents.


Plus, the President’s power to declassify any document is absolute.

Last edited 7 months ago by MarineDad61

The ABA is controlled by D-rat Prog lawers. The article you cited doesn’t prove anything other than your TDS.


Keep in mind also, but the mara lago raid happened about the time he made the quip about “we got em, we got em all”.

They didn’t care that he had documents in his house, it was just a convenient way to cover up what they were searching for IMHO. They were, and still are, looking to see what’s going to burn their asses.

Hillary with home brew server in her closet? No problem.

Documents sharing garage space with a car, barely protected from the elements or prying eyes, let alone the possibility the garage could catch fire. Again, no problem.

Documents carelessly strewn about an over valued 18m dollar (according to a judicial real estate expert) beach house is completely unacceptable.


They seized 13,000 documents of which 100 were classified. What happened to the other 12,900? Why were they taken?


What they really wanted were all the docs proving everyone who participated in the Russia Russia hoax. They still want them concealed from the public.


I did mention that.


Oh Joe, you silly old man.




Where is the gate located? It is on my “go see it” bucket list.


Hur was discretely saying Biden is not competent to stand trial.


By the logic that Hur is using, wouldn’t that mean even frail old former Nazi officials who had made it to ripe old ages also not be considered competent to stand trial? Advanced age and all. Some of those guys were given life sentences who were already into their 80s.

I wonder if they put Joe on the stand if he too would blurt out “I was just following orders”. Especially if he dropped a couple names. It would then be all explained away that he is suffering from dementia. By the same people who even today say he doesn’t have that affliction.


Many Nazis convicted in the late 1940s by the West were granted early release from prisons before the early 1950s, due to bad health if not old age, and some were only in their 50s and 60s.

Russia kept almost everyone for a minimum of 10 years, and many of them at labor or hard labor.

Hess was the one the West kept indefinitely for his life sentence, and Hess had the bad luck of surviving into (very) old age.


Dire Straights wrote this song about him in the 80s. If it were released today they would probably accuse them of being Nazis.


So….Biden isn’t mentally fit enough to stand trial for his offences, but he IS fit enough to ‘lead’ the most powerful nation on Earth??
Okay. Got it


It obviously makes sense to somebody.


Okay when Democrats do it.



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