Obama’s MoveOn proxies target Toyota

| October 27, 2009

Since Obama can’t bring himself to attack a large employer like Toyota for belonging to the Chamber of Commerce, he’s turned his pawns at MoveOn.org loose on them. On their website, they proclaim;

Toyota claims to be “green” but supports anti-climate lobbying by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Companies like Apple have quit the Chamber in protest. Now, Toyota owners are urging Toyota to stop opposing clean energy and quit the Chamber of Commerce.

I’m sure glad I don’t have an Apple to tie me to this nonsense.

As Joseph Perkins of the Washington Examiner points out, Toyota produces more energy efficient cars than any other car company, yet they find themselves in the sights of the geezers and anti-intellectuals of MoveOn.

But that’s not good enough for MoveOn.org, which is playing the energy card against Toyota simply to further the political aims its shares with Mr. Obama.

MoveOn has ordered their minions to photo themselves with the slick MoveOn-mass produced signs paid for with Soros money and they’ve responded like the good little sheep they are with a Flickr set of pictures nearly a thousand strong. I scrolled through the pictures to find a good looking person to grace my front page, but that foolish endeavor resulted in Hugh and his really bad hair piece.

Of course, these are the same buffoons that were calling for $10/gallon gasoline last year to force a non-existent “clean energy” on the country.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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On the way home tonight, I guess I’ll drive my Toyota Tundra TSS, with the 5.7 Liter V8 rompin, stompin, gas guzzler and stop by the Toyota dealership and tell them to ignore those boot lickers.

Frankly Opinionated

Guess that I will check on what it costs for a year in the US Chamber of Commerce. Never felt that I needed it, but if they are the target of the “other side, (or is that “Far Side”?), I will get in step with them. Just nearly, it is “Anyone that barack HIMSELF obummer don’t like, is my friend.”.
What a sorry administration!
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


Jonn, you subjected yourself to this torture? It must have taken a whole lot of Irish or Scotch disinfectant to get it out of your head afterwards. Like Frankly Opinionated, I may have to look into joining the chamber, just to make a statement.
Glad I never saw my way clear to even try out a Mac. Or Ipod. And, I agree, nice rug, Hugh.


America needs to move forward – one group continuously stands in the way. It’s time for MoveOn to Move Over! The group turned 11 this year, and has repeatedly been the source that drives American politics into the gutter. Stop embarrassing our nation, and move on. http://www.friendsoftheuschamber.com/moveover/


“Green energy”, what a buncha bovine feces! There’s nothing around the corner to replace the combustion engine and the hybrid cars rely on toxic as all hell batteries made up of not too common metals like lithium ion… And the Chi-coms are buying up the sources for these wonder batteries like gang busters.